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Ecclesiological Developments in New Testament and Early Church

Ecclesiological Developments in New Testament and Early Church. New Testament. Terminology Ekklesia = to call out Matthew 16.18; 18.17 Question of Founding of the Church John Zizioulas : Christ institutes and the Spirit constitutes Connection between Church and Israel

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Ecclesiological Developments in New Testament and Early Church

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  1. Ecclesiological Developments in New Testament and Early Church

  2. New Testament • Terminology • Ekklesia = to call out • Matthew 16.18; 18.17 • Question of Founding of the Church • John Zizioulas: Christ institutes and the Spirit constitutes • Connection between Church and Israel • 12 disciples/12 tribes • Exists for the sake of the nations • Church founded in stages

  3. New Testament • Diversity of Models in New Testament • No single norm; fluid situation • Originally based on model of synagogue (with elders) • Later to single leader (e.g. Pastor in Timothy); bishop (e.g. Ignatius, Clement of Rome) • Images and Metaphors of the Church • Many but three in particular: • The People of God: I Pet 2.9; Rev. 5.9 • The Body of Christ: Eph 1.22-23; Icor. 12.27; Col. 1.18 • The Temple of the Spirit: Eph. 2.19-22; I Pet 2.5

  4. Fall of Jerusalem 70 AD • Christianity had been under the umbrella of Judaism • Legal status, religiolicita • giving early Church some legitimacy • 66 AD Jewish revolt • 70 AD siege of Jerusalem; Jerusalem sacked; second temple destroyed • Diaspora • Shift from Jerusalem to Rome as center • The Church on its own • Universal character of church , Jews to Gentiles • From Jewish framework to?

  5. Stabilizing Elements of Early Church Canon Creed Episcopate Apostolic foundation connected these

  6. Councils of Nicea (325 AD) and Chalcedon (451 AD) • Earliest creeds from first century • Mark the boundaries • Dealing with nature of Christ • Council of Nicea: Is Christ divine or creature? • Council of Chalcedon: The two natures of Christ as human and divine • Councils usually called during times of crisis, with notable exception of Vatican II

  7. Early Church: DonatistControvesy • Donatist Controversy (4th and 5th centuries) • Donatists • Post-Diocletian persecution • Diocletian persecution 303-5 • 313 Edict of Milan (313 also Pope’s judgment against Donatists) • Church should consist only of saints • Rites administered by those who had not held their ground in the face of persecution were invalid • Augustine • Breaking the church’s unity is the greater problem (cf. Cyprian) • Church is holy but its holiness is not dependent on individuals in the church, but God who is holy • Let the wheat and chaff stay together • Oneness does not depend on fractured church, but on oneness of the one who is Lord of the church • Will return to this with Luther

  8. Church and Kingdom • See Donald Bloesch • Earlier idea of the equation of the kingdom with the Church • Liberal idea • More balanced view • God’s rule cannot be contained by any earthly kingdom • God’s reign extends beyond the Church • Church participates in the kingdom but the church cannot contain the Kingdom • Church is not making the kingdom

  9. Great Schism of East and West (1054 AD) • Filioque • Jurisdictional papal claims

  10. Reformation (16th Century) To be discussed later

  11. Vatican II 1962-5 To be discussed later

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