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BSA 385 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Software Engineering Management Tools//tutorfortune.com

BSA 385 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Software Engineering Management Tools//tutorfortune.com

BSA 385 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Software Engineering Management Tools//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/bsa-385-week-3-learning-team-assignment-software-engineering-management-tools Instructions: Resource: u2022tFigure 6-8, "An example of a data flow diagram depicting a customer order system," in Section 6.3, "Requirements Analysis," in Ch. 6, "Requirements Engineering," of Essentials of Software Engineering Recall that the hospital only performs five types of surgeries, limits the patient stay to three days, and has a limited pharmacy offering of ten prescription drugs. And, the hospital employee using the program should be able to enter the patient information, including name, hospital ID number, diagnosis, surgery type, length of stay, and prescriptions. Using Figure 6-8, "An example of a data flow diagram depicting a customer order system," construct a 1-page data flow diagram for the Hospital's billing program using Microsoftu00ae Word. The team will submit one completed assignment for the team. This assignment will help you complete this week's Individual Assignment. Cite all sources using APA guidelines. Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab. Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/bsa-385-week-3-learning-team-assignment-software-engineering-management-tools

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