How HDFC Mutual Fund NAV Calculation is Done?
NAV is an abbreviation for Net Asset Value. If you wouldu2019ve ever overheard a conversation between an advisor and an investor, a discussion about NAV is a sure thing. It is an indication of a fundu2019s per unit market value. Investors buy and sell securities at the NAV of fund. So, if you are interested in buying HDFC mutual fund units, you will have to do it at the present day NAV of the fund. Similarly, you will have to sell the units at the prevalent HDFC Mutual Fund NAV. Different schemes of HDFC have different NAV. Based on the performance of the fund the NAV keeps on shooting or coming down. Now that we are clear about what NAV is, letu2019s jump on to how HDFC Mutual Fund NAV calculation is done.
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