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Energy Reconstruction in ESAF by Firenze group

Data loaded from: Patern recognition (cluster of RecoPixels) TrackDirectionModules(1,2): Theta and Phi (and hopefully the track line on FS – not yet ). Energy Reconstruction in ESAF by Firenze group. The basic idea is to relate number of p.e. at a given time to Energy of EAS.

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Energy Reconstruction in ESAF by Firenze group

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  1. Data loaded from: Patern recognition (cluster of RecoPixels) TrackDirectionModules(1,2): Theta and Phi (and hopefully the track line on FS – not yet) Energy Reconstruction inESAFby Firenze group The basic idea is to relate number of p.e. at a given time to Energy of EAS Np.e.(T) = E/E1 x Q x Efficacy(x,y)IsInsidePixel() x Flux(T), where Flux(T) = Ne(T) x Fluo Yield x Track Length x Transmission x Solid Angle 6-7 October 2005 Grenoble

  2. Energy Reconstruction inESAF • An example of event to deal with • … from EnergyViewer

  3. Reconstruction algorithm: Sort pixels in GTU and prepare maps <GTU, vector<RecoPixelData*>> Fit the track on the FS as a straight line and get ThetaFoV and PhiFoV as a function of the track line position Find ThetaFoV at the shower maximum Given Theta, Phi of the ShowerTrack and ThetaFoV and estimate for the shower maximum altitude (from HmaxXXXModules) estimate fluorescence yield at the shower maximum and mean attenuation. Make also a spectrum of fluorescent photons at the entrance pupil taking into account the spectrum at the production point and attenuation. Make the background estimation: various methods (examing pixels around the track, looking track pixels but at different moments of time) – gives agreement results with simulated background Energy Reconstruction inESAF OK OK but should be taken from TDM OK, need to iterated OK but I want to improve it OK 6-7 October 2005 Grenoble

  4. Reconstruction algorithm: Compute efficacy for the track (take into account dead spaces of PMTs and Pixels, holes in FS) Simulate ShowerTrack object with E=10^21 eV and reconstructed Theta and Phi and with the maximum of around the found one. Search for the Cherenkov peak Fit the time distrubution (taking into account photon to p.e. conversion, optics and FS, atmosphere attenuation, shower production in space. All steps are extensively and optionaly debugged (created the gzipped PS file with all relevant information). Energy Reconstruction inESAF OK OK in general but to be extensively tested OK but not used OK, should be improved to take all steps of production OK 6-7 October 2005 Grenoble

  5. Energy Reconstruction inESAF • Shower Track on FS

  6. Energy Reconstruction inESAF • ThetaFoV and PhiFoV vs GTU

  7. Energy Reconstruction inESAF • X,Y vs GTU

  8. Energy Reconstruction inESAF • Recovering efficacy

  9. Energy Reconstruction inESAF • Recovering efficacy

  10. Energy Reconstruction inESAF • Recovering efficacy

  11. Energy Reconstruction inESAF • Recovering efficacy

  12. Energy Reconstruction inESAF • Another example

  13. Energy Reconstruction inESAF

  14. Curent and Future work • Energy Module is now splitted: • EnergyModule class • EnergyViewer class • EnergyFitUtils – collection of C routines • Debuging all steps • Make better fluorescence shower (for all GTU own, and not the mean as it is now • Make backscattered Cherenkov light • Improve Fitting procedure (make it more complex).

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