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A Hungarian perspective on accreditation Impacts o f … and on …. Prof. György BAZSA, President Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) ASEE Global Colloquium „Cultures, Markets and Regulations: Shaping Global Engineering Education” Budapest, 14 October 2009.
A Hungarian perspective on accreditation Impacts of … and on … Prof. György BAZSA, President Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) ASEE Global Colloquium „Cultures, Markets and Regulations: Shaping Global Engineering Education” Budapest, 14 October 2009
Hungary and Hungarian Higher Education (HHE) Population: 10 million HE enrollment: before 1990 < 10% of age group at present ~ 40 % of age group HE Students total: ~ 400.000 (half state funded) Legal background: HE Law in 1993 and 2005 HE Institutions: ~7 HEI/ 1 million inhabits
System of training programs Before 2005: parallel system of programs in - college (practice oriented), 3-4 y. - university (research oriented), 5-6 y. Since 2005 (sequence 3 cycle Bologna system): - Bachelor – 180/210 credits, 3-3,5 y. - Master – 90/120 credits, 2 y - long masters: 300 credits (med, law) - PhD – 180 credits, 3+ years Compulsory general changeover started in 2006. This loaded HHE and HAC enormously in last years. Dr. univ. has a long tradition in Hungary. The present PhD form exists since 1993 at 25 universities.
Actors in Hungarian HE Quality a) Government: HE Q policy, legal and financial conds. b) HAC:external Q Evaluation and Accreditation c) HEIs: key performers in quality of the „product”, responsible for internal Q Assurance d) Faculty: determinesQ of teaching and research e) Students: acceptsandreflectsQofteaching f) Stakeholders: confirms/questions Q of HE graduates g) Media: reports Q and prepares HE ranking h) Europe +: Bologna, EHEA, ESG, ENQA: public Q + international Q labels + US NFCMEA
a)Government (Minister): • QA and accreditation is part of state HE policy. (No exceptions unlike at neighbors.) • Hungary signed Bologna declaration • QUALITY AWARD for HEI QA activity • After strong expansion (fourfold increase if student number in a decade) the main issue is now: quality! • Impact • Hungarian HE community accepts the need and benefit of QA and accreditation. • HEIs run QA systems and processes ordered by law. • State financing is not connected to QA and Accred. • Quality issue in general is now a part of society.
b)HAC1 • Independent, mainly academic board, funded by Parliament (stakeholders spots). • 29 members (formally appointed by PM), majority delegated by Rector’s Conference and HAS; secretly elected president, committees, experts . • Its resolutions are „expert opinions”, legal decisions come effective through ministe(rial organs). • There is an independent HAC appeal board. • HAC is a European QA player, charter member of ENQA (European Association for QA in HE), its membership affirmed twice with external reviews. • HAC accepted and applies ESG in all respects.
HAC2 • HAC is the only accreditation body in Hungarian HE, all HEIs have to apply for external QA and accreditation in different affairs. • HAC introduced HE EXCELLENCE AWARDS • HHEI-s take part in international Q label providing actions, like e.g. EUR-ACE, QUESTE-VET, EuroInf, EPAS, etc. by there own initiatives (and costs). • HAC has functions in external and in internal QA. • HAC raises public conditions and quality norms in evaluation and accreditation. • HAC activity and decisions are public: • http://www.mab.hu
HAC3 • HAC is strengthening its international relations and actions in QA activity permanently with different actions and co-operations. HAC has an active International Advisory Board. • HAC has to move from input to output evaluation. (Note! Filtering out a program at input is less painful than exclusion during the process.) • HAC wishes institutions at accreditation to show their values and results instead of fearing a critical evaluation. More self-awareness if it’s real! • HAC has its own QA mechanism.
A unique impact:parallel accreditation of all doctoral schools (PhD programs) in Hungary. • a new, full and living electronic database, with free access, covering all of the 25 Hungarian universities: www.doktori.hu. (Information for students!) • ex post evaluation of ~170 existing (old) and • ex ante evaluation of ~20 new doctoral schools, as frame of the 3rd cycle of Bologna system, including • documents of function, structure, teaching and research plan, coherency, program of QA, • homepages, • ~2200 core members individually by qualification, performance and relevancy to the school. This evaluates quality of scientific production of HEI.
Processes(standards are published in advance): • Ex ante accreditations(input conditions): • written proposal submitted • 2 experts’ review (anonymous) → • disciplinary committees (15 members) → • resolution of HAC plenum • Ex post accreditation(during operation): • self-evaluation report (including C-SWOT) → • site visit by a visiting team (5-9 members, incl. student, QA specialist and stakeholder) → • draft of the accr. report of the visiting team → • comments of HEI → • resolution of HAC plenum
Impact of HAC on HEIs • HEIs consider in all affairs the quality norms and consequences of external evaluation: applications are prepared mainly carefully, except ~25%. • HAC conditions and norms are the same for all – state and non-state (but state recognized) – HEIs. • HAC has high quality norms in order to compensate the expansive ambitions of HEIs (state financing follows quantity of student number, not quality). • HAC evaluations results in requests and advice for QA systems and management of HEIs. • HAC as a strong quality safeguard reduces the responsibility of HEIs: HAC whishes to change it!
c)HEI quality management1 – 2 documents • HE Act: „The HEI operates an internal QA system. • The HEI prepares a quality development program. • It specifies the process of operation, like the execu-tionofmanagement, planning, control, measurement,assessment, and consumer protection related tasks, • regulates the rules pertaining to the evaluation oflecturer performance by the students. • The HEI annually revises the implementation of theprogram and • publishes its findings on the website.” • QA systems are developed, programs start formally.
HEI quality management2 • ESG (Part 1) • 1.1 Policy and procedures for quality assurance *** • 1.2 Approval, monitoring and periodic review of programs and awards * • 1.3 Assessment of students * • 1.4 Quality assurance of teaching staff * • 1.5 Learning resources and student support ** • 1.6 Information systems *** • 1.7 Public information *** • HEIs begin to follow ESG standards, HAC requires it.
HE quality management3 • An institutional answer (Quality Awarded HEI) • University and QA management • Mission of HEI • Human resources • Inside and outside sources, partners • Processes of QA • Satisfaction of students and employers • Satisfaction of faculty and staff • Social impact • Important results
Impact in HEIs • University was traditionally an institution of excel-lence, with quality based selection of professors and students (Nobel-laureates with Hungarian HE roots: Lénárd, Zsigmondy, Bárány, Szent-Györgyi, Hevesy, Békésy, Wigner, Gábor, Oláh, Harsányi). • Mass education age requires systematic QA. • QA system should exist in all HEIs: committees, bylaws, standards, development programs etc. • Regular self evaluation, incl. C-SWOT analysis • The impact of all these is very diversified: quantity beats quality if interest is stronger than values. • A broadly and deeply effective quality culture is not yet common although is improving.
d)Faculty: • In most cases selected on meritocracy principle, vs. HHE salary conditions. • Quality based mentality dominates, organized QA is slowly accepted. Formal and alibi Q actions hurt. • Realizes: Q is a winning factor in all competitions. • Student evaluation of teaching is in progress, its consequences are still moderate. • Methods of earlier elite education must be replaced by mass education procedures. • Student centered learning gradually replaces knowledge based teaching.
e)Students: • Quality, in principle, is their strong interest. • Quality of teaching can be achieved only with their active participation. • At mass education students’ motivation, participation and quality varies on a broad scale: from excellent performance to leisure school-days. • Empowering required: students should influence their own transformation • Credits (ECTS) are used and misused • Student associations in most cases are partners in QA actions.
f)Stakeholders (employers, labor market): • 4 HAC members represent stakeholders. • HAC has a Stakeholders Advisory Board. • They demand general skills, like being motivated, team working, critical thinking, management and IT skills, foreign languages, ready learn to adopt etc. • Labor Market moderately acknowledges Q of individual degrees, Q of HEI has bigger influence. • Reputation of HEI and salaries (incomes) strongly influence pupils interest in choosing study programs. • Rising recognition of HE excellence from private. sector (awards, scholarships) stimulates Q in society
g)Media: • Shows reasonable balances between good news (Q, excellence) and bad news (scandals). • HAC has to manage its media-appearance much better. • Domestic ranking is now flourishing in Hungarian media too. • Every HEI likes to find and finds good ranking position to glaze and advertise itself. • Ranking, despite distortions, have more popular appeal than the accurate hard work of quality agencies.
h)Europe + • Hungarian HE is traditionally a European HE, pioneer in several cases (Selmecbánya, Georgikon). • Hungary signed Bologna in 1999. Next Bologna meeting (2010) takes place in Budapest/Vienna. • Hungary takes part in creation of the European Higher Education Area (+ European Research Area). • ESG effects Hungarian QA policy and practice. • ENQA membership has significant importance. • US National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation accredits through HAC. • All these influence positively Q in HHEIs.
The Hungarian perspective of accreditation: („I have a dream!”) internal program accreditation (instead of external ones) based on by HAC accredited QA of HEI. It requires a new and severe quality cultureinside institutions, where - common values meet particular interests, - social and individual goals converge, - high quality is favored against mass quantity.
QA vs. QP: QA isn’t an art for art sake: the main aim of QA is good Quality Product: - high class graduates, - excellent science and innovation, - efficient local/social services.