'Sharjah uae' presentation slideshows

Sharjah uae - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Water Leak Detection for Server Room & Datacenter.

Water Leak Detection for Server Room & Datacenter.

water leak detection, leakage detection, gas leak detection, refrigerant leak detection, oil leak detection, leak sensing cable, RLE, Datacenter, Server room, Environmental monitoring, aquilar, APC netbotz, Liebert, Liebert water leak detection, Liebert LT410, Liebert LT410, zone leak detection, point leak detection, Liebert LT500Y, leak detection cable, Liebert Liqui-tect, APC Leak Sensor, uniflair, NTI, Enviromux /nWe offer Water leak detection system for server room, Datacenter, telecommunication room & Industrial applications. Water leakage detection systems early detects potential water leakage problem. Notification can be obtained over alarm, e-mail & SMS ensures highest uptime for your business. False alarm can be avoided with help of adjustable sensitive threshold. Event logging to for easy diagnostic Leakage detection can be done over distance, zone or specific spot. It reduces major financial risk at minimal cost. Web interfaced owned telecommunications switches, damaged files. Personnel safety can be threatened by roof leaks in building or by fire from water caused electrical short circuits. We also offer gas leak detection, refrigerant leak detection & Oil leak detection. Some of brands of water leak detection systems are Liebert, RLE, Environmux, Aqualeak, Aquatrack etc./n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES FZE (Ctrltech) PO Box 122271, Sharjah, Dubai UAE. T: +971 6 5489626 F: +971 6 5489627 E: sales@ctrltechnologies.com W: www.ctrltechnologies.com

835 views • 4 slides

Close Control unit. CCU. CRAC. Precision Air Conditioner.

Close Control unit. CCU. CRAC. Precision Air Conditioner.

Close control Unit, CCU, CRAC, PEC, Computer room air conditioner, precision air conditioning, precision cooling, datacenter cooling, server room cooling, Airedale, Liebert, Uniflair, stulz, bluebox, datacenter, data center, Liebert DS, Liebert Mini-Mate2, Liebert CRV, Liebert CW, Liebert ICS, DENCO, Denco T-Range, trane, Denco TW-Range, Denco E-Range, Denco MS-Range, Uniflair AMICO, Uniflair LEONARDO EVOLUTION, Uniflair LEONARDO MAX, Uniflair MONOBLOCK, Blue Box DATATECH, emicon, server room air conditioning, server room ac, server room, data center cooling, server room cooling system, computer room air conditioning, computer room ac, server room air conditioner, cooling server, datacenter, data center, data center cooling calculator, server room cooling calculator, close control air conditioning, precision air conditioning unit, precision air conditioner/nClose control Unit (CCU) also commonly known as Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) or Precision Air Conditioner (PAC) use for precise control of Temperature along with Humidity in Server room, Datacenter, Laboratory and various Industrial applications. Our Closed Control Unit (CCU Or CRAC) has /nDifferent name for close control units are server room air conditioning, server room ac, server room, data center cooling, server room cooling system, computer room air conditioning, computer room ac, server room air conditioner, cooling server, datacenter, data center, data center cooling calculator, server room cooling calculator, close control air conditioning, precision air conditioning unit, precision air conditioner/n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES FZE (Ctrltech) PO Box 122271, Sharjah, Dubai UAE. T: +971 6 5489626 F: +971 6 5489627 E: sales@ctrltechnologies.com W: www.ctrltechnologies.com

830 views • 4 slides

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