'Revanta heights' presentation slideshows

Revanta heights - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Revanta Heights By Revanta Group

Revanta Heights By Revanta Group

Revanta will manufacture township comprising of rich green zones, open spaces and different offices essential for carrying on with a more brilliant life. The infrastructural improvement around the township like building streets, flyovers, parks, healing center and schools will be built by the Delhi Development Authority. The proposed township is situated in L Zone and as indicated by the most recent notice of the Delhi Government requests of exchanging place that is known for 95 towns to the income division has affirmed. These towns are presently termed as urbanized zones and the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) will utilize this area for infrastructural advancement in future. It won't not be right to say that the whole land division is sitting tight excitedly for the execution of DDA's property pooling arrangement. The Revanta bunch has arranged the township uniquely. The gathering will help DDA to construct world class environment for living as an aftereffect of which the capital city Delhi will be known as the primary savvy city of India. http://www.kamprevantagroup.com/revanta-heights-kamp-developers/ Revanta gathering is watching out for the most recent improvement in regards to the area pooling arrangement and is content with the way things are getting down to business. Revanta heights DDA will begin building infrastructural needs once the area is exchanged to them from the income office. Revanta gathering is a mindful area engineer and are resolved to construct great quality private buildings at a reasonable cost. http://www.lzonedda.com/revanta-cghs-ltd-revanta-heights-l-zone-dwarka/.

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