Less Known, Clean, Low Cost, Abundant Energy Technologies & Related Game Changing Applications. / Environmentally Frien
This is an Introduction presentation of various energy related cleaner technologies and information indicating inexhaustible level of energy available from wide range of sources. At most advanced scientific level, the surprising degree of vast low cost energy is already accepted as a physical effect. For example, LENR-Cold Fusion technology's effect itself is in virtual acceptance by Mainstream Western Science and the next step is when the various available commercialized "free energy" generators become officially endorsed by mainstream outlets. And this might trigger a string of other related technologies to be reviewed by mainstream full scientific protocol for the first time for accelerated improvement of human life across the board. This Scientific Investigative Report with Analysis of Commercialized Examples(continuous updating summary) covers conventional low cost energy cleantech, as well as uniquely high efficiency less known technologies that are related to a string of superior effects that can significantly affect the way business, economy, & everyday life would function if fully deployed.
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