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MBL 402 Week 1 Individual Assignment Week1App//tutorfortune.com

MBL 402 Week 1 Individual Assignment Week1App//tutorfortune.com

MBL 402 Week 1 Individual Assignment Week1App//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/mbl-402-week-1-individual-assignment-week1app Instructions: Please read this instruction, and section 5 and 6 in particular, CAREFULLY as it affects all future programming assignments. 1.tSetup Android Studio Development Environment 1.1 Download necessary packages using SDK Manager (ToolsAndroid-SDK Manager), making sure at least the following items are included (check "Show Package Details" to see detailed package items) 1.1a. SDK Platforms: Android 8.0 (Android SDK Platform 26, Google API Intel x86 Atom System Image) 1.1b. SDK Tools: Recommended to install all packages (with the latest version for each package) 1.1c Note that when you open projects from other sources (sample projects, projects from the textbook etc), you may be prompted to install additional dependent packages and tools. 1.2 Install Intel HAXM if your CPU supports it. (Note that if your machine is not based on HAXM supporting Intel CPU, you may not be able to run Emulator). 2.tCreate an Android Virtual Device (AVD name MBL402 recommended) with the following configuration, using AVD Manager (Tools-Android-AVD Manager) (Note: this will serve as the virtual device all future programming projects should be tested on, unless explicitly specified otherwise) - Device Profile: Phone/Nexus 5 - System Image Android Intel x86 with Google API - API Level 26 - Other default settings 3.t(Optional) Test your development environment by importing some Android code sample (e.g. BorderlessButton) (you may need to install additional packages) or open some project downloaded from the textbook. Make sure you can run/debug the project on the AVD created. Experiment with this play project and see if it behaves as expected on the AVD. 4.tDevelop your first Android App. 4.0 Start a new Android Studio project by adding an blank activity template (which should display a "hello world" message on the screen), with the following settings (note that naming convention and settings MUST be applied to all future assignments). This is to ensure your submitted package name is unique. Assignment: Week1App Android Studio Project Settings: - Application Name: Week1App<first-char-of-first-name-uppercase><first-char-of-last-name-upper-case><last-4-digits-IRN> for example, Week1AppCL3456 - Company Domain: mbl402.phoenix.edu - Automated populated Package Name: edu.phoenix.mbl402.<application-name-in-lower-case> - Leave "Include C Support" option unchecked. - Project Location: Choose a local directory to hold project files. - Target Android Device: Phone and Tablet/Minimum SDK = API 17 (default) - Activity Template: Empty Activity - Accept default names for Activity (MainActivity) and Layout (activity_main). Accept backward compatibility support (AppCompat) After the auto gradle build is complete, click Run-RunApp and make sure the "Hello World" message appears on the Emulator's screen. 4.1 Now modify the project to meet the following requirements: a. Change the display text to: "Hello Android, my name is <your full name>." (1.5 pts) b. Change the text color to green. (1.5 pts) c. Implement an "add message" menu item. When selected, some new message will be shown below the exiting texts on the screen. (2 pts) 5.tAssignment Submission Instructions (apply to all future Individual Dec 04, 2017 11:59 PM 5 programming assignments, including the team project) Once you have developed and tested the application on the AVD, gather the following THREE (3) items for review/grading. 5.1 Project Report File: 5.1a File Name/format: <ApplicationName>Report.doc/Microsoft Word 5.1b File Content: includes the following sections (please refer to AppReportSample file for detail): - At a glance summary on the implementation status of each requested feature and honest self-assessment of points to be earned. - For each feature, include all relevant app screenshots with narratives to prove the app works as expected. One should be able to look at this report to determine how well you implemented the requested feature (and the points/grade earned). - Reference and credits to source that was used for the app. 5.2 app-debug.apk file (typically generated under the app-build-outputsapk directory of the project workspace, if build is successfully). The apk must be installable and runnable to be considered for credit for the whole project. Additional note about the .apk file: To verify you can install and run the apk file onto the emulator, do the following: - Run the emulator (if not already running) - Drag and drop the apk file onto the emulator's window. Alternatively, in command prompt, go to <sdk-directory>/platform-tools, run "adb install <full-path-to-apk-file>" (you may want to set the PATH env variable so that you can run adb command from any location). - If successful, you should be able to locate the newly installed app on the emulator and start it. - if you can run the app in Android Studio but the app would crash when installed from apk file, try build the apk file via build->build apk menu and try again. 5.3 src.zip: Clean (Build->Clean) the project. Make a copy of the project's directory (see ProjectSourceTreeStructure material). Delete the following two directories from the copy: <project>-build and <project>-app-build. Then zip the project's directory into a src.zip file. This is to ensure your src.zip file has minimum size (usually it should be less than 1MBs). Make sure that when the src.zip is unzipped, you should be able to open it in Android Studio. Zip the above THREE (3) files into a single .zip file for submission. All 3 files must be included to earn any credit. Also you must have an installable and working .apk file included to earn any points. In another word, you will receive 0 point if your app doesn't build. But you will receive partial credit for successfully implementing some of the requested features. So plan your time accordingly. 6.tAssignment Submission Check: Please bear in mind that it's your responsibility to submit your work with the requested files in a timely manner. Here are some additional tips and instructions for double checking your submission before and after submission. 6.0 Make sure your apk file comes from the source and the project test reports comes from the apk file. If these items are found to mis-match, incidents of "academic dishonesty" may be reported to the University. 6.1 Make sure you include all three files. 6.2 Make sure you can manually install and run the apk on the specified AVD. 6.3 Make sure src.zip file is no more than 1MB. If your source zip is over-size due to large image files, please use smaller ones. Large files make it very difficult, if not impossible, for me to download your assignments in a batch fashion. 6.4 Make sure you have submitted the correct files. Download your own submission and verify if necessary. No excuse whatsoever will be accepted for wrong submissions. Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/mbl-402-week-1-individual-assignment-week1app

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PSY 280 Week 3 Week Three Quiz//tutorfortune.com

PSY 280 Week 3 Week Three Quiz//tutorfortune.com

PSY 280 Week 3 Week Three Quiz//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/psy-280-week-3-week-three-quiz PSY 280 Week 3 Week Three Quiz Complete the Week Three Quiz. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Week 3 Quiz True or False? Read each statement and indicate with the highlight function whether it is True or False. True False 1. The death rates for 7- to 11-year-olds are higher than those for children under 7 or over 11. True False 2. Genes alone have caused the marked increase in obesity among children. True False 3. During middle childhood, cognitive processes become more logical and more abstract. True False 4. Children who get their education from selling fruits or other items on the street still score poorly on standard math achievement tests. True False 5. Childrenu2019s ability to cope with stress may depend on their resilience when dealing with difficult situations. True False 6. The first year in any new school (middle school, high school, or college) correlates with increased bullying, decreased achievement, depression, and eating disorders. True False 7. Although the sequence of puberty is variable, the age of onset is not. True False 8. Older children change friends more often than do younger children. Matching Complete the matrix below for each of the designated stages, listing at least 3 major changes that occur in each of the developmental domains during that stage. Middle Childhood Physical Changes Cognitive Socioemotional Adolescence Physical Changes Cognitive Socioemotional Short Answer Essay Read the following questions and provide a complete response. Describe at least one main advantage of middle childhood play to physical, cognitive and social development (3 total advantages in all)? How do Eriksonu2019s stages of psychosocial development for school-age children and adolescents differ? How does adolescent egocentrism differ from early childhood egocentrism? In what crucial way do the terms u201csexual identityu201d and u201cgender identityu201d differ? PSY 280 Week 3 Week Three Quiz Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/psy-280-week-3-week-three-quiz

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PSY 280 Week 4 Week Four Quiz//tutorfortune.com

PSY 280 Week 4 Week Four Quiz//tutorfortune.com

PSY 280 Week 4 Week Four Quiz//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/psy-280-week-4-week-four-quiz PSY 280 Week 4 Week Four Quiz Complete the Week Four Quiz. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. True or False? Read each statement and indicate with the highlight function whether it is True or False. True False 1. Drug abuse is more common among college students than among their peers who are not in college. True False 2. Women use drugs more than men do. True False 3. The rate of serious mental illness among emerging adults is half that for adults over age 25. True False 4. The older a person is, the longer it takes his or her body to adapt to, and recover from, physical stress. True False 5. College education leads people to become more tolerant of political, social, and religious views that differ from their own. True False 6. Research indicates that the process (although not necessarily the outcome) of moral thinking improves with age. True False 7. Marriages that are preceded by cohabitation typically are happier and more durable. True False 8. Parenthood begins much earlier in poor nations than in wealthy nations. Developmental Stages Matrix Complete the matrix below for each of the designated stages, list and describe at least 3 major changes that occur in each of the developmental domains during that stage (3 changes per box). Early Adulthood Physical Changes Cognitive Socioemotional Middle Adulthood Physical Changes Cognitive Socioemotional Short Answer Essay Read the following questions and provide a complete response and provide a response for at least 3 of the below questions. How would you describe the stage of emerging adulthood? What advantages do emerging adults have in terms of their health? What aspects of body functioning keep adults from recognizing that their bodies are working less well over time? Explain the concept of u201csocial convoy.u201d What is the usual relationship between adult children and their parents? What factors might explain this relationship? What usually happens to sibling relationships over the course of adulthood? How and why does marital happiness change from wedding to old age? PSY 280 Week 4 Week Four Quiz Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/psy-280-week-4-week-four-quiz

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PSY 280 Week 5 Week Five Quiz//tutorfortune.com

PSY 280 Week 5 Week Five Quiz//tutorfortune.com

PSY 280 Week 5 Week Five Quiz//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/psy-280-week-5-week-five-quiz PSY 280 Week 5 Week Five Quiz Complete the Week Five Quiz. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. True or False? Read each statement and indicate with the highlight function whether it is True or False. True False 1. Most of the visual and auditory losses of the aged cannot be corrected. True False 2. Current average life expectancy for women is 5 years longer than it is for men. True False 3. Neuronal loss appears to be a significant factor in cognitive slowdown. True False 4. Alzheimer disease is in some cases inherited. True False 5. In a TIA (mini-stroke), symptoms disappear quickly and may be so slight that no one (not even the victim) notices. True False 6. Late adulthood is often associated with a narrowing of interests and an exclusive focus on the self. True False 7. Religious faith increases with age. True False 8. Married elderly people are lower in health and happiness than are those who are divorced. True False 9. The dying pass through a predictable sequence of emotional stages. True False 10. Today, active euthanasia is an accepted medical procedure. Developmental Stages Matrix Complete the matrix below for each of the designated stages, list and describe at least 3 major changes that occur in each of the developmental domains during that stage (3 changes per box). Be sure to use complete sentences. Late Adulthood Physical Changes Cognitive Socioemotional Short Answer Essay Read the following questions and provide a complete response for at least 3 of the below questions. What are the purpose and benefits of the life review? What are some signs of dementia? Why are most people unaware of the early stages of vascular dementia? What measures help protect people against dementia? What are ADLs and IADLs? Why is it important to consider both when discussing frailty? When might assisted living be a good option for elderly people and when might village care be a good option? What should parents remember when talking with children about death? PSY 280 Week 5 Week Five Quiz Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/psy-280-week-5-week-five-quiz

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MGT 521Wk 1 Discussion 2//tutorfortune.com

MGT 521Wk 1 Discussion 2//tutorfortune.com

MGT 521Wk 1 Discussion 2//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/mgt-521wk-1-discussion-2 MGT 521Wk 1 Discussion 2 Learn: Being the Exceptional Manager Summary Letu2019s leverage this discussion thread to gather the concepts and content from Ch. 1 that we may need to complete our assignments and that will most benefit us in advancing our careers. Avoid reading word-for-word, and use the following questions and scenarios to guide your inquiry. Scenarios Scenario 1: Functions of Management Whether you are an active or aspiring manager of others or just trying to manage your own career and life, being aware of and actively practicing the four functions of management is a foundation for your success (Kinicki & Williams, 2016). Questions List and define the four principal functions of a manager (Hint: POLC). How are these functions applied at your organization (or an organization with which you are familiar)? How can you apply each function to more effective and efficient at simultaneously managing school, career, and family? Scenario 2: Management Levels As an MBA student in the School of Business, you are developing or honing your skills to lead for business excellence. An important point about leadership is that we influence others even if we are not in a leadership position (Kinicki & Williams, 2016). For example, at work, Sarah is not in a management position, but she often finds that she needs to manage her relationship with her boss and colleagues. Managing her boss requires a degree of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling to effectively establish her goals and complete her activities. Questions What are the four management levels? In your current position at work, where are you in the four management levels? At that level, what are your basic management activities? What do you need to do to move to a higher management level? Scenario 3: Managerial Skills To be good managers, Kinicki and Williams (2016) say that we need to develop strong technical, conceptual, and human skills. Questions Explain each of the managerial skills. Considering your current job or a job to which you aspire, do you have the necessary technical, conceptual, and human skills to be successful? How can you apply management concepts from this course to develop or hone your managerial skills? Scenario 4: Managerial Roles Managers fulfill three important roles: interpersonal, informational, and decisional. Questions Explain each of the roles that managers play. How do you rate against each? How will you leverage your time and activities in the MBA program to develop your interpersonal, informational, and decisional skills? MGT 521Wk 1 Discussion 2 Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/mgt-521wk-1-discussion-2

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