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Biotechnology: Presant Status & biosafety concerns Department of Agriculture. H. M.J.Bandara Plant Quarantine Officer Sri Lanka . Department of Agriculture. Mandatory Crops: Cereals, legumes, condiments, fruit crops, root & tuber crops, oil seed crops vegetables, floricultural plants.
Biotechnology: Presant Status & biosafety concernsDepartment of Agriculture H. M.J.Bandara Plant Quarantine Officer Sri Lanka
Department of Agriculture Mandatory Crops:Cereals, legumes, condiments, fruit crops, root & tuber crops, oil seed crops vegetables, floricultural plants Activities: Research & development, Seed certification & plant protection, Planting material production Distribution & Plant quarantine, Germplasm management, Botanic gardens, Agriculture extension, Education & training, Finance & administration
Tissue CultureMolecular techniques (Based on nuclear acid & proteins) Biotechnology Biotechnology is defined in many ways. Tissue culture is considered one of the techniques. It’s associated directly with genetic transformation.
HORTICULTURAL CROP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE- Tissue Culture Program Banana Tissue Culture Papaya tissue culture
HORTICULTURE CROP RESEARCH AND DVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Virus indexing (serological) Banana Papaya Citrus Microbiology Food Research Unit Fermentation Food analysis
PLANT VIRUS INDEXING CENTER Serology and PCR Based Virus Indexing- Banana Virus Pineapple RT PCR for Detection of RNA Virus
SITHA ELIYA POTATO RESEARCH CENTER:Tissue Culture ProgramPotato Straw berry Pineapple
RARDC, Bandarawela Tissue Culture Program Potato Anthurium Gerbera Strawberry Madonna lily Virus indexing of potato by ELISA
RARDC, Agunakolapelessa • Thubakarwial Banana
RICE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE:Rice Biotechnology Anther Culture Exploitation of Somaclonal Variation Wide Hybridization
NATIONAL BOTANIC GARDENS-Tissue Culture Program Propergation of Endemic & rare Plants Floriculture Plants Mutation induction
PLANT GENETIC RESOURCE CENTER: Tissue Culture Program Banana Citrus spp • In vitro pineapple potato Conservation • Papaya tissue Culture
PLANT GENETIC RESOURCE CENTER: Tissue Culture Program Anther Culture in rice Haploid Culture a good system for transformation
PGR/RRDI- Rice researchPCR based DNA markers for breeding/gene pyramiding Gall midge resistance • Thrips resistance • Bactria leaf blight resistance • BPH resistance
Genetic Characterization by DNA markers Mango - Mangifera zeylanica Magifera indica Maize(PGRC/MI) Finger printing of hybrids Pathogens - Ralstonia, BLB Onion - Characterization & breeding
Introgression of genes from wild relatives Wild tomato X tomato Wild okra X okra
Future Work SSR markers for rice AFLP for fingerprinting of germplasm & Varieties Northern blot techniques for Analysis of HSP regular gene Expression Isolating the fragment for Coat protection gene papaya Ring spot virus
Application of Tools in Biosafety Regular Measures Tissue Culture Safe handling of materials Restricted multiplication Serological methods Testing &detection of foreign Genes bases in proteins Serological method should not be the sole method. Genes expression (transgenic)is spatially & temporally controlled PCR/Blot methods Based on DNA More sensitive method.Detect only presence or foreign DNA
National Plant Quarantine Service Requirements With the existing infrastructure & function and provided with additional strength (Trained staff, Detection equipment, Risk assessments Studuo) NPQS could undertake the regulatory activity
Institutional Biosafety Committee • Liaison with the national committees • Identification of institutes:transformation work,GMO detection /testing,regulation & risk assessment • Preparation of guidelines on biosafety regulations,risk assessments & management • Maintain constant access to relevant data base or registers both local & foreign • Monitoring & evaluation of programs • Building awareness
Requirements for Implementation of the Biosafety Procedures • Policy level support • Financial,administrative & legislative support • Biosafety clearing house mechanism • Monitoring, evaluation & inspection services • Training of decision makers,&technical level scientists & technicians • Facility enhancement • Public awareness, education & promotion of public participation including stake holders.
GENETIC Transformation ofAgricultural Crops Policy level decisions & if necessary, changes Identification of priority problems/crops Identification of Institutes Facility development