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Reforming Our Politics: 10 Urgent Changes Needed Now

Join us on April 7th to vote for transparency, fair taxation, accountability, and public service improvements. Let's demand better for our community and future generations.

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Reforming Our Politics: 10 Urgent Changes Needed Now

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  1. Top Ten Things That Need To Change Rotten Politics .com Vote April 7th

  2. Number 10 • 10. UG Management must be held accountable • Governmental Transparency of Who, What, When, Where and Why every public dollar is spent must be made public and available. Vote April 7th

  3. Number 9 • 9. Taxes must be reduced to a level that helps our families and friends Vote April 7th

  4. Number 8 • 8. UG and BPU waste must be eliminated • The Top 100 Salaries = $10 million • Bottom 800 Salaries = $10 Million • Top Heavy I Guess Vote April 7th

  5. Number7 • 7. Tax Abatements for the Rich Only must be stopped • Stealing from the poor to pay the Rich - must stop • If everyone pays we all pay less Vote April 7th

  6. Number 6 • 6. UG Insider Deals must be a thing of the past • No-Bid Contracts and open-end contracts stopped Vote April 7th

  7. Number 5 • 5. Public money for private profit must end • Private Profits on Taxpayers Backs must stop Vote April 7th

  8. Number 4 • 4. UG lack of basic services must be fixed • Police and Firemen must be supported Vote April 7th

  9. Number 3 • 3. Infrastructure for taxpayers must be improved • Mill Levies must be competitive with Neighboring Communities • Assessed and Appraised Values must be fair Vote April 7th

  10. Number 2 • 2. UG should quit robbing the BPU of cash and services • BPU should be ran in business like manner and not as a $$ Cash Cow for the City Vote April 7th

  11. Number 1 • 1. Taxpayers and ratepayers must become number one priority Vote April 7th

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