'Concrete stair nosing' presentation slideshows

Concrete stair nosing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Types and Features of Stair Tread Nosing

Types and Features of Stair Tread Nosing

Types and Features of Stair Tread Nosing 1. Stair treads are the flat planes or surfaces that people step on when climbing up or down a set of stairs. They are commonly made using a variety of materials like steel, wood and plastic and covered with carpets and anti-slip rubber covers. 2. Nosing is that part of the stair treads that protrude beyond the riser. Nosing is commonly found not only on stair but also on landings and raised platforms. 3. Apart from providing additional comfort, steel stair treads and the type of nosing used in industries offer added features like -slip-resistance, -visibility, and -protection. 4. Nosing components are often made with materials like steel, concrete and vinyl. They are also available in several types, such as single part, two part, and cast nosing, which differ in their features and applications. 5. Based on their applications, special features and material, a few common types include, a. concrete stair nosing, b. glow in the dark and visibility nosing, c. safety stair treads, d. Heavy duty nosing, and e. Anti-slip coating and paint. 6. Concrete stair nosing, available in several variations are specially designed to improve the safety and reliability of using concrete stairs. 7. Glow in the dark and visibility nosing are ideal for industries and buildings to prevent any mishaps while using stairs in low light areas, during emergencies and when the power is out. 8. Safety stair treads are designed to be easily installed on industrial steel stair treads, available in several designs and specs that offer a range of special features. This is the best way to renovate and improve old and worn stairs, and is far more cost-efficient that tearing down and constructing new stairways. 9. Heavy duty treads are suitable for all kinds of conditions, whether indoor or outdoor. They offer high-performance nonskid features along with a high weight-bearing capacity. 10. There are several types of anti-slip coatings available from epoxy to water based materials that in combination with these types of nosing offer supreme safety. Visit Oasis Metal Official Website for Types and Features of Stair Tread Nosing i.e. at http://www.oasismetal.net.ae/gratings/stairtreads

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