'Gastric sleeve surgery' presentation slideshows

Gastric sleeve surgery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Contact: Address:311 West 24th st 11B,New York, NY 10011 Phone:718-682-3394 Website URL: www.gastricsleevesurgeryny.com About US: Our team is led by Dr. Sergey Terushkin, a Board Certified surgeon and a renowned leader in the field of minimally invasive bariatric procedures. At Gastric Sleeve Surgery NYC, we want to be your trusted partner on your journey to both short- and long-term wellness. We believe in the power of individual support and can help you feel confident about tackling your future head-on. Gastric Bypass Surgery. Patients who have undergone gastric bypass surgery at our New York facility have experienced tremendous results. The procedure entails creating a small stomach pouch and bypassing several feet of intestine. The procedure has been used for more than 40 years and typically results in weight loss of 50u201375% and can resolve type 2 diabetes in nearly 80% of patients. If you are among millions of Americans who struggle with obesity and weight-related health issues, it may be time to consider bariatric surgery. For many, dieting and exercise are simply not enough to counteract the effects of lifelong weight gain; our professionals at Gastric Sleeve Surgery can help. Lead by Dr. Sergey Terushkin, an acclaimed leader in the field, Gastric Sleeve Surgery NYC offers a variety of minimally invasive procedures designed to help patients throughout the New York area take control of their weight and start leading healthier lives. Additional Details: Hours: Mon- Fri 9 a.m u2013 5 p.m Payment: all cc, checks Social Links: https://www.facebook.com/Gastric-Bypass-Surgery-429449371182438/ https://twitter.com/GastricBypassS5 https://www.pinterest.com/gastricbypasssurgerynewyork/

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Cirugia Bariatrica

Cirugia Bariatrica

Contact Address: 612 NW 9th Ave, suite 1145 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 phone: 954-743-0352 Website: www.goalbmi.com About Our philosophy is providing surgical excellence by combining cutting edge technology and individualized patient care. A few of the most commonly performed procedures include laparoscopic gastric banding, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, and laparoscopic hernia repair. Dr.Terushkin is a member of the American College of Surgeons and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery. No matter what stage of life you are in, taking control of your weight can significantly improve both your physical and emotional health. Obesity has been linked to a number of health risks that can be improved by taking control of your weight with bariatric surgery. Taking control of your weight with bariatric surgery can help prevent all of these health risks and a host of additional afflictions, such as severe heartburn, incontinence, venous problems of the legs, lower back and joint pain, and shortness of breath. When it comes to choosing the right weight loss solution/program, Dr.Terushkin works directly with his patients and certified staff to come up with tailored individual plans for every case. This is done, so patients can loose weight, keep it off and implement the lifestyle changes necessary to stay healthy and live happy lives. Related Searches Weight Loss Service | Surgeon| Weightloss surgery| bariatric surgery| gastric sleeve surgery| gastric by pass, loose | weight fast| fast weight loss| weight loss options| how to really loose weight| loose weight surgery| weight loss surgeon| bariatric surgeon| Fort Lauderdale| FL Nearby Locations West palm | Hollywood | Miami | Fort Myers | Tampa 33401| 90028| 33147| 33906| 33609 Additional Details Hours: Mon - Tue, Thu 10am - 6pm Wed 9am-5.30pm Fri 9am-4pm Payment: Cash, all cc, checks Social Profiles https://www.facebook.com/pg/Cirugia-Bariatrica-246491496230353/ https://twitter.com/CirugiaB GMB Listing https://goo.gl/maps/P9Uw9Pte8Kf7YytV9

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