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Prof. György BAZSA, President Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) ASEE Global Colloquium

A Hungarian perspective on accreditation Impacts o f … and on …. Prof. György BAZSA, President Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) ASEE Global Colloquium „Cultures, Markets and Regulations: Shaping Global Engineering Education” Budapest, 14 October 2009.

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Prof. György BAZSA, President Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) ASEE Global Colloquium

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  1. A Hungarian perspective on accreditation Impacts of … and on … Prof. György BAZSA, President Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) ASEE Global Colloquium „Cultures, Markets and Regulations: Shaping Global Engineering Education” Budapest, 14 October 2009

  2. Hungary and Hungarian Higher Education (HHE) Population: 10 million HE enrollment: before 1990 < 10% of age group at present ~ 40 % of age group HE Students total: ~ 400.000 (half state funded) Legal background: HE Law in 1993 and 2005 HE Institutions: ~7 HEI/ 1 million inhabits

  3. System of training programs Before 2005: parallel system of programs in - college (practice oriented), 3-4 y. - university (research oriented), 5-6 y. Since 2005 (sequence 3 cycle Bologna system): - Bachelor – 180/210 credits, 3-3,5 y. - Master – 90/120 credits, 2 y - long masters: 300 credits (med, law) - PhD – 180 credits, 3+ years Compulsory general changeover started in 2006. This loaded HHE and HAC enormously in last years. Dr. univ. has a long tradition in Hungary. The present PhD form exists since 1993 at 25 universities.

  4. Actors in Hungarian HE Quality a) Government: HE Q policy, legal and financial conds. b) HAC:external Q Evaluation and Accreditation c) HEIs: key performers in quality of the „product”, responsible for internal Q Assurance d) Faculty: determinesQ of teaching and research e) Students: acceptsandreflectsQofteaching f) Stakeholders: confirms/questions Q of HE graduates g) Media: reports Q and prepares HE ranking h) Europe +: Bologna, EHEA, ESG, ENQA: public Q + international Q labels + US NFCMEA

  5. a)Government (Minister): • QA and accreditation is part of state HE policy. (No exceptions unlike at neighbors.) • Hungary signed Bologna declaration • QUALITY AWARD for HEI QA activity • After strong expansion (fourfold increase if student number in a decade) the main issue is now: quality! • Impact • Hungarian HE community accepts the need and benefit of QA and accreditation. • HEIs run QA systems and processes ordered by law. • State financing is not connected to QA and Accred. • Quality issue in general is now a part of society.

  6. b)HAC1 • Independent, mainly academic board, funded by Parliament (stakeholders spots). • 29 members (formally appointed by PM), majority delegated by Rector’s Conference and HAS; secretly elected president, committees, experts . • Its resolutions are „expert opinions”, legal decisions come effective through ministe(rial organs). • There is an independent HAC appeal board. • HAC is a European QA player, charter member of ENQA (European Association for QA in HE), its membership affirmed twice with external reviews. • HAC accepted and applies ESG in all respects.

  7. HAC2 • HAC is the only accreditation body in Hungarian HE, all HEIs have to apply for external QA and accreditation in different affairs. • HAC introduced HE EXCELLENCE AWARDS • HHEI-s take part in international Q label providing actions, like e.g. EUR-ACE, QUESTE-VET, EuroInf, EPAS, etc. by there own initiatives (and costs). • HAC has functions in external and in internal QA. • HAC raises public conditions and quality norms in evaluation and accreditation. • HAC activity and decisions are public: • http://www.mab.hu

  8. HAC3 • HAC is strengthening its international relations and actions in QA activity permanently with different actions and co-operations. HAC has an active International Advisory Board. • HAC has to move from input to output evaluation. (Note! Filtering out a program at input is less painful than exclusion during the process.) • HAC wishes institutions at accreditation to show their values and results instead of fearing a critical evaluation. More self-awareness if it’s real! • HAC has its own QA mechanism.

  9. System of HAC activities(external QA)

  10. A unique impact:parallel accreditation of all doctoral schools (PhD programs) in Hungary. • a new, full and living electronic database, with free access, covering all of the 25 Hungarian universities: www.doktori.hu. (Information for students!) • ex post evaluation of ~170 existing (old) and • ex ante evaluation of ~20 new doctoral schools, as frame of the 3rd cycle of Bologna system, including • documents of function, structure, teaching and research plan, coherency, program of QA, • homepages, • ~2200 core members individually by qualification, performance and relevancy to the school. This evaluates quality of scientific production of HEI.

  11. HAC activities in figures

  12. Processes(standards are published in advance): • Ex ante accreditations(input conditions): • written proposal submitted • 2 experts’ review (anonymous) → • disciplinary committees (15 members) → • resolution of HAC plenum • Ex post accreditation(during operation): • self-evaluation report (including C-SWOT) → • site visit by a visiting team (5-9 members, incl. student, QA specialist and stakeholder) → • draft of the accr. report of the visiting team → • comments of HEI → • resolution of HAC plenum

  13. Impact of HAC on HEIs • HEIs consider in all affairs the quality norms and consequences of external evaluation: applications are prepared mainly carefully, except ~25%. • HAC conditions and norms are the same for all – state and non-state (but state recognized) – HEIs. • HAC has high quality norms in order to compensate the expansive ambitions of HEIs (state financing follows quantity of student number, not quality). • HAC evaluations results in requests and advice for QA systems and management of HEIs. • HAC as a strong quality safeguard reduces the responsibility of HEIs: HAC whishes to change it!

  14. c)HEI quality management1 – 2 documents • HE Act: „The HEI operates an internal QA system. • The HEI prepares a quality development program. • It specifies the process of operation, like the execu-tionofmanagement, planning, control, measurement,assessment, and consumer protection related tasks, • regulates the rules pertaining to the evaluation oflecturer performance by the students. • The HEI annually revises the implementation of theprogram and • publishes its findings on the website.” • QA systems are developed, programs start formally.

  15. HEI quality management2 • ESG (Part 1) • 1.1 Policy and procedures for quality assurance *** • 1.2 Approval, monitoring and periodic review of programs and awards * • 1.3 Assessment of students * • 1.4 Quality assurance of teaching staff * • 1.5 Learning resources and student support ** • 1.6 Information systems *** • 1.7 Public information *** • HEIs begin to follow ESG standards, HAC requires it.

  16. HE quality management3 • An institutional answer (Quality Awarded HEI) • University and QA management • Mission of HEI • Human resources • Inside and outside sources, partners • Processes of QA • Satisfaction of students and employers • Satisfaction of faculty and staff • Social impact • Important results

  17. Impact in HEIs • University was traditionally an institution of excel-lence, with quality based selection of professors and students (Nobel-laureates with Hungarian HE roots: Lénárd, Zsigmondy, Bárány, Szent-Györgyi, Hevesy, Békésy, Wigner, Gábor, Oláh, Harsányi). • Mass education age requires systematic QA. • QA system should exist in all HEIs: committees, bylaws, standards, development programs etc. • Regular self evaluation, incl. C-SWOT analysis • The impact of all these is very diversified: quantity beats quality if interest is stronger than values. • A broadly and deeply effective quality culture is not yet common although is improving.

  18. d)Faculty: • In most cases selected on meritocracy principle, vs. HHE salary conditions. • Quality based mentality dominates, organized QA is slowly accepted. Formal and alibi Q actions hurt. • Realizes: Q is a winning factor in all competitions. • Student evaluation of teaching is in progress, its consequences are still moderate. • Methods of earlier elite education must be replaced by mass education procedures. • Student centered learning gradually replaces knowledge based teaching.

  19. e)Students: • Quality, in principle, is their strong interest. • Quality of teaching can be achieved only with their active participation. • At mass education students’ motivation, participation and quality varies on a broad scale: from excellent performance to leisure school-days. • Empowering required: students should influence their own transformation • Credits (ECTS) are used and misused • Student associations in most cases are partners in QA actions.

  20. f)Stakeholders (employers, labor market): • 4 HAC members represent stakeholders. • HAC has a Stakeholders Advisory Board. • They demand general skills, like being motivated, team working, critical thinking, management and IT skills, foreign languages, ready learn to adopt etc. • Labor Market moderately acknowledges Q of individual degrees, Q of HEI has bigger influence. • Reputation of HEI and salaries (incomes) strongly influence pupils interest in choosing study programs. • Rising recognition of HE excellence from private. sector (awards, scholarships) stimulates Q in society

  21. g)Media: • Shows reasonable balances between good news (Q, excellence) and bad news (scandals). • HAC has to manage its media-appearance much better. • Domestic ranking is now flourishing in Hungarian media too. • Every HEI likes to find and finds good ranking position to glaze and advertise itself. • Ranking, despite distortions, have more popular appeal than the accurate hard work of quality agencies.

  22. h)Europe + • Hungarian HE is traditionally a European HE, pioneer in several cases (Selmecbánya, Georgikon). • Hungary signed Bologna in 1999. Next Bologna meeting (2010) takes place in Budapest/Vienna. • Hungary takes part in creation of the European Higher Education Area (+ European Research Area). • ESG effects Hungarian QA policy and practice. • ENQA membership has significant importance. • US National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation accredits through HAC. • All these influence positively Q in HHEIs.

  23. The Hungarian perspective of accreditation: („I have a dream!”) internal program accreditation (instead of external ones) based on by HAC accredited QA of HEI. It requires a new and severe quality cultureinside institutions, where - common values meet particular interests, - social and individual goals converge, - high quality is favored against mass quantity.

  24. QA vs. QP: QA isn’t an art for art sake: the main aim of QA is good Quality Product: - high class graduates, - excellent science and innovation, - efficient local/social services.

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