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Insight into Listeria Monocytogenes Phagocytic Strategies

Dr. Carmen Alvarez-Dominguez's research at the Hospital Santa Cruz de Liencres in Spain focuses on Listeria's innate immunity using innate and adaptive strategies, cellular proteins, and receptors for effective phagocytic killing. The study examines cellular and bacterial proteins, phagosome formation, and Rab regulation for efficient bacterial clearance.

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Insight into Listeria Monocytogenes Phagocytic Strategies

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  1. Listeria monocytogenes phagocytic strategies. Dr. Carmen Alvarez-Dominguez. Immunology Dpt. Hospital Santa Cruz de Liencres-IFIMAV/IES Zapatón. Cantabria. SPAIN.

  2. LISTERIA INNATE IMMUNITY **INNATEADAPTIVE (1.b.) IL-10 Th2 (1.a.) R2 (3.) Listeria Lysosome Ag presentation Y Phagosome IL-4 R1 Y T-Naive Th1 Co-stimulatory molecules Phagocyte (2.) IFN- IL-12, IL-18 (3.) • **INNATE • Cellular & bacterial proteins • Receptors • **Intracellular killing (Oxidative/Non-oxidative) • Cytosolic surveillance system (NOD-like receptors) • Cellular participants (MØs, PMNs, DC, other) • Additional participants (i.e., cytokines, Ag presentation) • STUDIES: • Cellular & bacterial proteins • Rab5, Ctsd, Limp-2/GAPDH, LLO • Cellular participants: MØs • Additional participants: cytokines

  3. Bacterium Phagosome Rab5?? Chlamydia Coxiella Helicobacter Rab4,11 Rab5 Rab7 Listeria Shigella Salmonella Mycobacterium Phago-lysosome Rab9 Rab9 modified- phagosome Rab6 Brucella Legionella GOLGI ER PHAGOCYTIC STRATEGIES • Stages: • Rabs involved: • *Rab5-> early timing • Rab4-> slow recycling • Rab11-> fast recycling • Rab7-> Le/Lyso transport - Phagosome formation (1) 1 - Modified phagosome (2) - Phago-Lysosome (3) • Secretory route (4) • Autophagosome (5) 2 - Cytosol (6) 3 4 6 5

  4. Cytosol Effector Membrane GAP GDI Rab-GDP GDI GEF Rab-GDP Rab-GTP Rab-GTP GDF Rab cycle Vps9 AQ AS Rab5a:Q79L(AQ) -> GTP always active Rab5a:S34N(AS) -> GDP blocked Vps9-> GDP/GTP exchange factor (GEF) GAP->GTP hydrolysis


  6. GAPDH Lmo 2459 Listeria PHAGOCYTIC STRATEGY Lmo 2459 (GAPDH-LM) - Blue sepharose-affinity column (binds proteins with NAD sites) - Rab5a* affinity column anti-GAPDH(N) antibody

  7. Listeria PHAGOCYTIC STRATEGY - GAPDH-LM is a Listeria virulence factor able to inactivate Rab5a: -binds to N-terminal -ADP-ribosylates Rab5a * *********************.**.** ******..***************** *** GAPDH-LM 1 MTVKVGINGFGRIGRLAFRRIQNVEGIEVVAINDLTDAKMLAHLLKYDTTQGRFDGEVEV 60 GAPDH-SP 1 mvvkvgingfgrigrlafrriqniegvevtrindltdpnmlahllkydttqgrfdgtvev 60 .* * ***. .** *.*.**.. *. **.**** ****. . ** *. . ******* GAPDH-LM 61 HDGFFKVNGKEVKVLANRNPEELPWGDLGVDIVLECTGFFTAQDKAELHIKA-GAKKVVI 119 GAPDH-SP 61 keggfevngnfikvsaerdpenidwatdgveivleatgffakkeaaekhlhtngakkvvi 120 .**. *.**.*.* **. *********************** * * **. ******** GAPDH-LM 120 SAPATGDMKTIVYNVNHETLDGTETVISGASCTTNCLAPMAKVLEDKFGVVEGLMTTIHA 179 GAPDH-SP 121 tapggndvktvvfntnhdildgtetvisgascttnclapmakalhdafgiqkglmttiha 180 ***** **.** ** *****.* **.**.******** *.* *.************** GAPDH-LM 180 YTGDQNTLDAPHPKGDFRRARAAAENIIPNTTGAAKAIGEVLPTLKGKLDGAAQRVPVPT 239 GAPDH-SP 181 ytgdqmildgphrggdlrraragaanivpnstgaakaiglvipelngkldgaaqrvpvpt 240 **.**** ***.*.***.**** ***. ..**** * .***** *...***** ***** GAPDH-LM 240 GSLTELVTVLDKKVTVDEVNAAMEAASDPETFGYTSDQVVSSDIKGMTFGSLFDETQTKV 299 GAPDH-SP 241 gsvtelvvtldknvsvdeinaamkaasn-dsfgytedpivssdivgvsygslfdatqtkv 299 . * **** *.************************ GAPDH-LM 300 LTVGDQQLVKTVAWYDNEMSYTAQLVRTLEYFAKIAK 336 GAPDH-SP 300 mevdgsqlvkvvswydnemsytaqlvrtleyfakiak 336

  8. Listeria PHAGOCYTIC STRATEGY - GAPDH-LM is a virulence factor that binds to Rab5a: -binding to N-terminal [Ab anti-GADPH(N)]

  9. Listeria PHAGOCYTIC STRATEGY • ADP-ribosylation of Rab5a by GAPDH-LM: • Rab5ADPr is retained in Phgs - GDI does not remove Rab5ADPr – Rab5ADPr GDP/GTP is lower Rab5ADPr by GAPDH-LM: -retained Rab5GDP on PhgsGDI cannot remove it due to low abinding - block GDP/GTP exchange by interfering with GEF binding.

  10. INTRACELLULAR KILLING: oxidative gp91 gp91 gp22 gp22 * rac2 rac2 p67 p67 p47 Rab5-GTP p47 O2- Active Inactive • MECHANISMS: • phox (Rab5a/Rac2) • iNOS IFN-g PHOX

  11. Oxidative listericidal mechanisms in phagosomes are regulated by Rab5GTP - phox activation - ROI production. Rab5 inhibition CFU: 16 32 1 4 Rab5-overexpression Rab5aGTP acts before Rac2GTP (Prada-Delgado et al., 2001, JBC 276:19059-67 ) CFU 12 1 30 9

  12. INTRACELLULAR KILLING: Non-oxidative • lysosomal proteins • pH • anti-microbial peptides • - Neutralizing antibodies

  13. INTRACELLULAR KILLING: Non-oxidative 1.- pH-> Not involved in Listeria degradation - Listeria phagosomes -> pH 5.0 2.- Are lysosomal proteases involved in Listeria killing? - activation of lysosomal proteases as Ctsd blocked Listeria growth . Ceramide production: ASMase-/- . IFN-g signalling -/- +/+ -/- +/+ (Prada-Delgado et al., 2001, JBC 276:19059-67 ) (Uttermöhlen et al.,2003, J. Immunol. 170: 2621-2628)

  14. Ctsd INTRACELLULAR KILLING: Non-oxidative 3.- are catepsins listericidal components? Restrictive cells: MØs Permisive cells: CHO . Ctsd activation Listeria killing . Inhibition of catepsin activity blocks Listeria killing (Prada-Delgado et al., 2005, Traffic 6:252-265)

  15. INTRACELLULAR KILLING: Non-oxidative - Ctsd is a relevant listericidal agent in MØs involved in innate immunity • Ctsd cleavage site in LLO is localized between WW of TACYs undecapeptide WEWWR (Del Cerro-Vadillo et al., 2006, J. Immunol. 176:1321-1325; Madrazo-Toca et al. , 2009, Mol Microbiol 72 :668 -682)

  16. %CFU(0): 31 100 98 50 %CFU(8):0,2 0,5 98 4,9 INTRACELLULAR KILLING: Non-oxidative • Ctsd enzymatic activity in TACYS • intracellular toxin: LLO (1-cleavage site) • extracellular toxin: PLY (2-cleavage sites) • blocks biological function: binding to membranes • PLY-->plasmatic membrane • LLO-->phagosomes • Immune features of LLO site: W491W492 • binding to Phgs + Ctsd cleavage site • W491: Phg binding, Ctsd sensitivity, immune advantage • W492: pore formation/cytotoxicity • W491W492: Phg sensor to produce >> or << LLO

  17. INTRACELLULAR KILLING: Non-oxidative

  18. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • Servicio de Inmunología. Hospital Santa Cruz de Liencres (HUMV)-IFIMAV/IES Zapatón. Cantabria. • CURRENT MEMBERS: • Lorena Fernadez-Prieto (Predoc-student) • Carlos Carranza-Cereceda (Predoc-student) • Estela Rodriguez-Del Rio (Student) • PREVIOUS MEMBERS: • Fidel Madrazo-Toca (Postdoctoral-fellow) • Elida Del Cerro-Vadillo (Student) • COLABORATORS: • *Eugenio Carrasco Marín (Santander. Spain) • M. Lopez-Fanárraga (Santander. Spain) • R. Tobes/E. Pareja (Granada. Spain) • J. Vandekerckhove (Ghent. Belgium) • J.R. de los Toyos (Asturias. Spain) • P. Saftig (Kiel. Germany) • D. Portnoy/J.A. Melton (CA. USA) • M. Roberts (Boston. USA)/H. Goldfine (PA. USA) • M. Mitsuyama (Japan) Bye! Bye!

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