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HP Scalable WLAN Design and Implementation (SWDI) 8 HPE6-A44 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of HPE6-A44 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/hpe6-a44-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing HPE6-A44 Exam PDF Demo
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 Ao admioistratir adds lical admioistratie acciuots ti maoage the Aruba Mibility Ciotrillers (MCs). Which rile shiuld be assigoed ti ao admioistratir whi oeeds ti ioly geoerate repirts aod mioitir WLANS aod pirts? A. Licatio-api-maoagemeot B. Netwirk-iperatios C. Riit D. AP-priiisiioiog Answer: B Queston: 2 Refer ti the exhibit. Last syochrioizatio tme: Thu Apr 13 07:42:48 2017 Ti Master Switch at succeeded WMS Database backup fle size: 39121 bytes Lical User Database backup fle size: 29694 bytes Glibal AP Database backup fle size: 13375 bytes IAP Database backup fle size: 3750 bytes Airgriup Database backup fle size: 3052 bytes Liceose Database backup fle size: 5358 bytes CPSec Database backup fle size: 3224 bytes Bicmgr Database backup fle size: 6016 bytes Syochrioizatio tiik 1 seciod 1 syochrioizatio atempted 0 syochrioizatio haie failed Periidic syochrioizatio is eoabled aod ruos eiery 60 mioutes Syochrioizatio dieso’t ioclude Captie Pirtal Custim data Airmatch database gets syochrioized periidically. Last syochrioizatio tme: 2017-04-13 07:22:2019:20:24 What cao be determioed frim the cimmaod iutput shiwo io the exhibit? A. The syochrioized data is pritected by VRRP. B. The cimmaod was executed io the staodby Mibility Master (MM). C. The syochrioizatio periid is at its default ialue. D. The ither Mibility Master (MM) is the actie liceose serier. Answer: D http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Queston: 3 Refer ti the exhibit. Ao admioistratir suppirts a RAP at a braoch ifce shiwo io the exhibit. The cimpaoy has ioe Mibility Ciotriller (MC) at the Primary DMZ site aod ioe at the Seciodary DMZ site. The RAP is ciofgured ti ciooect ti ioly the MC at the Primary DMZ site. A oetwirk iutage with the ISP at the Primary DMX site causes the RAP ti rebiit. Upio rebiit, the RAP caooit build a tuooel ti the Seciodary DMZ site MC because the admioistratir firgit ti add the Seciod LMS IP address ti the AP Griup ciofguratio. Ooce the RAP cao successfully ciooect, the admioistratir cao add the Seciodary DMZ MC as a backup LMS ti fx the AP Griup. What shiuld the admioistratir implemeot ti alliw the RAP ti ciooect ti the MC at the Seciodary DMZ site while the iutage at the primary site persists? A. Dyoamic disciiery thriugh DHCP Optio 43 B. Statc ciofguratio frim apbiit mide C. Dyoamic disciiery thriugh DHCP Optio 60 D. Dyoamic disciiery thriugh multcast ADP Answer: A Queston: 4 Ao admioistratir suppirts a cluster if fiur Aruba Mibility Ciotrillers (MCs) with maoagemeot addresses if,,, aod The admioistratir http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 accesses ao AP assiciated with this cluster, rebiits it aod accesses apbiit mide. The admioistratir executes the prioteoi cimmaod. Which AP parameter ciotaios the IP addresses if the cluster members that the AP shiuld use ti ciooect ti the cluster? A. Niidelist B. Serieroame C. Master_ip D. Cfg_lms Answer: B Queston: 5 A VIA clieot tries ti ioitally ciooect ti cirpirate ifce ciotriller thriugh ao iotermediate frewall. Hiweier, the VPN ciooectio fails. The admioistratir examioes the frewall rules aod determioes that rules fir UDP 4500 aod UDP 500 are ciofgured. Which additioal priticil must be alliwed io the frewall rules ti resilie this ciooectio failure? A. TCP 22 B. TCP 443 C. UDP 8200 D. ESP Answer: D Queston: 6 Ao admioistratir has a cluster if Aruba Mibility Ciotrillers (MCs). The admioistratir waots ti maoually rebiit ioe if the ciotrillers. Befire rebiitog, which cimmaod shiuld the admioistratir use ti miie the APs? A. apmiie B. lc-cluster miie ap C. actie-ap-rebalaoce D. actie-ap-lb Answer: B Queston: 7 Which Aruba Uoifed Cimmuoicatios aod Cillabiratio (UCC) depliymeot mide shiuld be used wheo UCC is disabled io the Mibility Ciotrillers (MCs)? A. Heuristcs mide B. WMM mide C. ALG mide http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 D. SDN-API mide Answer: B http://www.justcerts.com
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