'Buy art' presentation slideshows

Buy art - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Help People Buy Their First Piece Of Art On Siesta Key

Help People Buy Their First Piece Of Art On Siesta Key

http://www.LloydDobsonArtist.com Help People Buy Their First Piece Of Art. Let's reflect back to those early years where you attended art school or was your major in college and had aspirations of completing your schooling and everything would fall into place with your art career. Remember this fantasy? All you had to do is create your work and customers would flock to your studio and buy your work. Obviously now you know it is not that easy, however with an understanding of marketing it could become much easier. Realizing that art is an option and not a necessity requires some basic understanding on how to promote your art and obtain buyers. Art competes with tons of other commodities in the marketplace, first for attention and ultimately for dollars (just like every item for sale in every store simultaneously competes for your business). Any business needs just two things: Traffic and conversions. Period! Your art is no different. You know you've got your work cut out for you if you expect to make a living as an artist, and that convincing multiple individuals to buy your art on a regular basis is not an easy job. In my early career an art dealer once told me, "No art sells itself." And he's right, but that doesn't mean you hawk it like timeshares or used cars. Selling your art is not about tactical maneuvers or strategizing on markets, but rather about capitalizing on those moments when people are impressed enough, for whatever reasons, to stop, look, and maybe even ask you a few questions. You see, some of these people will be thinking about buying, so to increase the odds that they slip you cash or a credit card, you have to present and contextualize whatever art they're looking at in ways they can understand and appreciate, and transition them from lookers to owners.

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Buy Direct From Local Siesta Key - Sarasota Artist

Buy Direct From Local Siesta Key - Sarasota Artist

http://www.LloydDobsonArtist.com Buy Direct From Local Siesta Key - Sarasota Artist off of his website or from the Siesta Key Farmers Market held every Sunday in the Village from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. You want to buy a piece of art for your home or work but think you can't afford it as art is way too expensive? Save money purchase art online, direct from the artist, at an affordable price to suit your budget than go to this website http://www.LloydDobsonArtist.com Plus Lloyd ships FREE to the lower US 48 & Canada. Lloyd's paintings are enjoyed by hundreds of collectors throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, and Switzerland. For testimonials on his oil paintings visit his wedsite and click the "Testimonial" tab. It is commonplace to hear people talking about buying art as a financial commitment, but should this be the true reason we buy art? Big auction houses and bigger galleries encourage this particular kind of thinking because it will help them to sell art to the upper crust of contemporary society. They treat art more like a investment than what it truly is, which is loveliness to be enjoyed by anyone. The fact of the matter is, there are more artists and works of art than there are spaces on a gallery wall. This means that the galleries have to be very picky about the works they take in, because they are in the business of making money by representing artists whose work will sell quickly. If you want to buy art and avoid the hassle and outrageous prices of galleries and auction houses, read on! A savings of 50% - 60% awaits you!

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Start Selling Your Paintings On ebay With a Live Demo

Start Selling Your Paintings On ebay With a Live Demo

http://LloydDobsonArtist.com Below are some information tips to start selling your paintings on eBay. The internet has opened up many more new options for artists in the last few years. There are many ways to capitalize on your talent, and earn money from a variety of income streams. Some may appeal to you more than others, but that will depend on your ambition and personal preferences. In this post you will get some tips on utilizing eBay as one of the ways to earn money from your paintings. eBay is a huge "virtual gallery" or marketplace for your art. Your art can be seen in all four corners of the globe. For a small fee you can offer your art for sale. 1) The first thing you need to do is have an eBay account. Once you sig up by filling out a short form requiring your information, eBay will send to you via email a confirmation. 2) The next step is to click on the tab "Sell" and complete the information required. 3) Now you will upload an image of your art work. 4) Now is the time to get creative by adding a headline, and description of your art work like size, medium you used and maybe a short bio of you as an artist. Make sure you check the information for spelling and accuracy, although prior to any bidding changes can be made. After bidding you are limited to adding notes only. 5) Next insert a starting price and you can also add a "Buy It Now" price and then wheather you are going to offer free shipping or charge. My advice is to offer free shipping. 6) When the item is sold, you will receive payment by Paypal, - if you set up an account, (Highly recommended to encourage easy care-free payment method) - or by cheque/postal order. 7) Now you post your paintings for sale. You will have the option to have an automatic repost, if your paintings don't sell within the 3, 5 or 7 day interval you chose. It might be wise to ship your paintings by registered mail and insured. This insures you of avoiding any possibility of lost, stolen or damage. Here are some eBay Guidelines: In your Listing Description, make sure to include both basic information and details about your item. A good description is concise, well organized, and easy to read. Create bold section headlines, bulleted lists, and be sure to restate the information featured in your title plus more details such as dimensions, framed or unframed, condition, estimated value, artist history, and any other interesting features. You can also insert photos or links to videos that highlight the unique attributes of your item. Think about your listing from the buyer's perspective. The more information you provide, the more likely the buyer will be to place a bid on your item. Click any eBay logo link to sign up today. Watch the video for a live demo for posting your paintings.

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