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C9530-404 Exam Dumps - Instant Download C9530-404 Exam Questiosn

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  1. IBM IBM Integration Bus V9.0 Solution Development C9530-404 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of C9530-404 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/c9530-404-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing C9530-404 Exam PDF Demo

  2. Version: 7.0 Question 1 A solutoo developer oeeds to implemeot a message foo that iovokes a Busioess Process Executoo Laoguage (BPEL) process io IBM Busioess Process Maoager Advaoced Versioo V7.5 aod cootoue processiog the message io the message foo oithout oaitog for a respoose. Which oode should the developer use? A. CORBARequest B. SOAPRequest C. SCARequest D. SCAAsyocRequest Aoswern C Question 2 A solutoo developer is creatog a DFDL message model for a comma-separated text fle that cootaios customer addresses. The message model structure is shooo beloo. Duriog testogg the developer fods that some of the records io the data fle might be blaok. What modifcatoo cao the developer make to the DFDL model to alloo for the blaok records io the data? A. Set Mio Occurs to 0 oo the Customer/sequeoce elemeot. B. Set Cooteot > Leogth Kiod to Implicit oo the Customer elemeot. C. Add %WSP* to the Termioators property oo the Customer elemeot. D. Add %LF to the Termioators property oo the Customer/sequeoce elemeot. Aoswern D Question 3 A solutoo developer is usiog accouotog aod statstcs data to fod a performaoce issue oithio a message

  3. foo. Which type of statstcs should the developer use? A. Node statstcs B. Thread statstcs C. Termioal statstcs D. Message foo statstcs Aoswern D Question 4 Io a data aoalysis projectg a set of sample XML documeots are aoalyzed accordiog to: A. busioess rules. B. a validatoo stylesheet. C. the cooteot of the data. D. the structure of the schema. Aoswern C Explaoatoo: Io a Data Aoalysis projectg you aoalyze a set of sample XML documeots accordiog to the cooteot of the data. Refereoce: htp://ooo- 01.ibm.com/support/koooledgeceoter/SSMKHH_9.0.0/com.ibm.etools.mf.doc/bdd2d20_.htm Question 5 A solutoo developer is implemeotog a message foo that traosforms XML paymeot messages. Each paymeot message iocludes maoy iodividual paymeot traosactoo records. Each traosactoo record has a summary sectoo aod a details sectoo. For the mappiogg ooly felds from the summary sectoo are required. What should the developer do to tuoe the performaoce of the message foo? A. Coofgure opaque elemeots io the parser optoos of the MQIoput oode. B. Coofgure the MQIoput oode to use the BLOB domaio aod theo use striog fuoctoos to implemeot to the mappiog. C. Use XPATH iostead of ESQL to map the required elemeots of the message. D. Select the optoo to “Build tree oith XML schema data types” io the parser optoos of the MQIoput oode. Aoswern B

  4. Passing the IBM C9530-404 exam is not easy without having dumps. You can get C9530-404 exam Questions and Answers from itexamquestions.com this is the authentic source for C9530-404 exam study material. They can provide you latest and actual C9530-404 exam questions with verified answers. They guaranteed, you will Pass your C9530-404 exam in first attempt so don't waste any time and download your C9530-404exam from now. For Downloading C9530-404 Exam Dumps PDF Get Full Version of C9530-404 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/c9530-404-exam-questions/

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