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The Rohingya: A Historical Overview

Discover the rich history and origin of the Rohingya people in Burma, their cultural significance, and challenges faced within the country. Learn about the ethnic diversity and population statistics of Burma's minorities. Explore the complex dynamics of race and religion in the region.

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The Rohingya: A Historical Overview

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  1. "A Brief Presentation on Rohingya" by Habib, date: 3 July 2015 Location Burma is situated between Indian and Thailand, From the borders of India and China in the north, the country extends into the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal in the south. The country also shares borders with Laos and Bangladesh and having an area of 261,969 square miles. States and Divisions: The country has divided into 7 divisions and 7 states. The entire 7 divisions are literally fixed for one race know as “Bamar or Burman”. The rest of 7 states are distributed for the ethic minority races in which no any particular regions was specified for indigenous Muslims of Burma at all.1 Of them, the Arakan (Rakhine) state is situated in the western coast of Burma. From 2013, the Arakan state divided into 21 townships from 17 townships which had only 4 towns during British era..

  2. Origin & Population Burma is home to more than 143 ethnic groups of people who originally belonged to other kingdoms which were within today Burma territory. The country Burma has long history about the territory and people. The country's census of 2014 showed about 55 millions1, population growth more than double compare to 1960s and density is 80 people per square Km. As a result of central rulers' exclusion of minorities including Rohingyan people from Arakan/sate and others in ethnic armed group areas, the actual population data is more than the government's figure. Govt Statistics of Ethnic GroupsGovt Statistics of Religions Burman 68% Buddhist 89% Shan 9% Christian 8% Karen 7% Muslim 4% (actually 8-12%) Rakhine 4% Animist 1% (actually more) Chinese 3% Other 2% Indian 2% Hindhu (uncounted) Mon 2%, other 5% Chin, Kachin, Kayah, Rohingya, Kaman are uncounted. Arkan State: The origin people of Arakan entered from part of India in about 5,000 years ago. It was independent kingdom until British annexed into Burma by 1824 and Hindhu dynasty until 9th Century AD.2 Ethnic groups are Rakhine, Rohingya, Kaman, Mro/Mru, (Chakma/Dainget/Sak/Thet), Chin, Khami, Mramargyi, Bamar. The Rohingyas people are racially Indo- Semitic. They are not an ethnic group developed from one tribal group affiliation or single racial stock. They are native convert, formed from the stocks of Indiana people (indigenous Chandra people of Arakan state), following mix of the medieval Persian, Arab (traders), Bengal Gaur soldiers (who came to help restore Rakhine Kingdom in 14th Century), Portugueses and Rakhine people (also known as Moghs).

  3. "The Origin of Rohingya" (3) When Roshang King, Maha Taing Chandra (788 – 810 AD) was ruling, some ship wrecked Muslim traders were washed ashore on ‘Ronbee’ or ‘Ramree’ (Raham Bre) Island. When they were taken to the Arakanese king, the king ordered them to live in the village (countryside) in his country. Ref: {"Rakhine or Rooingya People" Burmese version from Myawaddy Magazine of Maung Tan Lwin published in 1960 July.} (1) After the rapid expansion of Islam in the 7th century, according to Dr. Moshe Yegar, “Colonies of Muslims, both Arab and Persian, spread all along the sea trade routes. Another research referred: Between 7th Century to 16th Century AD, tradings in Java, Malacca, Myanmar and Arakan were influenced by Arab traders. At the same time, the religion Islam was introduced there. When Islamic preachers arrived, some of the first group in Arakan who accepted Muslim were moon worshippers, descendants of “San-Da-Wan-Tha” and people of Sandathuriya king. (2) In 680 AD, Hazarat Ali's son Mohammed Hanif and his armed groups arrived at Barakura (Northwest of today Burma). Mohammed Hanif conquerred the queen Cannibals and married to him. The peaks where they lived were still known as Hanifa Tonki and Kaiyapui Tonki (government renamed it by Mingalagyi Mountain) in Maungdaw township. Ref: (Myanamar National Muslims' History-formation and National Duty by Historian U Maung Maung Gyi. (Burmese Version) & A Short Historical Background of Arakan byMohammed Ashraf Alam (4) Danyawady Abbot U Nya Na wrote in Rakhine Razawin volume-2, Page 161-2 stated that many non-muslims converted to muslims 1531. Ref: {A short history of Arakan & Rohingya (by NLD secretary Maung Maung Tin, published in1959-60)} Rohingya (Rooingya) (6) Earlier before Portuguese seizure of Malacca in 1511, Ref: (The Regional and International influence of pre-Modern Bengali Coinage, published in 2011.) This period was slavery time that captured some people from Bangal including non-Bangal, were brought as slaves into Arakan. (5) Before the arrival of Two Indian Muslim sailors of BYAT family (Byat Wi and Byat Ta)atnear Thaton (lower Burma) in 1044, muslim propagation from India crossed into Arakan. (7) After Burman(Ava) king Min Khaung occupied Arakan in 1404, the Arakan king Narameik Hla@ Saw Mon refuged 24 years at Bengal and confessed himself muslim. In 1429, 30 thousands of Bengal army led by General Wali Khan entered into Arakan and expelled Burman king. But he ruled the throne and imprisoned the Arakan king Narameik Hla@ Saw Mon. So, the Arakan king second time approached to Bengal king and send second larger army led byGeneral Sandhi Khan and then rethronedthe Arakan king in 1430. Since then was keptunder the governor of Cittagong in order to prevent from foreign invasions. The readers could understand about how many Bangal soldiers and other ordinary people had been settled in that period once political, social, culture structures and goals changed. Ref: (Former chairman of Burma Historical Commission, Lt.Col. Ba Shin)

  4. The word 'Rohingya' derived from the word: 'Rohang' or 'Roshang' or 'Rahan' or 'Raham' or Rocon, which were described by Arab Geographer Rashiduddin (1310AD) and British Traveler Relph Fitch (1586AD), while the word Arakan is definitely of Arabic or Persian origin having the same meaning in both these languages. It is the corruption of the word Arkan plural form of the word Al-Rukun. Buddhist schoolar in Rakhaing historiography, that Rohingya was an invention of the colonial period, is contradicted by the evidence. (Ref:Marginalization of Rohingya in Arkan state) Population & Religion Estimation in Arakan 2014 Government's figure with exclusion of Rohingya and Kaman muslims, is about 3,118,963. The actual number will be nearly 5 million inclusive of Rohingya from (home and exile) and Kaman. (Chakma/Diangnet/Sak), Khami, Chin, Mro/Mru, Mramargyi 33% Rohingya & Kaman (Islam) 60% + Rakhine (Buddhism) Bamar (Buddhism) Muslims of Burma estimate (8-12 %) 1) Rohingya(from Arakan) 2) Kaman (from Arakan) 3) Pathy 4) Panthi (Chinese muslim) 5) Shan muslim 6) Karen muslim 7) Cholia 8) Surti (Indiana) 9) Patan (Indiana) 10) Gourkha (Indiana) 11) Hindhustani 12) Poshu (Malay) 13) Bengali (in lower Burma)

  5. Language & Literature Arab traders introduced Arabic language in Arakan. LaterPersian language (sub Arabic), Urdu (sub-Arabic) andEnglish language used in colonial period, now lately inBurmese. As Rohingya’s culture, tradition, script, were destroyed due to unavoidable violations inevery power transition periods. Mostly from other parts of Rohingyas where mostly Rakhines speakdialect in Rakhine language and Burmese in many cities so that today Rohingya learn Burmese scriptfrom their education and Arabic and Urdu from their religious class. Some exile groups in developedcountries have introduced ‘Romanized Alphabet-Rohingya Script’, example in Australia. Resources Rice is the main crop in the region, occupying around 85% of the total agricultural land. Coconut and nipa palm plantations are also important. Fishing is a major industry, with most of the catch transported to Yangon, but some also exported for foreign. Wood products such as timber, bamboo and fuel wood are extracted from the mountains. The new China National Petroleum Company (CNPC)  & Shwe Natural Gas Project is located in offshore Arakan State, in the Bay of Bengal. This gas pipeline will reportedly carrying12 billion cubic meters of gas and 22 million tons of imported crude oilto China every year. In 2013,its GDP (nominal) stood at US$ 56.7 billion and its GDP (PPP) at US$221.5 billion. The income gapin Myanmar is among the widest in the world, as a large proportion of the economy is controlledby military generals and supporters of the former military government. Rulers of Arakan The rulers of Arakan can be classified in the following periods: 1) 100-788 AD (Some Hindu dynasties), 2) 788-957 AD (Chandra Hindu dynasty), 3) 957-1430 (A Chaotic period of Mongolians, Buddhists and Muslims), 4) 1430-1784 AD (Mrauk-U dynasty of Muslims & Buddhists), 5) 1784-1824 AD (Burman Buddhist Rule), 6) 1824-1942 & 1945-48 (British Colonial Rule), 7) 1942-45 (Japanese Occupation) 8)- i)1948-1962 (Parliamentary Democracy Rule), ii)1962-1974 (Revolutionary Military Government Rule), iii)1975-1988 (One Party Socialist Programme Party Government Rule), iv) 1988-1999 AD (SLORC/SPDC Military Government Rule). v) Republic of Union of Myanmar (Political Reform from 2011 with dictator Than Shwe, ex-military general Thein Sein)

  6. Recognition & Status • Since the country's name was officially changed as 'Myanmar' from origin name of 'Burma' in 1989 by military government in refer to represent and unite the entire people residing in the country and the sate religion to 'Buddhism'. • In the other hand in Arakan, the name Arkan was also renamed as Rakhine state from 1974 in order to represent Rakhine people who made up majority and Buddhists. • This changes are technicallya scheme of Burmanization, Buddization practicesfollowby various forms of oppression and persecutions against minorities. • As the country, Burma is home to more than 143 ethnic groups of people who originally belonged to other kingdoms which were part of today Burma territory, the record of ethnic recognitions is vary; • 176 ethnic groups during 1924, • 143 groups in 1962, • 135 in 1992 (excluded Rohingya and 6 others groups). • Not recognized groups include Rohingya from western Burma, Chinese mulsim Panthay and British era migrants of Indian, Gurkha, and Pakistani. • Yet regonized group such as Kaman and other muslims from central Burma are exist. However, none othem has been issued official citizenship card becasue of they are muslims. So, it is clear sign of rendering into de-facto stateless status of the entire muslims of Burma where the Rohingya as a largest group of muslim is firstly attested. • Practically, it is not the 1982-citizenship laws that stripped off of citizenship but the authority who are intentionally reluctant to access the Rohingya's historical existence and ancestral evidence that prove primary evidence earlier than prior to 1824 and also not allowing to recourse the citizenship under new citizenship act. The fact is that after British occupation of Arakan in1824, the repatriated Rohingya war victims of Burman king invasion of Arkan (in 1784 and 1794), were miscounted as British era settlers by central rulers. But Rakhine people those returned at the time were given full recognition, assistance and allowed relocation in their homelands. • Like in 1978 and 1992, after drove out of Rohingyans and Kamans from their ancestral homelands, the authorities tactically started collection of data and those forcefully repatriated under bilateral agreement were branded as Bengali so it could be accounted by exclusion of Rohingya from national census as a creation official evidence for national population history.

  7. The Existance of Rohingya 1799, Francis Buchanon Hamilton, a British historian in his visit to Burma met some Rohingya people inBurma speaking in a language they called Roinga.Ref:( CHRONOLOGY:THE TIMELINE OF BURMA'S ROHINGYA HISTORY IN ARAKAN by Dr. Abid Bahar) In 1799, the word Rooinga was written in the Fifth Volume of "A Comparative Vocabulary of Some of the Languages Spoken in the Burma Empire" (Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/thesail/) Dr Than Tun, formerly chairman of Burma History Research Society, postulates the present dayMuslim settlers in the northern Arakan might be descendants of those early people, because they (The Rohingyas) claimed to he in that part of Burma for more than a thousand years. If not thousand years it might at least be eight hundred years. 227. Ref: {Towards Understanding Arakan History ( Part II) by Abu Amin} Prime Minister U Nu’s democratic government recognized Rohingyas as an indigenous race of Burma. Rohingya language was aired from the State run BBS (Burma Broadcasting Service) from 1961 to 1965. U Saw Shwe Thaike, the first President of the Union of Burma also told, while he was in the highest office, that “Rohingya is and indigenous race as he himself (a Shan) and there is no different between Rohingya and Shan in the case of Nationality.” Rohingyas enjoyed separate Mayu Frontier, including Maungdaw, Buthidaung and some parts of Rathedaung townships from 1961 to 1965. The Mayu Frontier was controlled by Central Government. Prime Minister U Nu and U Ba Swe, announced, “The Rohingyas are equal in every way with other minority races like the Shan, Kachin, Karen, Kayah. Mon and Rakhine. They have lived in Burma for ages, according to historical facts. They are of Islamic faith. There is historical evidence that they have lived faithfully and harmoniously with other races of the Union.” Ref: ( The Situation of Rohingya from the Burma’s Independence up to the present by Fayas Ahmed)

  8. {“In this newspaper report of July 1961, it was written- "National Rohingyans living within Mayu district are, nationals of Union of Myanmar"} (National IDs issued 1980 described the race as "Rohingya")

  9. The shrine mosque of Badar Makam (Budder Mukam), built in memory of the eminent Saint Allama Shah (Pir Badar Sha) in 1727according to The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. It is situated in the territory of East Sanpya (East Barsara), near Sittwe Point on the southern side of Akyab/Sittwe. It has been seized form1978 and annexed into Navy camp. Orginally this place was meditation place of saints, historian says the place was located since 7th Century AD during Islamic preachers arrived.. The government changed this mosque into pagoda by paining yellow, putting idols and Buddhism symbols. Another shrine Baziaraa mosque, tomb and pound are situated the southern part of Sittwe Lake (Kandawgyi) and muslim village near by it was Sanggana fara. This mosque was also built in a bit later time of Bandar Mokan and village were confiscated in about 1985,and used as Military Camp. Stone structure Sandhi Khan Mosque, situated in Mintayabyin @ Kwan Lon, Mrauk-U. It was constructed in 1433 AD by Muslim army Gen. Sandhi Khanwho came to help rethroneNarameikhla. It was demolished by military in 1996 September.. Another Stone stucture Majah Pali (a) Musa Pali Mosque, construcred by an Indian missionary Musa in the time of 9th king of Mrauk_U 1513-1515 A.D. It was demolished by military in about 1983..

  10. Rohingya Crises (Past & Present) • For decades, Rohingyas have been oppressed, victimized, terrorized and forcefully expelled from homelands by the both government authorities and extremist Rakhine people. The campaigns of ethnic cleaning have been occurred in every power transition period of 1942, 1949, 1958-60, 1967, 1977-78, 1992 and latest 2012. Because of they are non-Buddhist the problems uprooted again and again and remain unsolved. • 1942 Massacre: (Ref: "The Muslim massacre of 1942 by A.F.K Jilani") • During the British troops were retreating to India, communal violence erupted in Arakan. The British handed over the power to commissioner U Kyaw Khiang then ruled Martial Law. British soldiers left arms reached to the hands of Rakhines and attacks were made against those groups benefited from British colonial rule. • Burman nationalists attacked Karen and Indian communities, while in Arakan Rakhine and Rohingya villagers attacked one another causing a displacement of Buddhist villagers to the south and Muslims to the north. • This pogrom was led by Rakhine commissioner U Kyaw Khiang and instructed by Arakan state Tha-khin leaders who were members of "Burma's Historic Thirty Comrades". • In details: • On 28 March, the massacre started in Chinbili village of Minbya township and escapee Rohingyas about 15,000 were slaughtered on their arrival to Thaungyi Nyo. • Again, about 10,000 Rohingyas who passed Apawa were also killed in the same way. • On1st April, 15,000 Rohingyas were killed in Raichaung and Pankha villages of Myebon town. • It continued to Kyauknimaw village of Rambree town but saved in miraculous way. Rohingyas in Kyaukpyu were were given protection by British forces. • On 8th April, continuously slaughtered in Kyauktaw, Mrohaung, Pauktaw and Rathidaung. • End of April, onslaught swept over Rathidaung and Buthidaung and three fourths of Rohingyas were killed. • In Akyab, Rohingyas acquired arms and the conditions was both defensive and offensive operation under leader Sultan Mohammad. In total 294 Rohingyas villages destroyed, about 100,000 Rohingyas massacred and some 80,000 Rohingya uprooted to Raungpur refugee camp of Bangladesh. The region remained under the Japanese control until the British rule installed in 1945. Prior to invasion, the British- seeking to bolster support for their forces had promised to form the Rohingya autonomy in the northern Arakan. But it was dishonored except from assisting for returning of Rohingya refugees those refuged in East Pakistan (present Bangladesh).

  11. 1949 Massacre, It was led by Burma Territorial Forces which unleashed a reign of terror in North Arakan under the director of U Kyaw Oo, the firebrand Rakhine Deputy Commissioner of Akyab district. This pogrom escalated killing of hundreds of people and burning several villages, thousands of Rohingyas were homeless and nearly 50,000 had fled to the East Pakistan (present Bangladesh) and India. . Ref: (The Situation of Rohingya from the Burma's Independence up to the present by Fayas Ahmed) 1958-60 Campaign: 27 villages of Maungdaw northern side of Arakan State were uprooted by army led by Bo Tin Kyaw and drove the villagers into the then East Pakistan (present Bangladesh) and India. Later, the government reached the agreement to repatriate Rohigyas those fled However, those did manage to return were considered as illegal Pakistani immigrants and the properties and lands of all these refugees have been confiscated. Ref:(The Situation of Rohingya from the Burma’s Independence up to the present by Fayas Ahmed) 1967 Campaign: began with slaughtering some Rohingyas captured outside and looting properties and seizing lands Southern Arakan. Ref: (ndphr.net: testimony given by Rohingya villagers) 1978 Nagamin Operation, under the tiltle of 'Data Collation of Illegal Immigrants' was wide scope in Arakan and it degenerated into brutal abuses followed by arbitrary prosecutions, violences including rapes and vandalizing by both the army and local Rakhines. Within 3 months over 300,000 Rohingyas crossed into Bangladesh where about 200,000 Rohingyas took shelter in makeshift camps erected by Bangladeshi government. Most of them about 200,000 Rohingyans were forcefully repatriated after 9 months of arrival under the bilateral agreement singed on 9 July 1978. Half of those remained in Bangladesh travelled for other countries. The rest about 40,000 mostly women and children were died from illness and severe malnutrition after rations were cut to compel them to leave the refugee camps. Because of bilateral agreement which did not meet intl standard, Rohingyas had to languish again without land and recognition of their status, as well as, various restrictions engaged upon their return. They had been randomly settled within Maungdaw township and desperately languished there. Ref:(A Short Historical Background of Arakan), (Rohingya Plights(1784-2001).

  12. Muslim Free-zones By 1983, Gwa, Taungup, Tandwe and Ponnagyuan townships defined as muslim-free-zones by the government. It is tantamount to official killing license giving to Rakhines. Since then, muslims those captured in these regions are judged by Rakhine people. In this manner, hundred of muslims those found and captured in these regions were took over by Rakhine people and brutally killed. Ref: {Rohingya Plights(1784-2001)} 1991 Pyi Tharyar Operation, was introduced with inhumane physical abuses, executions, rapes, tortures and prosecutions including forced labour to build barracks and bamboo fences, new roads and bridges, dig environmental ponds and scout sentininel. The biggest Rohingya village Sakkipara/Thatkaybyin of Sittwe/Akyab, was demolished as a ahead of operation.. Along the operation, hundred of model village settlements had been located on the lands of Rohingyas in all over Northern Arakan state and the rest dozens were located in Southern Arakan from 1991.. From May 1991 to the mid of 1992, about 270,000 Rohingya refugees were hosted in 20 refugee camps of Bangladesh. Under bilateral agreement was signed between GoM and GoB, forceful deportation started with the title of repatriation from 1992 September regardless of the refugees' dignity, rights and recognition guarantee. The first group of 15,000 Rohingyans repatriated by Dec 1992 and dozens were also killed in clashes for military unit's harshly intervention in deportation. Second time, the UNHCR achieved agreement with GoB and repatriated 35,000 Rohingyans by Nov 1993 that enabled to close 3 camps. Despite repatriated refugees turned back to Bangladesh, UNHCR upheld similar task and directly made agreement with GoM in order to repatriate large scale of remaining 190,000 Rohingya refugees with the date line- Dec 1995 and proclaimed that the situation in Arakan is conductive to return. As well as, Relief operations were suspended to compel refugees to leave the camps. Most of repatriated Rohingya refugees turned back the second time into Bangladesh but they never approached to refugee camp for fear of similar forceful deportation.. Deportations were continued up to 1998 and reached in aggressive in some points. In the mid July 1997, a group of 350 refugees mostly women and children were rounded up midnight and deported under gun-points. That made Refugees themselves had to set up strong community in order to avoid forceful deportation. Finally by Oct 1998, Bangladesh security forces took over control of refugee camp and arrested all acting Rohingya leaders who were defending from disposing refugees into danger. Many of whom remain in the prison today. Ref: (Exile to Nowhere : Burma's Rohingya), (10 years for Rohingya refugees in Bangaladesh: past, present and future by MS Frontières-Holland - 2002), (memorandum submission of the All Burma Democratic Force-ABDF at Bangladesh embassy in KL- Malaysia on 14 Jan 2009).

  13. Crisis From 8th June 2012 Total destruction across (13) different townships of Arakan state, reached at (97) mosques, about (23,000) houses from (95) villages. Death toll over 12,000 people and nearly 200,000 people displaced and number of arbitrary detention reached more than a thousand mainly from Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Sittwe townships. It is a well-planed Thein Sein government of the so call 'civilian' has characterized the crisis as 'communal violence and heavily contributions into the crisis by; 1) Imposing Curfew and Order on to Rohingyas and Kamans and allowing Rakhine people freely to carry out various attacks, looting goods and cash and setting fires. 2) Allowing security forces to shoot the Rohingyas and Kamans, and not arresting a single armed Rakhine who are aggressively coming to attacks into Rohingya villages. 3) Seizing lands of Rohingyas which were burnt down and disposing them into concentration camps. 4) Blocking aid, rations and compelling to die from starvation and attacking aid workers. 5) Denial of the rights to have rights such as medicare, education, relocation, movement. 6) Thein Sein government asking the United Nation to relocate Rohingya in a third country. 7) Circulation of fabricated news. 8) Forcing to accept foreigner identity in the mid of humanitarian crisis. RakhineRNDP party openly declared the bounty reward for every dead Rohingya. Forcing to sign the documents that describe as illegal immigrants that have no claim to Burmese citizenship. (a factory made arrow) . ....One Factory made arrow... Armed Rakhine marching to attcks Rohingya villages

  14. Bulldozer team arrived at Sittwe from Yangon to demolished and cleanse remaing parts of many religious buildings which were completely demolished by government. (more phots at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/thesail/) Most of Rohingyans were shot dead, brutally beaten to death, burnt alive and killings of thousands of the rest of those taken away by security forces into hidden areas. Rohingyans were ending-up between gun-fires of security forces and lethal knives of Rakhine people. This time they can’t escape because security forces rounded up all the way out, those hiding in remote areas were also slaughtered by Rakhines and security forces and then the navy forces are patrolling across the beach and eliminating them in the sea.

  15. Displaced People , about (110,000) are in 13 to 15 camps of outside Sittwe (Akyab) city and the rest about (65,000) those from other 8 regions are in 26 camps where aid-workers unreachable. They ending up in the modern day concentration camps and enduring with confinement, constant abuses with lack of medi-care and food supply that causes to reach the death toll 7 to 20 people mostly children and elderly people per month. It been more than 3 years on, the Rohingyas and Kamans of Arakan state (western Burma) are totally excluded from Burma and fell into the worst part of tragic like that happen over history; "APARTHEID, SLAVERY & RACISM, EXTERMINATION".. In many location, the Rakhine authorities just allow to pass the limited food items to them so only those unwanted food items were distributed. Aid workers are yet facing various restrictions and instant threats for providing aid and distribution of rations to Rohingya and Kaman victims. Following intl pressures, the authorities are also forcing the Rohingyas and Kamans to accept unusual identity which is different to usual citizenship card. This unusual card is different colour and has not description of race and religion and considering not a citizen. When the Rohingya in the camp refused to sign the documents, the authority threatened the Rohingya and Kaman victims that no signing would no aid ever made it through the blockades again including aid from foreign organizations.

  16. The government's massive contribution into violences in Rakhine State that later spread to other parts of Burma with the lead of ex-prisoner monk Wirathu. 1) Six areas of Mandalay regions attacked, destroyed about 3,500 houses plus several mosques and displaced about 15,000 Muslims and killing more than a hundred, including mass killing of 36 mostly teenagers in the small town of Meiktila on 20 Mar 2013. 2) Attacks took placed across 8 townships of Pegu Regions but later most of those displaced were returned to their locations. 3) Attacks in Sagaing Regions displaced about 320 people after a mob burned homes on 24 August 2013. 4) Scattered attacks took placed in Yangon regions of Hlaing Tharyar, South Dagon, Tharkaytha townships. Arson attacks in Pebedan Madarasa killed 8 teachers and 28 students on 21 Mar 2013. 5) In Magwe regions: A mosque, houses and belongings of 10 Muslims were demolished in Kanma Township on 13th April 2012. 6) In Shan State: The attacks took place in Lashio destroyed the Myoma Mosque and estimated 5 Muslims have died and 30 houses were burnt down on the following day of Meiktila riot on 20 Mar 2013. 7) Kachin state: Attacks in Saitaung of Phakant township destroyed a few muslims' houses and shops in the evening of about 2nd May 2013 . 8) Chin state: A village of 17 families live in Paletwa township were also attacked by Rakhine gangs came from Rakhine state as a result of it's situated along the Kaladen River connected to Arkan. Minorities including Rohingya are continued to face vigilant attacks, extrajudicial killings, sexual abuses, arbitrary arrests and detention, inhumane tortures, use of landmines, the recruitment of child soldiers, forced labour, striking-off of citizenship and not allowing to recourse under new citizenship act.

  17. "Escaping by Boats" They can't wait any longer in such terror state and so about 10% of Rohingya and Kaman people involving women and kids have been fled into neighbouring countries from the beginning of violence, numbered about hundred thousand. Mostly fled into Bangladesh that includes about 2,000 of recent arrivals in Thai, Malaysia and Indonesian waters. We can't figure how many have been captured and killed within Burma territory, how many lost life in the sea, how many trapped by human traffickers, how many still fleeing and where they are. The past 3 monthsof raids on people smugglers in Southern Thailand and Northern Malaysia discovered the nearly 230 dead bodies mostly belong to Rohingya from several locations. Today, Rohingya become Burma's first refugees languished as unwanted in transit countries, numbering about; 1) 40,000 Rohingyas including many in various slave labours in Thailand, but most of them are not registered with UNHCR, 2) about 50,000 in Malaysia of whom about 33,000 are registered refugees, 3) more than 4,000 in Indonesia (of whom about 2500 are registered), 4) 17 recognized Rohingya refugees and four still seeking status by June 2013 while others have moved on according to JRS, 5) more than 300,000 Rohingya refugees including about 40,000 living in UNHCR runs overcrowded squalid refugee camps of Kutupalong and Nayapara in southern district of Cox's Bazar, 6) about100,000 Rohingyans including about 1,500 Rohingya displaced in Hyderabad city came to appeared in India, 7) about 500,000 arrived during 1942, 1978, 1992 and the majority living in Mecca's slums of (Naqqasha and Kudai) and Jeddah of Saudi Arabia. Surprisingly again in neighbouring countries, people those fled from genocide have been pushed back, sentenced on their landing, letting to fall into the hand of traffickers. These are in deed a breaches of Customary Laws and non-refoulement Laws. Particularly, the country Bangladesh has put the ban on aid distribution of Rohingya refugees in the camps and laws enforcement onto those live in rural areas. As well as, the arrests of individual aid workers and welfare workers. Moreover, the Bangladeshi government has planning to isolate Rohingya refugees by transferring to remote island. Such actions are inhumane and unacceptable even in religion norms. When the country Bangladesh itself rely on intl aid, it should not cut off of the other' aid.

  18. The outstanding Rohingya problem is being an issue of massive atrocities, crimes against humanity and slow genocide that remain unsolved like before. These are indeed a series of destroying of the minorities including Rohingya. Solution: 1) OIC and its leaders, ASEAN leader countries to continuously provide assistance on the ground in Arkan and rescue Rohingya boat-people from the sea. 2) United Nation agencies to exercise its power in distribution of aid to displaced victims of Rohingyans and Kamans on the ground. 3) The intl communties to monitor the citizenship verification process in order to be free and fair unless 3) United Nation to mandate to put effective resolution onto Burma to ease the crisis as soon as possible end persecution against minorities. 4) Britain, France, United States and its allies countries to use veto power to take appropriate action on to Burma rulers and military generals who committed crime against humanity and genocide. 5) United Nation to protectorate the areas of where Rohingya and Kaman people living and deploy International Peace Keeping Forces on the ground and to emerge for establishment of an Independent State (Rohingya State-hood) within Arakan State. 6) UNCHR to open its registration for Rohingya refugee boat-people and recognize them as refugee and include equal number in resettlement quota. As well as, to provide basic assistance and support for vulnerable groups such as elderly people, kids, single father/mother. Thank You-

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