'Project management certifications' presentation slideshows

Project management certifications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Project Manager Roles And Responsibilities | Project Manager Salary | PMP Training | Simplilearn

Project Manager Roles And Responsibilities | Project Manager Salary | PMP Training | Simplilearn

This presentation on project manager roles and responsibilities will help us understand who is a project manager and what all skills are required to be a project manager. The video explains the roles and responsibilities of a project manager. After we know who is a project manager and what all a project manager is supposed to do, we will check the project manageru2019s salary. We will also see how one can become a project manager. Towards the end, we will review how a project manageru2019s resume looks like. Now, let us get started. Below topics are explained in the presentation: 1. Who is a project manager 2.Roles and responsibility of a project manager 3.Project manager salary 4.How to become a project manager 5.Project manager resume PMP Certification Course Overview The course covers new trends, emerging practices, tailoring considerations, and core competencies required of a Project Management professional. Placing a greater emphasis on strategic and business knowledge, this course also includes a new section on the role of the project manager in both large and small companies. PMP Course Key Features: - 35 contact hours/PDUs - 8 industry case studies, 20 industry-based scenarios - 6 hands-on projects, 7 simulation test papers (200 questions each) Eligibility: The PMPu00ae certification is an essential professional requirement for senior project manager roles across all industries. The course is best suited for: Project Managers, Associate/Assistant Project Managers, Team Leads/Team Managers, Project Executives/Project Engineers, Software Developers, Any professional aspiring to be a Project Manager. Pre-requisites: You should have a secondary degree (i.e. high school diploma, associateu2019s degree or the global equivalent) with 7,500 hours leading and directing projects along with 35 hours of project management education.OR You should have a four-year degree with 4,500 hours leading and directing projects along with 35 hours of project management education. Learn more at https://www.simplilearn.com/project-management/pmp-certification-training

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