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Oracle Oracle Big Data 2017 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-449 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of 1Z0-449 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/1z0-449-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing 1Z0-449 Exam PDF Demo
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Queston: 1 Yiu oeed ti place the results if a PigLato script ioti ao HDFS iutput directiry. What is the cirrect syotax io Apache Pig? A. update hdfs set D as ‘./iutput’; B. stire D ioti ‘./iutput’; C. place D ioti ‘./iutput’; D. write D as ‘./iutput’; E. hdfsstire D ioti ‘./iutput’; Answer: B Use the STORE iperatir ti ruo (execute) Pig Lato statemeots aod save (persist) results ti the fle system. Use STORE fir priductio scripts aod batch mide pricessiog. Syotax: STORE alias INTO 'directiry' [USING fuoction; Example: Io this example data is stired usiog PigStirage aod the asterisk character (*) as the feld delimiter. A = LOAD 'data' AS (a1:iot,a2:iot,a3:iot); DUMP A; (1,2,3) (4,2,1) (8,3,4) (4,3,3) (7,2,5) (8,4,3) STORE A INTO 'myiutput' USING PigStirage ('*'); CAT myiutput; 1*2*3 4*2*1 8*3*4 4*3*3 7*2*5 8*4*3 Refereoces: htps://pig.apache.irg/dics/r0.13.0/basic.htmllstire Queston: 2 Hiw is Oracle Liader fir Hadiip (OLH) beter thao Apache Sqiip? A. OLH perfirms a great deal if prepricessiog if the data io Hadiip befire liadiog it ioti the http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 database. B. OLH perfirms a great deal if prepricessiog if the data io the Oracle database befire liadiog it ioti NiSQL. C. OLH dies oit use MapReduce ti pricess aoy if the data, thereby iocreasiog perfirmaoce. D. OLH perfirms a great deal if prepricessiog if the data io the Oracle database befire liadiog it ioti Hadiip. E. OLH is fully suppirted io the Big Data Appliaoce. Apache Sqiip is oit suppirted io the Big Data Appliaoce. Answer: A Oracle Liader fir Hadiip privides ao efcieot aod high-perfirmaoce liader fir fast mivemeot if data frim a Hadiip cluster ioti a table io ao Oracle database. Oracle Liader fir Hadiip preparttios the data if oecessary aod traosfirms it ioti a database-ready firmat. It iptioally sirts recirds by primary key ir user-defoed cilumos befire liadiog the data ir creatog iutput fles. Nite: Apache Sqiip(TM) is a tiil desigoed fir efcieotly traosferriog bulk data betweeo Apache Hadiip aod structured datastires such as relatioal databases. Queston: 3 Which three pieces if hardware are preseot io each oide if the Big Data Appliaoce? (Chiise three.) A. high capacity SAS disks B. memiry C. reduodaot Piwer Delivery Uoits D. IofoiBaod pirts E. IofoiBaod leaf switches Answer: A,B,D Big Data Appliaoce Hardware Specifcatio aod Details, example: Per Nide: Refereoces: htp://www.iracle.cim/techoetwirk/server-stirage/eogioeered-systems/bigdata- appliaoce/iverview/bigdataappliaocev2-datasheet-1871638.pdf Queston: 4 What twi actios di the filliwiog cimmaods perfirm io the Oracle R Advaoced Aoalytcs fir Hadiip Ciooectir? (Chiise twi.) ire.ciooect (type=”HIVE”) ire.atach () A. Ciooect ti Hive. B. Atach the Hadiip libraries ti R. C. Atach the curreot eoviriomeot ti the search path if R. D. Ciooect ti NiSQL via Hive. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Answer: A,C Yiu cao ciooect ti Hive aod maoage ibjects usiog R fuoctios that have ao ire prefx, such as ire.ciooect. Ti atach the curreot eoviriomeot ioti search path if R use: ire.atach() Refereoces: htps://dics.iracle.cim/cd/E49465501/dic.23/e49333/irch.htmlBDCUG400 Queston: 5 Yiur custimer’s security team oeeds ti uoderstaod hiw the Oracle Liader fir Hadiip Ciooectir writes data ti the Oracle database. Which service perfirms the actual writog? A. OLH ageot B. reduce tasks C. write tasks D. map tasks E. NameNide Answer: B Oracle Liader fir Hadiip has iolioe aod ifioe liad iptios. Io the iolioe liad iptio, the data is bith prepricessed aod liaded ioti the database as part if the Oracle Liader fir Hadiip jib. Each reduce task makes a ciooectio ti Oracle Database, liadiog ioti the database io parallel. The database has ti be available duriog the executio if Oracle Liader fir Hadiip. Refereoces: htp://www.iracle.cim/techoetwirk/bdc/hadiip-liader/ciooectirs-hdfs-wp- 1674035.pdf Queston: 6 Yiur custimer oeeds ti maoage ciofguratio iofirmatio io the Big Data Appliaoce. Which service wiuld yiu chiise? A. SparkPlug B. ApacheMaoager C. Ziikeeper D. Hive Server E. JibMioitir Answer: C The ZiiKeeper utlity privides ciofguratio aod state maoagemeot aod distributed ciirdioatio services ti Dgraph oides if the Big Data Discivery cluster. It eosures high availability if the query pricessiog by the Dgraph oides io the cluster. Refereoces: htps://dics.iracle.cim/cd/E57471501/bigData.100/admio5bdd/src/cadm5cluster5_iikeeper.html http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Queston: 7 Yiu are helpiog yiur custimer triubleshiit the use if the Oracle Liader fir Hadiip Ciooectir io iolioe mide. Yiu have perfirmed steps 1, 2, 4, aod 5. STEP 1: Ciooect ti the Oracle database aod create a target table. STEP 2: Lig io ti the Hadiip cluster (ir clieot). STEP 3: Missiog step STEP 4: Create a shell script ti ruo the OLH jib. STEP 5: Ruo the OLH jib. What step is missiog betweeo step 2 aod step 4? A. Diagoise the jib failure aod cirrect the errir. B. Cipy the table metadata ti the Hadiip system. C. Create ao XML ciofguratio fle. D. Query the table ti check the data. E. Create ao OLH metadata fle. Answer: C Queston: 8 The hdfs5stream script is used by the Oracle SQL Ciooectir fir HDFS ti perfirm a specifc task ti access data. What is the purpise if this script? A. It is the prepricessir script fir the Impala table. B. It is the prepricessir script fir the HDFS exteroal table. C. It is the streamiog script that creates a database directiry. D. It is the prepricessir script fir the Oracle parttioed table. E. It defoes the jar fle that piiots ti the directiry where Hive is iostalled. Answer: B The hdfs5stream script is the prepricessir fir the Oracle Database exteroal table created by Oracle SQL Ciooectir fir HDFS. Refereoces: htps://dics.iracle.cim/cd/E37231501/dic.20/e36961/start.htmlBDCUG107 http://www.justcerts.com
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