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DOE-EFCOG ISM & QA Spring 2018 Strategic Planning & Direction

Learn about safety guidelines, cyber security practices, and emergency preparedness at Savannah River Site. Stay informed to ensure a secure and incident-free visit.

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DOE-EFCOG ISM & QA Spring 2018 Strategic Planning & Direction

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  1. DOE-EFCOG ISM & QASpring 2018Strategic Planning & Direction Tricia Allen Director, ESHQA&CA, SRR Vince Grosso QA Program & Field Support Manager, NNSS

  2. Agenda

  3. Welcome to SRS Safety Message Joe Fulgham Manager, Supplier QA and Site Programs, SRNS

  4. Safety Topic • Safety is #1 priority at SRS - go home in the same shape as you arrived • SRS covers 310 sq. miles - much of it is undeveloped land • Be very cautious of deer, turkeys, coyotes & hogs crossing roadways • Only hands-free phones may be used while driving onsite • Speed limits are monitored very closely – follow all postings • 15 MPH at the Barricades • 10 MPH in the Parking Lots • Parking lots • Some are pull through while others are not • Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way • Do not park in the wrong direction • Do not cut across parking lots

  5. Cyber Security Topic • Personally Owned Electronic Equipment (POEE) • Do not charge a cellphone with a govt. computer! This is the most common “Incident of Security Concern” • Do not connect thumb drives, computers and/or network devices to the SRS Network • POEE is prohibited from using audio or video recording and data transfer • No connectivity is allowed between the SRS systems and your POEE Keep going for information on SRS fa

  6. Security Topics • Privately-owned vehicles are subject to random search upon entry and exit • Some items not allowed inside the SRS boundary • Firearms (including toy or simulated guns) and ammunition, explosive materials, hand-held weapons • Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs & knives with blades over 3 inches long • Reference the Site Point of Entry Briefing brochure • Security Badges • Wear badges photo side out, above the waist, and on the front of the body • Challenge System is strong across the site – if challenged be courteous Keep going for information on SRS fa

  7. Emergency Preparedness • When you hear announcements over the PA, stop what you’re doing and listen • Evacuation: maps are at building entry ways – review them for rally points • 766-H is rectangular and positioned North to South • Rm. 1003 is on the north end of the building • Exit the classroom and go left out of the doors and walk towards the north end of the parking lot. Meet at the Site Training Sign. Our Alternate Evacuation Rally Point: we go out of the classroom to the left and out of the doors, turn left and proceed to the grassy area. • Other rooms: • Exit the classroom and exit the nearest outside door depending on where you are located in the building • Severe weather - remain here sheltered in place. • If you have an emergency on site • From a site land line: call 3-3911 • From a cell phone: call 803-725-3911 Keep going for information on SRS fa

  8. SRNS Welcome Stuart MacVean President & CEO, SRNS

  9. SRR Welcome Tom Foster President & Project Manager, SRR

  10. DOE Welcome Mike Budney Savannah River Site Manager

  11. DOE-HQ Update Pat Worthington Director, Office of Health and Safety (AU-10) Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security DOE

  12. DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program • Working Together for Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health - EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program Gary T. Staffo, PE, CSP, CPE Manager - US DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention (AIP) Program Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  13. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program Thank you, Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG) Workshop Attendees Accident Investigation Program (AIP) and EFCOG Quality Assurance & Integrated Safety Management Common Purpose Prevention – Identify and analyze causal factors to address organizational, systemic, and human performance for continuous improvement. Lessons Learned (LL) – Review events to improve DOE mission operational and safety performance. Integrated Safety Management (ISM) – Reinforce the core functions and guiding principles. Quality Assurance (QA) – Maintain operational excellence, safety, and cost effectiveness for continual performance improvement. High Reliability Organization (HRO) – Promote the values and concepts of a learning organization. Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security Keep going for information on SRS fa

  14. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program Presentation Purpose • Share information and provide feedback on integrating the AIP Program and the EFCOG QA and ISM Working Groups findings for prevention. • Determine AIP, QA, and ISM significant program issues and provide ideas for continuous improvement. • Improve communications between the AIP Program and EFCOG Working Groups at HQ and in the Field. • Identify AIP Program and EFCOG Points of Contact. • Establish an AIP Program and EFCOG dialogue. • Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security Keep going for information on SRS fa

  15. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program The Presentation Focuses On: • Addressing the working relationship between the DOE AIP Program and EFCOG Worker Safety and Health Programs at HQ and in the Field. • DOE Order 225.1 B, Accident Investigations, and the DOE-HDBK-1208-2012, Accident and Operational Safety Analysis, and how they can be used by EFCOG Program Representatives with the Field sites for prevention and continuous improvement for DOE mission support. • Integrating the AIP Program, and the EFCOG Worker Safety and Health Programs for prevention. • Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security Keep going for information on SRS fa

  16. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE Order for Accident Investigations • DOE Order 225.1B, dated March 4, 2011, states the requirements for AIs. • Appointment of AI Boards is now the responsibility of the heads of program elements (NA-1, EM-1, SC-1, FE-1, etc.). • The DOE Power Marketing Administrations are EXEMPT from the DOE Order. All (Except BPA Recent change to HPI) have similar internal AI Directives, and attend the DOE AI training course. • The Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program under the Director’s authority implements DOE O 225.1B requirements in an equivalent manner. • Only one set of criteria for triggering AIs (Type A and B merged into one – Federally Led Investigation). • Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security Keep going for information on SRS fa

  17. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE AIP Program Concept of Operations Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  18. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE AIP Program Quality Lessons Learned • DOE AIP Program has a proud history: • AEC – Atomic Energy Commission • ERDA – Energy Research Development Admin. • SSDC – System Safety Development Center • MORT – Management Oversight Risk Tree • Federal Accident Investigation Boards (AIBs): • Receive management and administrative support • Are objective and unbiased • Focus on prevention (not compliance or blame) • Use consistent methodology and techniques Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  19. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE AIP Program Techniques • Three Core Analytical Techniques • Change Analysis • Barrier Analysis • Events and Causal Factors Analysis • Integrated Safety Management System • 7 Principles • 5 Core Functions • Human Performance • Culture Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  20. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE AIP Program Quality Lessons Learned • Quality Review - DOE O 225.1B Requirements Section 4. C. (3)(c)4 • Determine Facts • Analyze Facts • Core Analytical Techniques • Objective/Unbiased • Causal Factors • Direct • Root • Contributing Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  21. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE O 225.1B, Accident Investigations • Section 5. RESPONSIBILITIES: c. Heads of Field Elements. • (2) After incorporating this Order into contracts, ensure its implementation and identify, to the Head of the Headquarters Element and AU, a single point of contact to act as liaison to Headquarters on matters pertaining to the Accident Investigation Program. • (3) Provide for the necessary on-site support to the AI Board, as requested by the Chairperson, to facilitate the timely and effective completion of the accident investigation. Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  22. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE O 225.1B, Accident Investigations • DOE O 225.1B, Contractor Requirements Document (CRD) • The contractor must supportFederal investigations of accidents related to activities under their contract. The contractor must: • Establish and maintain a capability to respond to accidents, mitigate accident consequences, assist in collecting and preserving evidence, and assist during the conduct of the investigation. The assistance provided must include preserving and documenting the accident scene to the extent that it is under the control of the contractor. • Prepare, implement, and track to completion approvedcorrective action plans that are identified for their action by the AIB. Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  23. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE O 225.1B, Accident InvestigationsAccident Investigation Determination Criteria • DETERMINATION TO APPOINT A DOE FEDERAL AIB • The Heads of Headquarters Elements must consider the criteria identified in Appendix A of DOE O 225.1B, the value of the knowledge to be gained by conducting the investigation, and other relevant factors, to determine whether an Accident Investigation Board (AIB) must be appointed. • DETERMINATION NOT TO APPOINT A DOE FEDERAL AIB • The Heads of Headquarters Elements must document the determination, immediately notify AU-1, and provide the rationale for not appointing Federal AIB. Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  24. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE O 225.1B, Accident InvestigationsAccident Investigation Determination Criteria • Human Effects • Any fatality from injury or exposure • Hospitalization more than five calendar days • Any single accident resulting in three or more employees having lost-workday cases • Motor Vehicle Accidents while on official Government business, if the consequences result in meeting any of the criteria above Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  25. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE O 225.1B, AccidentInvestigationsThe Accident Investigation Criteria • Radiation • Radiation exposure exceeding by a factor of 2 or more 10 CFR Part 835.202 external dose limits • Radiation exposure exceeding 1 rem effective dose for embryo/fetus of a declared pregnant worker, a minor, or a member of the public • Confirmed monitoring result indicating an intake of radioactive material by an employee equivalent to two or more times the annual limit on intake (ALI) • Confirmed monitoring result indicating an intake of radioactive material to a declared pregnant worker; a minor; or a member of the public equivalent to 20% or more of an ALI Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  26. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE O 225.1B, AccidentInvestigationsThe Accident Investigation Criteria • Environmental • Environmental release of a hazardous material from a DOE facility in an amount greater than five times the reportable quantities specified in 40 CFR Part 302 • Release of a hazardous material from a DOE facility that meets the criterion for classification as a Site Area or General Emergency in DOE Order 151.1C • Any offsite transportation incident involving hazardous materials that would require immediate notice pursuant to 40 CFR Part 302 • Facilities under 29 CFR Part 1910.119, Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, an incident that resulted in, or could reasonably have resulted in, a catastrophic release of a highly hazardous chemical in the workplace Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  27. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE O 225.1B, AccidentInvestigationsThe Accident Investigation Criteria • Property • Estimated loss of, or damage to, DOE property equal to or greater than $2.5 million or requiring estimated costs equal to or greater than $2.5 million for cleaning, decontaminating, renovating, replacing, or rehabilitating property • Any unplanned nuclear criticality Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  28. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE O 225.1B, AccidentInvestigationsThe Accident Investigation Criteria • Other • Any accident or series of accidents for which an AIB is deemed appropriateby the Secretary or Deputy Secretary Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  29. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE AIP Program Review DOE O 225.1B and DOE HDBK-1208-2012 AU-23 is the Office of Primary Interest (OPI) for DOE O 225.1B and DOE HDBK-1208-2012. Feedback and active participation from the EFCOG QA & ISM Working Groups and Workshop Attendees is welcomed as part of the DOE AIP Program Working Group review of DOE O 225.1 B and DOE HDBK-1208-2012 in FY-2018. Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  30. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE Handbook approach incorporates QA & ISM into the AIP Accident Analysis and Operational Safety Techniques Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  31. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program EFCOG and DOE AIP Program Path Forward for Prevention • Address the working relationship between the DOE AIP Program and the DOE EFCOG community and DOE Field sites. • Improve the DOE EFCOG community understanding of how the AIP Program functions, its requirements, prevention philosophy, approach and process, and lessons learned. • Work together on how the AIP Program can work with EFCOG and the DOE complex for continuous improvement in safety and health to enhance the DOE mission. • Encourage use of the core analytical techniques daily for improving fact finding and casual analysis in all investigations. • Develop, from this experience in the field, a graded and tailored systematic approach for events that do not meet the DOE O 225.1B criteria for an FAIB. Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  32. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE National Training Center (NTC) Courses EIP-400, Accident Investigation (AI) (Classroom) EIP-120DE, Accident Investigation Overview (Online) EIP-200V, HPI Event Investigation (Classroom) DOE-320, Causal Analysis and Corrective Action (Classroom) ISC-202DV, Legal Aspects of Inquiries (Online) ISC-301, Conduct of Inquiries (Classroom) Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  33. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program DOE National Training Center (NTC) Courses Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  34. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program We need more people to participate as AI Board Members and Subject Matter Experts! Consider enrolling in an upcoming DOE AI Course through CHRIS for Federal staff, or the National Training Center (NTC) LMS for contractors. Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  35. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program Links, Websites, Resources • For more information: • DOE Order 225.1B, Accident Investigations: https://www.directives.doe.gov/directives-documents/200-series/0225.1-BOrder-b • Accident Prevention and Investigation Program: http://energy.gov/ehss/worker-health-safety-policy-guidance-reports/doe-accident-prevention-and-investigation-program • Accident Investigation Reports:http://energy.gov/ehss/listings/federally-led-accident-investigation-reports • DOE Handbook (DOE-HDBK-1208-2012) Accident Investigation and Prevention, Volumes 1 and 2: DOE HDBK 1208-2012 Vol. 1DOE HDBK 1208-2012 Vol. 2 Keep going for information on SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  36. Working Together For Accident Prevention and Worker Safety and Health – EFCOG and the DOE Accident Investigation and Prevention Program Questions? Keep going for inContact: Gary T. Staffo Phone: 202-586-9577 Email: gary.staffo@hq.doe.gov Forrestal: Room 6F094, Suite 7 ton SRS fa Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security

  37. NS • Update for the • EFCOG QA & ISM Working Group • from the • Office of Quality Assurance & Nuclear Safety Management Programs • April 24, 2018 • Christian Palay, Director (AU-32)

  38. Organization & Personnel • Garrett Smith (Director) • Tom Hiltz • Alan Levin Office of Nuclear Safety (AU-30) Quality Assurance & Nuclear Safety Management Programs (AU-32) Nuclear Safety Basis & Facility Design (AU-31) • Pranab Guha (Acting Director) • Brian DiNunno • Caroline Garzon • Mike Hillman • Sharon Jasim-Hanif • Jim Bisker • Sam Rosenbloom • Patrick Frias • Christian Palay (Director) • Duli Agarwal • Sonya Barnette • Brendan Burns • Jeff Feit • James Heffner • Earl Hughes • Kathy Knight • James Shaw

  39. Rules, Directives & Standards • Quality Assurance • 10 CFR 830, Part A, (QA Rule) • DOE Order 414.1D, (QA Order) • DOE Guide 414.1-1B (QA Assessments) • DOE Guide G 414.1-2B (QA Guide) • DOE Guide G 414.1-4 (Software QA Guide) • DOE-HDBK-1221, (S/CI) • CGD Handbook • Facility Reps • DOE-STD-1063 • Operations • DOE-STD-1030 • DOE-STD-1031 • DOE-STD-1032 • DOE-STD-1033 • DOE-STD-1034 • DOE-STD-1035 • DOE-STD-1036 • DOE-STD-1037 • DOE-STD-1038 • DOE-STD-1039 • DOE-STD-1040 • DOE-STD-1041 • DOE-STD-1042 • DOE-STD-1043 • DOE-STD-1044 • DOE-STD-1045 • DOE-HDBK-1214 • C.O.O. Handbook • Maintenance • DOE-STD-1073 • DOE-STD-3024 • Readiness Reviews • DOE-STD-3006 • DOE-HDBK-3012 • Training • DOE-STD-1070 • DOE-HDBK-1076 • DOE-HDBK-1078 • DOE-HDBK-1118 • Filter Test Facility • STD-3020 • STD-3025 • HDBK-1221

  40. Priorities • Complete Commercial Grade Dedication Handbook • Re-charter the DOE Quality Council • Provide direct assistance to DOE & NNSA Program Offices and their Field Elements for effective implementation • Develop training for important quality policies • Suspect/Counterfeit Item Prevention • Commercial Grade Dedication • Graded Approach • Assess the need to revise DOE O 414.1D and the related guides

  41. Challenges • Succession Planning for Key Quality Assurance Personnel • Application of DOE Order 414.1D beyond Nuclear Safety Applications • Inconsistent Use of Graded Approach • Coherent DOE Voice on Voluntary Consensus Standards Committees

  42. Contact Information • Christian Palay, DirectorOffice of Quality Assurance & Nuclear Safety Management Programs • Office Number: 202-586-7877 • Email address: christian.palay@hq.doe.gov

  43. Safety Working Group (SWG) Update Jan Preston Safety Working Group Vice Chair April 2018

  44. Safety Working Group John McDonald – Chair Jan Preston – Vice Chair Alice Lewis – Secretary Engineering Practices SG Cherri DeFigh-Price – Chair Vacant – Vice Chair Tobin Oruch – Secretary Integrated Safety Management SG Patricia Allen – Chair Vacant – Vice Chair Linda Collier – Secretary Nuclear & Facility Safety SG Jeff Buczek – Chair Tihn Tran – Vice Chair Zack Brounstein – Secretary • Regulatory & Enforcement SG • Deborah Jenkins – Co-Chair • Kathy Brack – Co-Chair • Vacant – Secretary Sustainability and Environment SG Monica Witt – Chair Thom Kato – Vice Chair Frank Rukavina – Vice Chair Vacant – Secretary • Quality Assurance SG • Vince Grosso – Chair • Vacant – Vice Chair • Matthew Alt – Secretary Worker Safety & Health SG Mary Flora– Chair Steve Harris – Vice Chair Mark Brynildson – Secretary Plus ~20 associated Task Groups Revision Date 10/5/2017

  45. Working Group Activities • SWG Best Practices issued in FY2017: • BP 193: Adoption of NFPA 70E 2015 in place of NFPA 70E 2012 • BP 194: Calculation Spreadsheet for DC Arc Flash Hazard; DC Arc Flash Calculator • BP 195: Contractor Assurance System Effectiveness Validation • BP 199: Regulatory Summary of 10 CFR 830.122 (QA Rule) • BP 200: Incidental Welding: Welding Activities Not Covered by a Code or Standard • BP 201: Welding Program Ownership • BP 202: Lines of Inquiry for Flow down Requirements and Subcontractor Implementation of 10 CFR 851 • Continuing good working relationships with DOE and widespread meeting participation by Contractors

  46. Working Group Activities • 2018 Annual Work Plan approved – Planned initiatives include (list not all inclusive): • Refining the CAS Effectiveness Validation BP and developing an associated CAS Assessment Plan; • Developing an HPI Coaching Guide on effective leadership traits/behaviors; • Developing a Safety Culture Program Evaluation Guide; • Develop Work Management-specific metrics; • Develop SQA Auditing Protocols White Paper (standardized expectations/guidelines) • Finalization of a Commercial Grade Dedication Handbook and develop CGD training; • Support utilization of a single tool for supplier quality data (several MASL initiatives). http://efcog.org/wp-content/uploads/Wgs/Safety%20Working%20Group/Documents/WG%20Annual%20Work%20Plan%20-%20FY18%20090617.docx

  47. Working Group Activities • Emphasis on cross-group collaborations: • Safety Culture TG teaming with DOE SCIP • SWG Work Planning and Human Performance Task Groups • Engineering and Project Management on Startup/Commissioning • Engineering and Nuclear Safety • Joint DOE/EFCOG team reviewing NFP Codes/Standard • Safety Culture (SCIP) emphasis at upcoming DOE annual Nuclear Facilities Safety Workshop Be on the lookout for other partnering opportunities, such as: • CAS and Project Execution? • Safety Culture and CAS? • Various opportunities to partner with Training? • Focus on application (vs. strictly academic) opportunities

  48. SWG Topics: 10CFR851 Update

  49. Moury Memo Highlights • If gaps are identified, include a written abatement plan and schedule in the revised WSHP 90 days prior (10/18/2018) to support a compliance date of 01/17/19 • Local DOE Field Office approves the WSHP changes • Considerations for an abatement plan: • Compliance is not possible or technically feasible • Risk/Benefit • Funding • Code of Record • Project duration • Interim worker protection measures • Implementation schedule impact on hazard abatement

  50. SWG Topics: EA-31 SC Reviews

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