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Thermal-Fluid-Dynamic Simulation of a PEM Fuel Cell Using a Hierarchical 3D-1D Approach

2. Index. IntroductionBackground - ChallengesModelling ApproachesResultsConclusions. 3. Background - PEMFC. Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy of a reaction directly into electrical energy. Unlike batteries, which store the energy, fuel cells operate co

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Thermal-Fluid-Dynamic Simulation of a PEM Fuel Cell Using a Hierarchical 3D-1D Approach

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    1. Thermal-Fluid-Dynamic Simulation of a PEM Fuel Cell Using a Hierarchical 3D-1D Approach Stefano Cordiner, Vincenzo Mulone, Fabio Romanelli �Department of Mechanical Engineering Universit� di Roma �Tor Vergata�

    2. 2 Index Introduction Background - Challenges Modelling Approaches Results Conclusions Before starting my presentation whose outline is reported in the slide I would like to make an initial statement that here in this room would not probably find major opponents Before starting my presentation whose outline is reported in the slide I would like to make an initial statement that here in this room would not probably find major opponents

    3. 3 Background - PEMFC Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy of a reaction directly into electrical energy. Unlike batteries, which store the energy, fuel cells operate continuously as long as they are provided with reactant gases. As by-products of this transformation water and heat are produced. These features make FCs ideal candidates for substitution of standard power generation systems both for stationary and transport applications. Fuel Cells are powerful devices able to convert the chemical energy of the hydrogen fuel directly in electrical energy with high efficiency and low emissions if any. And among Fuel Cells the low temperature Polimeric Electrolyte Membrane seems to be the most suited as a substitute to traditional power sources for a number of stationary and transportation applications.Fuel Cells are powerful devices able to convert the chemical energy of the hydrogen fuel directly in electrical energy with high efficiency and low emissions if any. And among Fuel Cells the low temperature Polimeric Electrolyte Membrane seems to be the most suited as a substitute to traditional power sources for a number of stationary and transportation applications.

    4. 4 Background � Challenges

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