Ajax Registration Pro
Ajax Registration Pro- is an extended version of Ajax Registration, improve your Joomla! Register form.
Just install the component then check settings and that's all.
* Password strength check
* Check username already exist before post
* Check email already exist before post
* MVC Architecture
* ReCaptcha Enabled
* No module installation require
* Backend enable disable option
* Translation
After installation the language files will be located in 'language' directory.
The English language file will be 'language/en-GB/en-GB.com_ajaxregistration.ini' where you can edit the language strings.
If you have some other language installed like German, create a file 'language/de-DE/de-DE.com_ajaxregistration.ini'
and translate the strings. Of course, if you use a Multilanguage component like Joomfish, the strings will be automatically translated.
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