'Biggest oil refineries' presentation slideshows

Biggest oil refineries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What are the petroleum oil and petroleum refineries in India

What are the petroleum oil and petroleum refineries in India

An oil refinery is a prime unit where crude oil is transformed and refined into useful products like gasoline, heating oil, kerosene, asphalt base, liquefied petroleum gas. They are large industrial complexes with extensive piping running throughout, carrying streams of fluids between large chemical processing units, such as distillation columns. India is a country rich in natural resources, including oil and natural gas. This is why the country has a large number of oil refineries, which carry out the task of separating crude oils to a number of refined products, so that they become fit for use. Most of the oil refineries in India are located in the coastal areas of the country. Following are five biggest oil refineries in India. Jamnagar Refinery Owned by Reliance Industries, Jamnagar Refinery is the biggest oil refinery in India. Situated in Gujarat, its production amounts to 1,240,000 barrels per day. Vadinar Refinery Owned by Nayara Energy (formerly known as Essar Oil) the production capacity of Vadinar refinery is nearly 406,000 barrels per day. Mangalore Refinery Mangalore Refinery is a part of the company called Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited. It production capacity of the refinery amounts upto 199,000 barrels per day. Kochi Refinery Formerly known as Cochin Refineries Limited and later renamed as Kochi Refineries Limited, it was acquired by Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited in the year 2006. It has a production capacity of nearly 190,000 barrels per day. Chennai Refinery Owned by the Indian Oil Corporation, the Chennai refinery has a total production capacity of this refinery is 185,000 barrels per day.

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