'Delhi 110024' presentation slideshows

Delhi 110024 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SPIRE TECH IT GREATER NOIDA=9811822426=Assured Return in IT

SPIRE TECH IT GREATER NOIDA=9811822426=Assured Return in IT

SPIRETECH IT PARK GREATER NOIDA | SPIRETEC | ASSURED RUTERN PROPERTY | 12% |YAMUNA EXPRESSWAY |SPIREWORLD | PROJECT |BEST PRICE |GROWINGBRICKS| OFFICE SPACE |/nSPIRE TECH /nAfter the grand success of Spire Edge, Manesar, we are coming up in Greater Noida, Tech Zone A new address to serve all the needs of I.T./ ITES./nSpire Tech Park Greater Noida -- India's First Mainstream Green Office Complex. SPIRE TECH PARK Greater Noida is being developed as a State-of-Art IT park with an aim to create an environment-friendly IT park. This world-class infrastructure would be the first of its kind in the country and is conceived to provide facilities that would put this IT Park on Google Maps for Best Industrial Infrastructure available in Greater Noida, Delhi-NCR./nPrice Type :- Office Size :- 500-36000 sq ft Price 4560 Assured Return : 12% Amount 2280000 onwards Booking : 200000 Status Booking Open Special/nFor More Information Contact GrowingBricks.com 09811822426 09811822428 info@growingbricks.com www.growingbricks.com/nSpiretech,spiretec,spire tech, spireworld,spire edge,spireedge,manesar,greater,noida,greater noida,Yamuna expresspay,gr.noida,office,space,office space,assured return,property,properties,rental,project,gautam,Buddha,university,price,location,best,sell,buy,rent,sell,purchase,flat,office space,commercial,residential,villas,stellar,manthan,it,it park,niit,venezia,grand,sunword,amr,earth,sapphire court,ommaxe,Connaught place,m3m,dlf,kingcourt,south delhi,rented property,investment,agent,delhi,real estate,india,Delhi,NCR,corporate,amarapali,3c,unitech,mahagun,logix,lapremiere,orris,plot,vatika,golf,course,link,sport city,spire tech greater noida,/n

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