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New Horizons in the Humanities. THE EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. General Overview H2020 - Bottom -up SSH -Embedded SSH - Dedicated SSH - Reflective Societies. Marc GOFFART European Commission DG Research & Innovation Unit B.6 " Reflective Societies ".
New Horizons in the Humanities THE EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION General Overview H2020-Bottom-up SSH-Embedded SSH-Dedicated SSH-ReflectiveSocieties Marc GOFFART European Commission DG Research & Innovation Unit B.6 "ReflectiveSocieties"
EU budget 2014-2020 & Horizon 2020 Commission proposals 29 June 2011 & 30 November 2011 European Council conclusions 8 February 2013 MFF € 1,025 bn MFF € 908 bn Horizon 2020 € 80 bn Horizon 2020 € 70 bn Source: EC
Horizon 2020 - Three priorities • Excellent science • Industrial leadership • Societal challenges
Integration of SSH in Horizon 2020 • Supported through the 'Excellent Science' part of H2020 (ERC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie & Infrastructures) • Integrated in Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) where relevant • Integrated in each of the 7 Societal Challenges • SSH play a major role in the Societal Challenge 6: "Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies"
The role of SSH in excellent science • The European Research Council (ERC) is already a major funding source for curiosity driven frontier research. About 17 % of the ERC-budget will be allocated to SSH • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MCA) give opportunities for greater mobility and network building. SSH share of 11-12 % • Several major research infrastructures in the SSH are supported by FP7/H2020 : CESSDA, DARIAH, CLARIN, ESS, SHARE
Integrating SSH: two approaches Embedded SSH: All Societal Challenges, LEIT and activities under Excellent Science are generally open to SSH contributions in all their lines of activity and thus favour 'embedding SSH' as genuine interdisciplinarity Dedicated to SSH: In some Societal Challenges and parts of LEIT it is delineated a specific SSH line of activity called 'the socio-economic dimension of…'
The role of SSH in industrial leadership • Strengthening the cultural and social aspects of innovation • SSH as a source of creativity in development of services and products • Societalaspects • Business and management models
The role of SSH in the Societal Challenges The Societal Challenges will bring together different technologies, sectors, scientific disciplines, social sciences and humanities, and innovation actors to find new solutions.
Integrating SSH - Features • Economic feasibility of the implementation, especially for the close-to-the market R&I actions • Social acceptability of the new technology/ product/ service (cf. ICT, nanotechnologies, nuclear) • Human behaviours (cf. obesity in Health, savings in Energy, alternative mobility in Transport) • Values (cf. cultural differences, ethnic issues, religious backgrounds) • Governance, policy and institutional aspects • Forward-looking dimension (cf. modelling, scenarios)
Integrating SSH – Challenges • In technology-driven topics there is a tendency to refer to SSH aspects in only a marginal way ( SSH as add-on not as integral or driving part); • The aim to make the call texts more general and less prescriptive might be in conflict with the need to draft texts with the necessary level of detail and reference to relevant SSH research; • Cultural and practical barriers/academic incentive system: mono-disciplinarity of training, curricula, journals, faculty structures;
Methods of implementation • Horizon 2020 Groups (collegiality, policy & SSH interests) • Guidance notes on the composition of: • External Advisory Groups • Peer review / evaluation panels • Structure of the Calls and Work Programmes with "Scope" and "Expected impact" directly linked to socio-economic concerns • In WPs: topicswithstrong SSH-relevance are "flagged" • SSH mapping - http://www.net4society.eu/public/ssh-opportunities.php • review of the implementation of interdisciplinarity in H2020
Provisional screening of SSH relevant topics in the WP 2014-15 • 112 of 437 topics in Societal Challenges[*] can be flagged as SSH-relevant, representing a share of 26 % of all topics and an estimated share of the budget of 3.7% (277 Mio. euro) • SSH parts of the Societal Challenge 6: around 120 Mio. euro • Total available budget for SSH under the first two years of Horizon 2020 (incl. ERC, MCA, RI) can be estimated to 1.100 Mio. Euro • [*] [except SC6, "Science with and for Society", "Spreading excellence and widening participation" and LEIT]
Societal Challenge 6 objective • "To foster a greater understanding of Europe, provide solutions and support inclusive, innovative and reflective European societies in a context of unprecedented transformations and growing global interdependencies" • H2020 regulation
The research is problem oriented and policy relevant: structured along issues & challenges, not along disciplines but promoting interdisciplinarity: fair balance between economic, social, cultural and political issues and aspects always in a comparative European perspective. SSH Key Features What socio-economic research contributes to policy: • KNOWING: data, statistics & indicators • EXPLAINING: tools, definitions & methods • UNDERSTANDING: context, causes & mechanisms • FORWARD-LOOKING: modelling, foresight & scenarios • RECOMMENDING: from knowledge to action / policy
Economic Micro Macro Humanities Social Meso Comparative • Geografical: Country / Region/ City / … • Disciplines / concepts / methods => similarities – differences => lessons? "Unity in Diveristy" Multi-/InterdisciplinaryComparativeMulti-/Mixed Methods Innovation Labour Market Demographics ‘triangulation’ Quantitative Qualitative ‘mixed methods’ Law Sociology Pedagogics Political Sc. Psychology Anthropology History
Europe 2020 Europe’sstrategyfor a social market economy in 21st C 3 priorities 5 objectives 7 initiatives 3 Priorities SmartGrowthOpen economybased on knowledge & innovation SustainableGrowthGreener, more efficient & competitiveeconomy InclusiveGrowthAllpeople at work + Providechances & resoucestopeople 5 objectives for 2020 <10% NEET >40% Masters Education 3% EU's GDP for R&D/I Research 75% of aged25-64 at work Jobs 25% lesspoor(20 miop.) Poverty 20% green -20% CO2 -20% Kwh Energy 7 initiatives Youthon theMove InnovationUnion Industrial policy Poverty Platform Resources Efficiency Digital Agenda New Skills & Jobs Agenda
Societal Challenge 6: Europe in the World"Inclusive, Innovative & Reflective Societies" • Inclusive societies • Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth (EU2020) • Resilient societies (migration, integration, demographic change) • Europe's role as a global actor • Innovative societies • Evidence base support for the Innovation Union and ERA • New forms of innovation (incl. social innovation) • Potential of all generations • Cooperation with third countries • Reflective societies • European heritage (memory, identity) • European countries' and regions' history • Europe's role in the world
A strategic programming approachto develop the Work Programmes • Orientation towards European societal challenges: research and innovation activities to increase the impact of the funding • Orientation towards EU political priorities: Europe 2020 and emerging political issues of European relevance • Leitmotiv of the 2 years WP 2014-15: economic crisis and the path to sustainable growther => Focus area in Societal Challenge 6: "Overcoming the crisis: new ideas, strategies and govnance structures for Europe"
" Topics " of the Work Programme • The structure of each Topic respects the challenge-based approach, i.e. 3 key features: • Specific Challenge: Sets the context, the problem to be addressed, why intervention is necessary • Scope: delineates the problem, specifies the focus and the boundaries of the potential action BUT without describing specific approaches • Expected Impact: describe the key elements of what is expected to be achieved in relation to the specific challenge
The Call topics: bottom-up in terms of content and budget • Topics are described in a rather open fashion, less prescriptive than often under FP7, i.e. proposers can address the topics in a comprehensive way, in a focussed way or cover other issues relevant for addressing the topic • Call text provides an indicative budget range for research projectsin order to indicate the average expected size of the proposal; however, any amount is possible, i.e. no eligibility criteria regarding the budget size
SC6's WP2014/15 structured around 5 Calls • "EURO"-CALL: Overcoming the crisis(strategies and governance structures for Europe) • "YOUNG"-CALL: The Young generation(labour market, mobility, inclusion) • "REFLECTIVE"-CALL: Reflective Societies(cultural heritage and European identities) • "INT"-CALL: Europe as a global actor (supporting EU external policies & increasing international cooperation) • "INSO"-CALL: New forms of innovation (business models, social innovation, public sector innovation)
www.flash-it.eu/inclusive-growth Inclusive Growth Social Innovation Welfare States COPE Combating Poverty in Europe CARE C E C Labour MarketResilience The impact of local welfare systems on female labour force participation and social cohesion MeasuringChild& YouthWellBeing The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe local worlds of social cohesion
3rdCall REFLECTIVE’Reflective Societies: Cultural Heritage and European Identities’
DARIAH: Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts & Humanities aims to enhance and support digitally-enabled research and teaching across the humanities and arts CLARIN: Common Languages Resources & Technology (Research) Infrastructure providing easy and sustainable access for scholars in the humanities & social sciences to digital language data (in written, spoken, video or multimodal form) MERIL: Mapping of the EuropeanResearch infrastructure Landscape Humanities Research Infrastructures
MERIL.eu Mapping51 European Research infrastructures in Humanities & Arts
Main research areas: cultural heritage identity formation intellectual, artistic, creative and historical legacy of the European Union digital technologies for facilitating the modelling, analysis, understanding and preservation of European cultural heritage (topics 6 & 7) Related coordination and support actions (topics 8-10) Reflective Societies: Cultural Heritage and European Identities
ERA Net on Uses of the Past Emergence and transmission of European cultural heritage andEuropeanisation European cohesion, regional and urban policies and the perceptions of Europe Cultural opposition in the former socialist countries The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe Innovation ecosystems of digital cultural assets Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets Communication and dissemination platform Social Platform on Reflective Societies Mobilising the network of NCPs in SC6 Topics in the call
10 topics in 4 sub calls (2 DG RTD, 2 DG CONNECT) Sub call 'H2020-REFLECTIVE-SOCIETY-2014' topics: Reflective 1, 9 and 10 deadline: 03.06.2014, budget: €9,000,000 Sub call 'H2020-REFLECTIVE-SOCIETY-2015' topics: Reflective 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 deadline: 07.01.2015, budget: €16,500,000 Budgets and Deadlines
Specific challenge: Need for a new, more complex understanding of how the past is used and reflected. Scope: ERA-NET aiming at coordinating the research efforts of the participating Member States, Associated States and Regions in multidisciplinary and comparative research on the uses of the past (including joint transnational call for proposals with EU co-funding) Expected impact: This ERA-NET will show how European diversity and integration is shaped by our interpretations of history. Budget: minimum EUR 5 million (other amounts possible) REFLECTIVE-1-2014: ERA-NET on Uses of the past
HERA: Humanities ERA-Net • partnership between 21 Humanities Research Councils across Europe & the ESF (management) • firmly establishing the humanities in the European Research Area and in Framework Programmes • HERA Joint Research Programmes • 2009 – “Cultural Dynamics: Inheritance and Identity” • 2009 –“Humanities as a Source of Creativity & Innovation” • 2012 – “Cultural Encounters” • 2015 – “Uses of the past” (...?)
Specific challenge: Establishing a social platform of researchers, stakeholders and policy-makers to address the research agenda of 'Reflective Societies'. Scope: Developing an understanding of the challenges and opportunities for research in the context of reflective societies. Expected impact: This social platform will support the European Commission in the definition of an innovative and focused research agenda on the reflective societies in Europe. Budget: EUR 1 million (other amounts possible) REFLECTIVE-9-2014: Social Platform on Reflective Societies
Social Platform – background (1/2) Introduced in FP7 by the Council’s Research Working Party during the discussions on Theme 8 - SSH. “For certain issues, use may also be made of social platforms to discuss future research agendas; these would involve the research community and societal stakeholders.” Counterpart to the Technology Platforms, as a means for civil society • to help determine the research agenda • to tackle complex societal problems, and • to catch different perspectives and involve stakeholders (policy makers, civil society, researchers, …).
new challenge in the social sciences & humanities: the platform as a new instrument in the future of SSH Main objective: help the EC in identifying new/ fundamental research areas, together with societal and research stakeholders. => The social platformwilldefine a future research agenda, based on a focussed, critical review of existing research, and taking account of key policy questions in this context. Foresight dimension: it will look also at the future of the issue tackled. Social Platform – background (2/2)
Important features of social platform • Support action - not a researchproject... • Average life-span of 18-24 months => intensive • Neededtobeoperational at short notice => management • Mix of scientificand policy experience=> communication => participative aspects are essential. • European coverageandbalances - withan open mind…: • Geographicalbalance (Europe andbeyond, if relevant), • incl. (ifappropriate) balance of “welfare regimes”; • Balance of academicdisciplines andmethodologies; • Balance of civilsociety interestsand of equalopportunities;
Specific challenge: Exploringcultural heritage, values and language as basis for the emergence of a truly European cultural heritage. Scope: Multidisciplinary and comparative research focusing on the emergence of a European (tangible and intangible) cultural heritage in a historical perspective. Expected impact: Research will support the EU cultural policies linked to fostering the emergence, transmission and use of cultural heritage at local, regional, national and, in particular, European level. Budget: between EUR 1.5 and 2.5 million (other amounts possible) REFLECTIVE-2-2015: Emergence and transmission of European cultural heritage and Europeanisation
Specific challenge: Analysing the impact of the European cohesion, regional and urban policies on a positive identification with the European construction. Scope: Multidisciplinary research with strong emphasize on comparative case studies on different EU regions. Expected impact: Better understanding of the relationship between European regional policies, local and regional identities and the perception of the added value of the EU by its citizens. Improvement of regional policy relevance and efficiency. Budget: between EUR 1.5 and 2.5 million (other amounts possible) REFLECTIVE-3-2015: European cohesion, regional and urban policies and the perceptions of Europe
Specific challenge: Exploring the cultural & political heritage of independent cultural movements and activities against the regimes in the former socialist countries in Europe. Scope: The comparative research will examine various types of collections and address the contribution of such movements to the fall of socialist regimes and to the creation of modern diverse societies. Expected impact: Development of a register of these collections and recommendations for their better protection, promotion and valorisation. Budget: between EUR 1.5 and 2.5 million (other amounts possible) REFLECTIVE-4-2015: Cultural opposition in the former socialist countries
Specific challenge: Understanding the many layers of the cultural heritage of war, whether for local communities, for national or for European identities. Scope: The research will explore the relationship that contemporary European societies have with the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the major armed conflicts of the 20th century. Expected impact: Significant new knowledge on conflict heritage and policy advice on reinterpretation and promotion in communication, education and tourism at EU level. Budget: between EUR 1.5 and 2.5 million (other amounts possible) REFLECTIVE-5-2015: The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe