'Breast start' presentation slideshows

Breast start - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Breast cancer treatment in India | Cost breast cancer treatment in India

Breast cancer treatment in India | Cost breast cancer treatment in India

Breast cancer is cancer that develops in breast cells. Typically, the cancer forms in either the lobules or the ducts of the breast. Lobules are the glands that produce milk, and ducts are the pathways that bring the milk from the glands to the nipple. Cancer can also occur in the fatty tissue or the fibrous connective tissue within your breast. The uncontrolled cancer cells often invade other healthy breast tissue and can travel to the lymph nodes under the arms. The lymph nodes are a primary pathway that help the cancer cells move to other parts of the body. Risk factors for developing breast cancer include being female, obesity, lack of physical exercise, drinking alcohol, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, ionizing radiation, early age at first menstruation, having children late or not at all, older age, prior history of breast cancer, and family history. Cost of Breast Cancer Treatment in India depends on the patientu2019s choice of hospital, patient condition, progression of the cells and the length of stay in hospital. Cost of Breast Cancer Treatment in India is much lower than those in many other countries like US & UK. Want to do your Breast Cancer Treatment in India? The best idea would be to reach out to a medical travel company who can assist you in choosing the best hospital for you, getting the right treatment plan, arranging for your travel & accommodation requirements etc. INDHEAL is a medical travel consultant having access to 50 hospitals, hotel groups and travel partners. They can help you to get the best treatment in the best hospitals in India as per your preference. Find out more: bit.ly/2Sy6zdX

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