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Compiler Design 15. ANTLR, ANTLRWorks Lexer and Parser Generator

Kanat Bolazar March 11, 2010. Compiler Design 15. ANTLR, ANTLRWorks Lexer and Parser Generator. ANTLR. ANTLR is a popular lexer and parser generator in Java. It allows LL(*) grammars, does top-down parsing. Similarities with LL(1) grammar: Does top-down parsing

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Compiler Design 15. ANTLR, ANTLRWorks Lexer and Parser Generator

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  1. Kanat Bolazar March 11, 2010 Compiler Design15. ANTLR, ANTLRWorksLexer and Parser Generator

  2. ANTLR • ANTLR is a popular lexer and parser generator in Java. • It allows LL(*) grammars, does top-down parsing. • Similarities with LL(1) grammar: • Does top-down parsing • Grammar has to be fixed to remove left recursion • Uses lookahead tokens to decide which path to take • You can think of it as recursive-descent parsing. • Differences: • How far we can look ahead is not constrained • CommonTokenStream defines LA(k) and LT(k): • Both look ahead to k-th next token • LA(k) returns an int, the token code • LT(k) returns a Token object

  3. ANTLRWorks • ANTLRWorks is ANTLR IDE (integrated dev environ) • It has many nice features: • Automatically fills in common token definitions • Has standard IDE features like syntax highlighting • Regexp FSM (lexer machine) for tokens • Has a very nice debugger which can show: • input and output • parse tree and AST (abstract syntax tree) • call (rule) stack and events • grammar rule that is being executed • forward and backward execution • But also has some bugs in automatic features

  4. Running ANTLR: Inputs, Steps • You need three files before you run ANTLR: • a grammar file, Xyz.g (Microjava.g) • a Java test runner, Test.java • a test input file, such as sample.mj • There are three steps to running ANTLR: • antlr: Generate lexer and parser classes: • XyzLexer.java • XyzParser.java • javac: Compile these two and Test.java • XyzLexer.class, XyzParser.class • Test.class • java: Run Test with your input file • javac and java need two items in CLASSPATH: • antlrworks JAR file (antlrworks-1.3.1.jar) • current directory (.)

  5. Step 1. ANTLR • You may have an antlr executable: • antlr Xyz.g • Make sure you save a "grammar Xyz" in file Xyz.g • If you only have a JAR file instead, use: • java -jar antlr-3.2.jar Xyz.g • This creates two Java class source code files: • XyzLexer.java • XyzParser.java • By default, these files go in current directory • You can instead state where *.java should go: • antlr -o src Xyz.g • This time, *.java will appear in src directory.

  6. Step 2. Compile with javac • To lexer and parser, you need to add your runner: • Test.java • See ANTLR examples online for runner examples. • Before javac, set CLASSPATH environment var to have: • . (the current directory) • antlrworks-1.3.1.jar • In Linux/Unix, under bash, you may do: • export CLASSPATH=.:antlrworks-1.3.1.jar • Unlike this example, give full path to antlrworks JAR file. • On Windows, you may want to go to System / Environment Variables (and replace : with ; here) • Now (go under src if needed), compile everything: • javac Test.java • As Test uses other classes, everything will be compiled.

  7. Step 3. Run with java • Again, set CLASSPATH environment var as before • Go under src if needed (if you used -o option) • Run your test, give your input file: • java Test < input.txt • java Test < input.txt > output.txt • java Microjava < sample.mj • A grammar with no evaluation: • will be quiet if everything is OK • will only give syntax errors if input is not good • A grammar with output will display the output. • ANTLR doesn't allow running interactively • It buffers input and output • You can't enter 1+1 and see 2 right away • All output will be seen after EOF • (Control-Z in Windows, Control-D in Linux/Unix)

  8. ANTLRWorks, Other Java IDE • Instead of these steps, you can use ANTLRWorks. • To run under ANTLRWorks, just use its debugger. • It has ANTLR inside, and knows how to set the CLASSPATH for compiling and running. • *.java files produced by ANTLRWorks will be different, as they contain debugger commands. • To run ANTLR under a Java IDE, you may be able to define custom build rules for *.g files. • You should add the antlrworks JAR file to your project, to have ANTLR runtime libraries. • Make sure the libraries are used during both compilation and running.

  9. Next Steps • We will next see: • A demonstration of using ANTLR (three steps) • ANTLRWorks screenshots • We will also look at some grammar examples: • Calculator without evaluation • Calculator with evaluation • Calculator with AST • MicroJava lexer • Starting steps for MicroJava parser

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