Understanding that your Process, no matter how current it is, is likely out of date, is the most important thing to be aware of. Understanding how you will move for is not a one-time occurrence, it is something you must be continually reviewing. Digital Selling is at the forefront but is not the only element. You must know and act on many factors all at once. Who Should Attend Sales Executives Sales Enablement titled Staffers Sales Managers Supervisors Field Sales Officers Senior Management The understanding of Sales Execution Optimization could be the Key to stopping your organization from using an outdated process and establishing a Framework for Success of Execution. Session Highlights This session will help you to understand: How to approach the Sales Process in 2019 from a variety of Angles of Attack. Its not about cutting cost, it is about ensuring that Sales Execution Optimization is the front of mind. Understand the Angles of Attack for your Sales Process and ensure that you are Executing with the understanding that worked 6 months ago may need to be updated now
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