Sterilization Equipment Market - Global Industry Insights
terilization is a process that kills, eliminates, deactivates or removes all form of life and other biological agent form specific surface, fluid, medication or in biological culture. Sterilization can be achieved through various means such as chemicals, heat, irradiation, filtration and high pressure. So on basis of different means of sterilization there are different sterilization equipment. Sterilization equipment are mainly required in laboratory particularly microbiology and medical. Autoclave is a most important sterilization equipment as it can be used to sterilize laboratory equipment such as glassware and micro centrifuge tubes. Chemicals, fluids, water or food used for experiments are also sterilized in autoclave. Besides autoclave there are dry heat sterilizing equipment like hot air oven. Steam sterilization equipment like autoclave are used to sterilize glassware, surgical instruments, and medical waste. Dry heat sterilization equipment such as hot air oven are used to sterilize metal instruments, needles and petroleum products. Glass beads sterilizers are employed for the instruments which are re-used. But Glass beads are not FDA approved.
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