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Protein and Protein Supplements. Lecture 4. Calorie = the amount heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 14.5 C to 15.5 C. Kilocalorie (Kcal) = 1000 calorie Mega Calorie (Mcal) = 1000 kcal or 1,000,000 calories.
Protein and Protein Supplements Lecture 4
Calorie = the amount heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 14.5 C to 15.5 C. Kilocalorie (Kcal) = 1000 calorie Mega Calorie (Mcal) = 1000 kcal or 1,000,000 calories. Mcal/Kg (Kcal/kg) = amount of energy supplied by 1 kg of a particular feed stuff Kg = 2.2 lbs
Review of Nutrients • Water • Carbohydrates • TDN, ME, DE, NEm and NEg and NEl (Mcal/kg. or lb.) • Proteins ( %N X 6.25) • CP, DP and By-pass protein (%) • Lipids (1 gram = 2.25 as much energy as CHO) • TDN, ME, DE, NEm and NEg and NEl (Mcal/kg. or lb.) • Minerals • Macro Ca, P Na Cl Mg K and S (%) • Micro Co, Cu,I, Fe, Mn, Se and Zn(PPM or mg/kg) • Vitamins • A, D, E, K and water soluble (B) (IU/g, ppm, or mg/kg)
Highest [ ], except water, in all living organisms and animals All cells synthesize proteins Range from vary insoluble to highly soluble. Large molecules ranging from 35,000 to several hundred thousand grams Range of function in the body: Protection Digesting (Pepsin) Metabolization of nutrients (enzymes) Stimulating growth (hormones) Defense (immunoglobulins Protein
Long chains of Amino Acids Production of proteins is regulated by genetic material in nucleus of the animals cells (DNA) Most proteins found in plants and animals comprised of 21 amino acids Source of Amino Acids must be provided. Higher animals do not have the ability to synthesize all the Amino Acids (AA) required by all tissues. Dietary source of AA must be provided for most animals Essential, Semi-essential and Non Essential. Limiting AA = needed to synthesize certain proteins Protein cont’d
Monogastrics Limiting AA depends on species and diets i.e. Lysine Methionine Tryptophan Ruminants Microbial population synthesizes microbial protein in rumen and large intestine Both essential and non essential from simple compounds such as Urea or Ammonia NH3 Must have a Nitrogen source Lysine and methionine maybe limiting in High producing Dairy cattle Monogastric versus Ruminant
Biological Value (BV) Measures the portion of dietary protein that when consumed are retained by the animal Most proteins source in feeding animals are 75-80% digestible Closer to the animals needs the higher the BV will be. By-Pass Protein (UIP) vs (DIP) Escapes degradation by microbes Improves protein efficiency on NPN sources Associative Effect Blending protein source to improve balance of AA in the diet Deamination Excess AA are absorbed and the NH2 group is removed for new AA or converted to urea and excreted in urine The remaining Carbon structure is used to generate energy. Terms of Protein Nutrition
Protein deficiency Signs Poor growth rate Reduced milk production Reduced fertility High infant death rate Subclinical - difficult to diagnose BUN or MUN values Mobilization of Protein from muscle tissue. Excess Dietary Protein Expensive to producer Loose feces Fertility? Energy Problem not Protein problem Must have adequate water Urea or Non-protein Nitrogen can cause death from toxicity in Ruminants if inadequate levels of CHO in diet Exceeds the amount of NH3 that the liver can detoxify Protein Cont’d
Energy source do supply some Protein but usually not enough to supply the total needs of the animal Usually more than 20% CP Animal Marine Plant Microbial Urea and Biuret Protein Supplements
Oil Meals • Soybean Oil Meal • Quite Palatable, highly digestible, and has a high energy value. • Methionine is the most limiting AA for Monogastrics • B vitamin content is low • Raw Soybeans have a lowered nutritive value therefore needs to be heat treated or after oil extracted.
Dehulled, solvent-extracted SBOM Higher protein levels Extruded whole Soybean Full fat 38 %CP 18% Fat 5% fiber Soy Flour Used as a partial replacement of milk proteins in milk replacers. Soy protein concentrate Food trade product 70% CP Spun into fiber – resembling meat Soybeans cont’d
Good but variable quality product Variation in processing procedures 41 % but varies between 44-48% Low in Cystine, methionine,lysine. Low in Ca and carotene Palatable in ruminants but less so in swine and poultry. Good local source Gossypol Toxicity problem for monogastrics. Two types Free gossypol (Toxic form) Bound Cottonseed meal- (CSM)
CSM and Gossypol • Two types of extractions • Prepress solvent highest bound type • Screw press highest level of Free gossypol • Monogastrics - levels • 40,80,100 ppm are not a problem for layer, broilers and swine, respectively. • Toxicity problems can be reduced by addition of iron salts such as Ferrous sulfate.
CSM and Ruminants • Might be inactivated by rumen microbes • >24g/day of free gossypol in high producing cows resulted in: • Reduced blood hemoglobin • Erythrocyte fragility • Total protein of plasma • Elevated respiration rates • Feeding large amounts of whole cottonseed with CSM needs close attention.
Sunflower Meal Protein 50% Relatively high fiber Grown in cooler and drier climates Better for ruminants than monogastrics from fiber standpoint Linseed meal Flax seed CP is relatively low in comparison. (35%) Deficient in lysine High in Selenium High fiber poor AA distribution and laxative effect makes it poor product for poultry Other Oil Meals
1% of corn crop used to manufacture beer and liquors Distillers Dry grains Different names depending on the grain used High fiber very palatable 27-29% CP Energy value is medium to high Lysine appears to be the most limiting AA Fiber levels 18-19% High by pass protein Used in dairy rations Distillers or Brewery Products
Meat meal Meat and Bone meal Meat and Bone Tankage Difference is meal can not contain blood. Differentiated by P content Tankage is standardized by the addition of dried blood meal. 81-87% digestible protein Limiting AA’s are lysine, methionine, and threonine in swine. Protein quality is lower than fish meals or SBOM. Protein from Animal Origin
Two types Fish Meal Fish caught for meal Fish Residue meal Fish residue after processing High in digestible Protein High in essential AA Flavor maybe objectionable if fed in large amounts Not digested in Rumen – by pass protein source. Marine protein sources Kcal/kg
Algae – potential Protein source 10 times as much protein per unit of land as soybeans 50% protein Low fiber content Fresh water algae Low Biological value of protein Yeast Brewers dried yeast Grain distillers dried yeast 40% CP High in most Vit B’s Bacterial SCP Brewers SCP Rayprotm Paper pulp milling by product 50% CP 10-13% fat Single Cell Proteins-SCP
Non Protein Nitrogen- NPN • Any compound that contains nitrogen but are not present in the polypeptide form of protein • Organic NPN include • Ammonia NH3 • Urea • Amides amines amino acids, and some peptides • Inorganic NPN (usually salts) • Ammonium chloride, ammonium phosphates and ammonium sulfate.
Usually refers to added sources Urea Primarily in function rumen Rapidly hydrolyzed to ammonia and carbon dioxide. (NH3 and CO2) Ammonia is rapidly incorporated into AA and microbial protein for use in the host as a protein source. Thus the animal does not utilize urea directly. Feeding the microbes. Not used in monogastrics NPN cont’s