This intensive weekend course includes the much-valued APMG Registered Practitioner Examination in PRINCE2™ project management method. The course fully prepares participants to take the exam on Sunday afternoon. PRINCE2™ registration is a widely-used crude filter to decide who is called forward for interview for consultancy positions. It is the de-facto method in use in the UK and is being widely adopted in many other countries. Who should attend? Experienced project personnel seeking the benefits arisingfrom holding RegisteredPractitioner status with the minimum cost fromloss of fee-earning time in the office. The course is aimed at those who have extensive experience of working in project oriented environments and wish to add the Registered Practitioner qualification to their résumé. Exam candidates are expected to have carried out the prescribed pre-course work prior to attendance in order to ensure maximum value from the weekend. Objectives of the course The objective is to cover the entire PRINCE2™ exam syllabus to prepare candidates to successfully passthe APMG Foundation and Practitioner examinationswhich are taken during the course. Components: The project Business Case, Plans, Configuration Management, Change Control, Quality in a Project Environment, Management of Risk, Organisation and Controls. Processes of Project Management: Directing a Project, Starting Up a Project, Initiating a Project, Controlling a Stage, Managing Project Delivery, Managing Stage Boundaries, Closing a Project. Techniques: Product Based Planning, Quality Review, Change Control Prior to the course delegates are provided with the PRINCE2™ manual 'Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2™' and our unique preparation guides. Free re-attendance (save for the £250 APMG exam fee)will be given to anyone failing the Practitioner exam. Course Outline The course starts with introductions and welcome at 18.00 on the Friday afternoon. Saturday is an intensive day ensuring understanding of the PRINCE2™ components, processes and techniques. Extensive in-class coaching is given in the Practitioner Exam approach and practising a provenstyle for answering practitioner exam questions. On Sunday morning the 1hr multiple choiceFoundation exam will be followed by final preparationsfor the 3hr open-book, written Practitioner exam inthe afternoon. The course starts at 18.00 on Friday, runs on Saturday 08.00 to 20.00 and Sunday 08.00 to 17.00. Dinner is at 20.30 on Friday and Saturday. Accelerated Qualification in Prince2™ Delivery Isochron's strategic partner Logical Model will provide an APMG Accredited Trainer, all the documentation you will need, and willarrange for you to take the official APMGFoundation and Practitioner examinations onthe Sunday of the course. You will be one of no more than 12 delegates. The pre-course materials provide everythingneeded to understand the PRINCE2™ method.A programme of preparatory activities is providedand supported prior to attendance on the course. The weekend of the course will focus on exam approach and techniques. The price of the course includes comprehensive pre-course preparation and at-course instruction materials and a personal copy of the PRINCE2™ manual for you. The price is £2,250 inclusive ofAPMG's exam fee, plus VAT. Action Phone: 0131 247 7568 eMail: ap2@isochron.co.uk or ap2@logicalmodel.net www.isochron.co.uk