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What’s next in UbD?. Understanding By Design BestPrep TIW. Step 1: Assessments Step 2: Alignment Step 3: Rubrics. Stage 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence or how the learning is assessed. Unit/Lesson Plan Template. Evidence of Understanding.
What’s next in UbD? Understanding By Design BestPrep TIW
Step 1: Assessments • Step 2: Alignment • Step 3: Rubrics Stage 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence or how the learning is assessed.
Evidence of Understanding • Once we know what we are going to teach (Stage 1) we need to avoid jumping to how to teach it (Stage 3). • The focus of Stage 2 is determining what qualifies as evidence or proof that what we identified as most important in Stage 1.
Types of Assessments • Quiz and Tests • Academic Prompts • Performance Tasks • Informal Checks for Understanding
Formative Assessments“Assessments for learning” • Carried out at the beginning or during a unit • Provide the opportunity for immediate evidence of student learning • Allows teachers to go back to a particular concept and provide add’l instruction or present it in a different manner
Summative Assessments“Assessments of learning” • Provides accountability through comprehensive assessment. • Used to check the level of learning at the end of the unit • Reflects the cumulative nature of the learning that takes place in reaching the unit goals and objectives
G = What is the goal of the task? What is it designed to assess? R = What real-world role will the student assume as he/she is performing the task? A = Who is the audience for the task? S = What is the situation that provides the context for the task? P = What is the product, performance or purpose that is required by the task? S = By what standards and criteria will the product, performance or purpose be judged? The GRASPS of a Performance Task
Check for Alignment • Appropriate criteria highlight the most revealing and important aspects of the work (given the goals), not just those parts of the work that are merely easy to see or score. • The goal is to have at least one assessment per essential question.
Rubrics • RubiStar • http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php • Rubrics 4 Teachers • http://www.rubrics4teachers.com/ • Rubrics for Classroom Teachers • http://www.uwstout.edu/soe/profdev/ • rubrics.shtml
NETS Why??? • Creativity and Innovation • Communication and Collaboration • Research and Information Fluency • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making • Digital Citizenship • Technology Operation and Concepts
Assessments • Select the formative and summative assessments that will be used as evidence to show student understanding. Also, • include the technology applied (if any) for the assessment • the NETS Students standard (if technology is applied) • Create rubrics for any performance assessments • These assessments will be included in your final unit/lesson plan.