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Berta Vall & Luis Botella FPCEE Blanquerna Ramon Llull University , Barcelona

Towards a Phenomenological Understanding of Meaning-Making Processes in Psychotherapy: Applicability of a Narrative Assessment Grid to Client Generated Narratives. Berta Vall & Luis Botella FPCEE Blanquerna Ramon Llull University , Barcelona BertaVC @ blanquerna.url.edu.

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Berta Vall & Luis Botella FPCEE Blanquerna Ramon Llull University , Barcelona

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  1. Towards a Phenomenological Understanding of Meaning-Making Processes in Psychotherapy: Applicability of a Narrative Assessment Grid to Client Generated Narratives Berta Vall & Luis Botella FPCEE Blanquerna Ramon Llull University, Barcelona BertaVC@blanquerna.url.edu

  2. The meaning-making process Constructionist Approach Relational Constructivist Personal + Interpersonal + Cultural Systemic Approach Cognitive Approach Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  3. Goals • Self characterizations First goal • NA-Grid • Second goal Hypothesis • Differential patterns according client’s complain Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  4. Self-characterization • I wantyou to write a character sketch of … (client’sname), just as if he werethe principal character in a play. Writeit as itmay be writtenby a friendwhoknewhimveryintimately and verysympathetically, perhapsbetterthananyonecouldknowhim. Be sure to write in thethirdperson. For example, startoutbysaying, “… is” Narratives Evaluation. Berta Vall (2010)

  5. Method • Participants 29 patients (26 women; 3 men) (SAAP) Group A & B Coherence • Instruments Narrative Content Narrative Process NA-Grid Intelligibility Narrative Position Self Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  6. Results 1. Distribution categories NA-Grid 2. Comparison percentages both groups in each dimension Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  7. Variety of Characters Objectivation * * Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  8. Cognitive Subjectivation Intelligibility/Clarity * * Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  9. Intelligibility/ Stability Metaphorisation * * Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  10. Discussion Dimensions in which they differ Intelligibility Narrative Process Narrative Content Dimensions they share Coherence Narrative Position Self Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  11. Discussion Patients whose complain is related to: depressed mood High scores on Objectivation Intelligibility/Clarity Variety of characters Constriction Perceptive Field = minimize incompatibilities Superficial Characteristics Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  12. Discussion Patients whose complain is related to: anxiety High scores on Cognitive Subjectivation Metaphorisation Intelligibility/Stability (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2002) Rumination Sensorial / Emotional details Thoughts = Absolute Truth Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  13. Discussion Dimensions in which they differ Intelligibility Narrative Process Narrative Content Dimensions they share Coherence Narrative Position Self Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  14. Discussion Dimensions they share Coherence Narrative Position Self Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011) Reconstruction Occupy new Invalidation

  15. Limits and future researches • NA-Grid = “screening” • Increase studies self-characterizations ----- useful information therapeutic practice (Leite & Kuipper, 2008) • “Second step” Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  16. Thank you for your attention Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  17. Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  18. Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  19. Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  20. Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  21. Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  22. Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  23. Method • Procedure Interjudge Reliability (α Cronbach=0,8) Confiability Transferability Confirmability Reliability Validity Predictive precision (Jiménez, 2004) Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  24. Constructionist Approach • Emphasize: cultural, contextual & relational character of self-narratives • Product of the position in a culturally available discourse • Move from the mental towards the social process Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  25. Systemic Approach • Emphasize interactional and conversational processes (dualism individual/family) • Position client & family in a specific conversational context • Transformation dominant family stories or myths Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

  26. Cognitive Approach • Feeling of authorship is emphasized (conversational interact. / Self) • Alteration narrative function • Deconstruct saturated narration Narratives Assessment. Berta Vall & Luis Botella (2011)

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