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Health weight loss - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Weight Loss Tips for Girls .pdf

Weight Loss Tips for Girls .pdf

Weight Loss Tips for Girls The majority of girls are very conscious about how they look and they therefore would go to great lengths to make any improvements they feel are necessary. Every girl wishes to have a killer body with curves in all the right places to feel attractive and remain confident. Weight can therefore weigh a girl down, but luckily there is always something that can be done to make improvements in the situations. Weight loss does not have to be boring and taxing for girls considering they are still growing. By embracing simple but effective weight loss tips, girls manage to keep their weights in check. Below are some helpful weight loss tips for girls. 1. Pack lunch to school. It is okay to want to hang out with friends during lunch hours, but it is even better when you do that and eat a healthy home cooked meals. Consider carrying home packed lunch to school to keep off junk and unhealthy food options. 2. Make desserts, treats and sweets rewards for special weight loss achievements. As a girl you definitely have a sweet tooth, but to achieve your weight loss goals, set them to be your rewards for achieving targets. You will find greater motivation when you have something to look forward to. 3. Consider partying at home. Special events attract lots of enticing but unhealthy foods. If you have a party and still want to reach your weight loss goals, consider throwing the party at home and making special foods that are delicious and healthy. You can have your mother or guardian and your close friends help out in planning out everything. 4. Keep your menstrual cycle in check. Menstrual health is very important to your weight loss goals. To ensure that your ride smoothly on the natural process, make sure that you eat foods that are rich in iron so that your hemoglobin levels remains intact. Your menstrual cycle should not be the reason why you make bad choices so keep it in check always by eating foods that are valuable to it. 5. Replace sugary starchy snacks with fruits. There are so many fruits you can try out and by making them your replacement; you will not only see a difference in your weight but also in your skin tone and texture. Fruits are actually very good in controlling sugar cravings. Reach for a fruit when you start feeling like snacking. 6. 6. Embrace simple physical activities. Sit ups, side stretches, jumping jerks and forward bends are some of the simplest you can choose but some of the most valuable. They are easy to do at home and if you feel like engaging some outdoor activity, then you can choose interesting activities that you will love such as swimming, walking and jogging. 7. Get emotional support from parents and siblings. Getting everyone around you involved in the weight loss program is one of the best things you can choose to do. Dietary changes can be done in a fun way so you do not feel isolated or neglected during the process. Girls can choose aerobic exercise for weight loss. There are so many exercises that girls can engage in to have fun as they lose weight and boost their confidence levels. But you must know different medicine works on different parson though group is same. Honestly it does depend on parson. So, if you want to know Which Diet Is Right for Your Personality,I would recommend you to follow the link....[http://www.criticdeal.com/health/weight-loss Thanks Wishing you a healthy body

135 views • 3 slides

7 Useful Weight Loss Tips.pdf

7 Useful Weight Loss Tips.pdf

7 Useful Weight Loss Tips Making changes in the lifestyle and diet to help lose extra pounds needn't be torture. Even making the smallest changes in the diet and increase daily activity can have a very positive impact over the long-term, and leave you thinner and healthier. Here are seven useful tips to help with weight loss: 1. Snack smartly :- If you do start to feel hungry during the day it is best to satisfy the craving with a healthy snack. This is a lot better than ignoring it and risking a food binge later in the day. A smart snack choice can include a small bowl of Edam me, 1 tbsp. of peanut butter on a piece of fruit, or a protein snack like string cheese. 2. Use the scales daily :- If you step on the scales daily and notice the weight continues to increase, this is a sure sign that you need to cut back on the daily food intake or improve on the regular workouts. 3. Do bodyweight exercises :- A daily five-minute session of bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges and push-ups can help to improve on muscle mass. This is important because it helps to improve on the metabolic rate and increase the ability to lose calories during the day while you are doing your normal activities. 4. Eat a balanced breakfast :- Eat a balanced breakfast in the morning that consists of proteins, carbs and a little fat to help control hunger pains and keep blood sugar levels steady. A great breakfast to keep the hunger pangs away is whole-wheat toast with turkey bacon and egg whites. 5. Eat more fruit :- Eating at least two pieces of fruit per day is great for the body with its low-fat and high water content. This is a great way to fill the stomach and avoids snacking on high calorie alternatives. Even though fruit can contain high carbs, this is the type of carbohydrates that are good for you and contain a lot of healthy fiber. 6. Get a good night's sleep :- A proper night's sleep that leaves you refreshed in the morning is reported to be a great benefit to those wishing to control their diet because there is less risk of snacking on poor food choices due to stress or fatigue. 7. Cut back on alcoholic drinks :- Many of the alcoholic drinks are high in calories and often do little to help quench your appetite. Try to limit the alcohol consumption to the weekends or have a drink like vodka and juice, light beer, or a glass of wine. These drinks are likely to have about 100-125 calories per serving. But you must know different medicine works on different parson though group is same. Honestly it does depend on parson. So, if you want to know Which Diet Is Right For Your Personality, I would recommend you to follow the link.[ http://www.criticdeal.com/health/weight-loss] Thanks Wishing you a healthy and happy life.

118 views • 3 slides

How To Get Others Involved In Your Weight

How To Get Others Involved In Your Weight

How To Get Others Involved In Your Weight When you start with a weight loss plan, support is crucial, especially with your family and friends. However, it is not always easy to get them involved in your program even though it is of importance and can keep you from falling back to unhealthy eating habits. For your plan to work you must look for every way possible to get others and especially those close to you involved in the program. The more involved they are in the process, the higher your success chances of reaching your ideal weight target. Let your weight loss plan known One of the difficult things you can try to do is entering into a weight loss program without letting your family and friends know about it. The good thing about coming out clean about the decisions you have made to lose weight makes them aware, so they do not end up tempting you to engage in the habits that you are trying to drop to lose weight. For instance, your sweet-toothed friends will work and enjoy their treats away from your presence, and your family members will try to eat healthier meals from home compared to dragging you out to eat to increase your chances of eating unhealthy foods. Make them do shopping on your behalf The supermarket can be very tempting, especially with all those tasty treats lined up for your selection. To avoid this kind of temptation, get your family or friends involved by listing your foods list and sending them out to get it for you. This way, they can also get their favorite treats and enjoy without tempting you in any way. In case they bring their favorite treats home, then ask them to store them somewhere you likely will not visit, their rooms, basement or garage. The less you see, the less tempted you will be. Cook healthy meals and desserts for them One of the best ways of getting others involved in your weight loss plan is by offering to cook them delicious meals and desserts. This way, you could make all the food choices, and cooking techniques, so you can dine healthily and achieve your weight loss goals. When you offer to cook for the family, you might just also manage to get them to improve their health and want to enjoy more delicious but healthy meals at home. Choose treats that don't interest you much If you feel a need to allow your family to continue enjoying their treats, but without putting you into temptations, ask that they list their favorite treats. You can then go through the list and buy gifts that are not likely to tempt you but will keep the others happy. Plan picnics and choose healthy food joints Eating-in may not always be fun, but you can plan picnics that will thrill everyone and still ensure you eat healthily. If you must eat out with your family or friends, then search for restaurants offering healthiest food choices and invite them to try out the healthy recipes with you. Support from people around you is crucial when you get into a weight loss plan. Find effective ways to keep everyone around you involved in the process to help you reach your goals. Find the Best Weight loss strategy, eBooks, Diet eBooks and great Health & Fitness Articles about exercises, strategies, guides, plans & tips on Weight Loss. But you must know different medicine works on different parson though the group is same. Honestly, it does depend on parson. So, if you want to know Which Diet Is Right for Your Personality, I would recommend you to follow the link... http://www.criticdeal.com/health/weight-loss Thanks Wishing you a healthy body

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