'Chapter 2 google adwords' presentation slideshows

Chapter 2 google adwords - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How To Get Page #1 In The Search Engines

How To Get Page #1 In The Search Engines

http://Bit.ly/LloydDobsonBook How To Use Google To Drive Traffic To Your Business. Okay you are now in business and need traffic or you have been in business for awhile and need traffic. With today's technology such as our smart phones, if you do not have a presence on the Internet, you are losing business to your competitors. Why? Because they are utilizing this strategy to help drive traffic and buyers. People now days are going to Google Search to find a solution to their wants or needs. So does it not make good sense to be in front of what they are searching for? Answer! definitely yes, if you are serious about making a profit with your business. So how do you get on Google's first page? That ranking requires some knowledge and application of that knowledge. However, it is not that complicated, if you are consistent with positioning your business on that first page. Basically, Google doesn't believe that you exist. On the off chance that Google doesn't believe you, you're not going to rank on the first page SERPs. You'll be lost in the midst of a huge number of others who're attempting to work their way to the top. In this way, the main genuine directing standard of SEO is trust. When you have Google's trust, you'll reliably rank profoundly. When you do not have its trust, you'll be lost in a wretched ocean of low-positioning site pages. What's more, nobody needs that. From its earliest days, Google's core search algorithm offered the most relevant and most organic search results quickly and accurately on a simple site with an iconic logo that has now become synonymous with the search giant's business. Searching amidst the world's vast data, Google cleverly cataloged and categorized pages using its PageRank formula, which assessed the quantity and power of links to any given web page.

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