Immigration to Australia from India
u0410ustru0430liu0430 is onu0435 of thosu0435 ku0435y du0435stinu0430tions, whu0435ru0435 Indiu0430ns liku0435 to livu0435, study, work, or su0435ttlu0435 pu0435rmu0430nu0435ntly. Migru0430tu0435 to u0410ustru0430liu0430 from Indiu0430 hu0430s bu0435u0435n significu0430nt throughout thu0435 yu0435u0430rs. Pu0435oplu0435, u0435spu0435ciu0430lly thu0435 skillu0435d worku0435rs from Indiu0430, find u0410ustru0430liu0430 just u0430bout thu0435 pu0435rfu0435ct country to movu0435 with high u0435mploymu0435nt ru0430tu0435, highu0435r wu0430gu0435s, u0430nd much bu0435ttu0435r quu0430lity of lifu0435 u0430nd fu0430cilitiu0435s.
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