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General security considerations

General security considerations. http:// www.flickr.com/photos/torkildr/3462607995/. What does “Security” encompass?. One viewpoint: NIST FIPS 199 3 key objectives: Confidentiality Integrity Availability http ://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips199/FIPS-PUB-199-final.pdf.

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General security considerations

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  1. Generalsecurity considerations http://www.flickr.com/photos/torkildr/3462607995/

  2. What does “Security” encompass? • One viewpoint: NIST FIPS 199 • 3 key objectives: • Confidentiality • Integrity • Availability http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips199/FIPS-PUB-199-final.pdf

  3. Confidentiality • “Preserving authorized restrictions on information access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information” • In short: Keeping secrets secret • This is the primary linkage between security and data privacy laws and regulations such as HIPAA • Example of a threat: packet sniffing

  4. Integrity • “Guarding against improper information modification or destruction, and includes ensuring information non-repudiation and authenticity” • In short: Not letting data get trashed • Example of a threat: impersonation in order to achieve data modification

  5. Availability • “Ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information” • In short: People can get their data • How much would people complain if they couldn’t get to certain information? That tells you whether availability is important. • Can be assessed using Business Impact Analysis (BIA) • Example of a threat: denial of service attack

  6. Confidentiality != Integrity != Availability • Reminder • Confidentiality: Secrets stay secret • Integrity: Data don't get trashed • Availability: People can get their data • Example: Stealing a copy of unencrypted file • Confidentiality: fail; integrity and availability: ok • Example: Appending false facts to a file • Integrity: fail; confidentiality and availability: ok • Example: Moving (hiding) somebody's file • Availability: fail; confidentiality and integrity: ok

  7. Some key web security concerns • Logging of URLs • Impersonation • Autocomplete • Man-in-the-middle • Bots and denial-of-service • Theft of data • Encrypting data yourself • Hashing passwords • Injection attacks (later lecture) • Cross-site forgery (later lecture)

  8. Logging of URLs • ASSUME that all URLs are logged somewhere • Probably on your webserver, maybe elsewhere • This includes ALL GET parameters • So NEVER EVER send ANY data as a GET parameter if it needs to be kept confidential • Passwords, credit card numbers, student ID numbers, etc.

  9. Impersonation • This is where user X pretends to be user Y • So X can see Y's data (confidentiality: fail) • So X can delete Y's data (integrity+availability: fail) • How to prevent? • Just make everybody authenticate before they can access any data that must be kept confidential or whose integrity & availability must be protected

  10. Autocomplete • These days, most browsers will kindly try to save users' data and auto-fill forms • Includes passwords • Potential for impersonation • Threatens confidentiality+integrity+availability • To disable… <form autocomplete="off" … > … <input type="text" autocomplete="off" … > …

  11. Man-in-the-middle • The browser doesn't talk directly to the server • It talks to the operating system, which sends data on wireless or a cable to a router, which forwards the data to another network, etc. • And anywhere along the way, somebody could view and log the data values as they go by • Including passwords (even if sent by POST) • Solution: Encrypt the data • To do this, you install an SSL server certificate

  12. Overview of how to set up SSL • Lease some PHP hosting (server) space • Lease rights to a domain (also known as "registering a domain") • E.g., buy "mydomain.com" for a year • Log into a server owned by the people from whom you leased the domain name & indicate the IP address of your leased server • E.g., map "www.mydomain.com" to • Lease an SSL certificate (file) that contains cyptographic keys for your specified domain • Log into your PHP server, put a copy of your certificate onto it, and restart your server  Anybody who connects to your server via https will have a totally (2-way) encrypted connection… voila, no more man-in-the-middle attacks

  13. Bots and denial-of-service • A browser is just a program • Somebody could create another program that calls your server & pretends to be a browser • This is called a "bot" • And the bot can be installed on lots of computers • Say, machines that a bad person has hacked ("botnet") • If the program hits your often enough, legit requests won't get through • This is called "denial of service" • Availability threat (not confidentiality or integrity)

  14. How to beat denial-of-service • Still not a "solved problem" • Partial solutions that reduce the threat: • Replicate onto lots of servers • Use a custom operating system (or web server or router) that filters out suspicious traffic • Redesign the app with a peer-to-peer architecture rather than a client-server architecture • I.e., it's not a web application any more

  15. Theft of data • Suppose • Your web application has no obvious security holes… • But the people you're leasing a server from are shady (or inept)… • And somebody steals your database!!! • Could be a huge threat to confidentiality, integrity, availability • E.g., if unencrypted passwords are in the database, the thief can launch an impersonation attack • Worse: what if somebody steals credit cards?

  16. Theft of data isn't just for databases • Suppose • Your web application has no obvious security holes… • But your users are absolutely clueless (they don't even know what antivirus is)… • And somebody hacks their hard drives!!! • Could be a huge threat to confidentiality, integrity, availability • E.g., if unencrypted passwords are in cookies, the thief can launch an impersonation attack • Worse: storing credit cards in autocomplete or cookies

  17. Mitigating theft of data • Simple solution • Encrypt all data that needs to be kept confidential • Before inserting into permanent storage • Databases • Files • Cookies • Etc.

  18. Some example code <?php $secretInfo = '6011000000000004'; // credit card $keyForEncryptingAndDecrypting = 'montague1300!'; $iv = '37492910'; // any 8 digits $encryptionCipher = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH,'','cbc',''); mcrypt_generic_init($encryptionCipher, $keyForEncryptingAndDecrypting, $iv); $asEncrypted = base64_encode(mcrypt_generic($encryptionCipher, $secretInfo)); mcrypt_generic_deinit($encryptionCipher); mcrypt_generic_init($encryptionCipher, $keyForEncryptingAndDecrypting, $iv); $afterDecryption = mdecrypt_generic($encryptionCipher, base64_decode($asEncrypted)); mcrypt_generic_deinit($encryptionCipher); echo $secretInfo . " -> " . $asEncrypted . " -> " . $afterDecryption; ?> // note: $asEncrypted can be pretty long

  19. Now you need to keep your key safe • You also need to keep your database username and password safe, incidentally • Most PHP hosts (servers) allow this: • Any lines of code that need to be kept secure can be placed in a file stored "above" your web application /store/them/here/config.inc Instead of /store/them/here/myweb_server_root/myfile.php • And then include the values when you need them • <?php include '../config.inc'; ?>

  20. Incidentally, you don't actually need to store passwords in the database • An even more secure option is to store a random-ish number computed based on the password (called a "hash") • When user sends a password: • Hash the password • Compare to the hashed password in the database

  21. Example code: Hashed passwords // when initializing database $usr = 'ricky'; $pwd = 'mypassword'; $insertthis = base64_encode(hash('sha256',$pwd)); mysql_query("insert into users(usr,pwd) values('".$usr."','".$insertthis."')"); // when you receive a username & password later on (user is trying to log in) $usr = $_REQUEST["usr"]; $pwd = $_REQUEST["pwd"]; $checkthis = base64_encode(hash('sha256',$pwd)); $rs2 = mysql_query("select usr from users where usr='" . mysql_real_escape_string($usr) . "' and pwd='" . mysql_real_escape_string($checkthis) . "'"); $_SESSION["usr"] = (mysql_numrows($rs2) > 0 ? $usr : "");

  22. Even more secure… hash password concatenated with some random string // when initializing database $usr = 'ricky'; $pwd = 'mypassword'; $insertthis = base64_encode(hash('sha256',$pwd . "blahblahblah102020")); mysql_query("insert into users(usr,pwd) values('".$usr."','".$insertthis."')"); // when you receive a username & password later on (user is trying to log in) $usr = $_REQUEST["usr"]; $pwd = $_REQUEST["pwd"]; $checkthis = base64_encode(hash('sha256',$pwd . "blahblahblah102020")); $rs2 = mysql_query("select usr from users where usr='" . mysql_real_escape_string($usr) . "' and pwd='" . mysql_real_escape_string($checkthis) . "'"); $_SESSION["usr"] = (mysql_numrows($rs2) > 0 ? $usr : "");

  23. Key points to remember • Objectives: Keep secrets secret, don't let data get trashed, make sure people can get data • Things to remember: • Never send confidential data via GET • Use SSL to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks • Replication is a partial solution to denial-of-service • Encrypt sensitive data values before storing • Except for passwords: hash those instead

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