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SECTION 9 — Technical Directives

SECTION 9 — Technical Directives. In order to recognize DV specific technical expectations are required. All directives for angles of completion of elements and body positions are approximate and meant to serve as a guideline. Tucks .

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SECTION 9 — Technical Directives

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  1. SECTION 9 — Technical Directives • In order to recognize DV specific technical expectations are required. • All directives for angles of completion of elements and body positions are approximate and meant to serve as a guideline.

  2. Tucks Less then 90º hip angle in single salto without LA turn & dance elements Consider pike or Hip angle 0.30 Max. 0.30 for insuff. hip & knee angle Ideal 0.10 Tuck – When knee angle is 135° or more it becomes pike

  3. Pike Less than 90º hip angle in single and double saltowithout LA Turn & dance elements. Ideal

  4. Tuck or Pike in Salto with LA Turn D Value: > 135 degrees at hip/knee angle = Stretch Salto E Value: 90 degrees – No deduction > 90 degrees – 0.10 deduction

  5. Stretch All body parts in alignment. A slight hollow in the chest or slight arched body position is acceptable. Pike Hip angle Stretched Hollow in chest Stretched Slightly arched Good Stretched position must be maintain at least till inverted position in: Flight Elements (UB) Single saltos Double saltosoff UB Vault saltos In double saltos FX A stretched position must be maintain in 1st salto and at least till inverted in 2nd salto

  6. Section 9: Element Recognition

  7. Section 9: Element Recognition

  8. 9.1 ALL APPARATUS Body Positions Body Position Faults

  9. 9.1.2 Landings from Single Saltos with Twists a) Elements with twists must be completed exactly or anotherelement from the COP will be recognized.* – as dismounts from UB and BB – during the exercise on BB and FX – all landings on VT Note: The placement of the front foot is decisive when awarding the difficulty value

  10. Landing from Single Saltoswith twist For under turning: • – 3/1 twist becomes 2½ twist • – 2½ twist becomes 2/1 twist • – 2/1twist becomes 1½ twist • – 1½ twist becomes 1/1 twist *FX: When there is a salto with twist directly connected to another salto and in the first salto the turn is not completed exactly (but the gymnast is able to continue into the next element), the first element will NOT be devalued.

  11. Turn Recognition in Dance • Must be performed exactly • The position of the shoulders and hips are decisive otherwise another element from COP will be credited • Turns on one leg are in increments of: • 180º for BB • 360º for FX Under turning on Support leg: -2/1 becomes 1 ½ turn (BB) -3/1 becomes 2/1 turn (FX)

  12. Dance -Turn Considerations • Must be performed on the toes. • Have a fixed and well defined shape throughout the turn. • The support leg whether stretched or bent does not change the value of the difficulty. • Degree of rotation is determined once the heel of the support leg drops (turn is considered finished) • For turns on 1 leg requiring the free leg to be at a specific position, the position must be maintained throughout the turn. • If free leg is not in prescribed position - credit another element from the COP

  13. Dropping free leg during turn BB: examples If leg is held at horizontal for 360° but less than 540° then give element in the code. or • Advantage to gymnast • If performed correctly 2nd time – award DV 13 13

  14. Dropping free leg during turn FX: examples or or or • Advantage to gymnast • If performed correctly 2nd time – award DV. 14 14

  15. Leaps, Jumps, Hops with turns • are in increments of: • 180º for BB • 360º for FX Various techniques of jumps, leaps and hops with turns are permitted: piking, tucking or straddling the legs may be in the beginning, middle or end of the turn Definition: Leaps – take off from 1 foot to land on other or 2 feet Hops – take off from 1 foot and land on the same foot or 2 feet Jumps – take off from 2 feet and land on 1 or 2 feet

  16. Split Requirement • For incorrect Leg Position • in side leaps or straddle jumps- deduct 0.10

  17. 0° - 20° deduct 0.10 P. > 20° - 45° deduct 0.30 P. > 45° (dance)credit another element or no DV Split Requirementfor Leaps, Jumps, Hops, Turns and Non –Flight Acro Elements TURN ACRO

  18. Ring Leap/Change Leg Ring Leap (with/without turn) Requirement: Ÿ Upper back arch and head release Ÿ 180° split of legs Ÿ Front leg at horizontal and back leg bent (90 º) foot to head height • D-Panel • Incorrect back leg position (>135-180 º ) • Back foot below shoulder height and/or front leg below horizontal No arch & release of head – Split leap or Split leap with leg change –1 DV lower E − Panel - Insufficient arch position – 0.10 - Foot of back leg to shoulder height – 0.10 - Insufficient bent position of back leg (>90º) – 0.10

  19. Sheep/Ring Jump Requirement: Upperback arch and head release withfeet to headheight. Ring Shape feetclose to headcompletingcircle D – Panel Open ring – 1 DV lower No hip extension (~30 degreesfrom vertical line) - No DV No arch & release of headand/or no ring shape – No DV E − Panel Open ring - 0.10 Insufficient hip extension – 0.10

  20. Yang Bo Requirement: Over split with front leg min. Horizontal D-Panel No over split but both legsat horizontal – 1 DV lower Over split but front legbelow horizontal – 1 DV lower No over split but front legbelow horizontal – Ring Jump No arch & release of head – Split Jump E-Panel Insufficient arch position – 0.10 Over split but front leg below horizontal – 0.10

  21. Split Leap with Leg Change Free legswings lessthan45° or isbent creditSplit Leap • Free leg swing min. 45° • 180 º split of legs Split Leapwithleg change and 180 °turn Requirement: Must show cross split position D- Panel Straddle position – credit “Johnson” Free leg swings lessthan 45° or isbent – credit split leapwith½ turn (180°)

  22. Split Leap with Leg change and ½ Turn Requirement: Must show cross split position D- Panel Straddle position – credit “Johnson” Free leg swings less than 45° or is bent – credit split leap with ½ turn (180°)

  23. Tuck jump with/without turn D − Panel > 135° hip angle – No, or other DV E - Panel Knees at horizontal -0.10 Knees below horizontal - 0.30 Wolf jump with/without turn D − Panel > 135° hip angle – No, or other DV E - Panel Extended leg at horizontal –0.10 Extended leg below horizontal – 0.30

  24. Cat leap with/without turn • Evaluate the lowest knee position • D − Panel • 135° hip angle – No, or other DV • Lack of alternation Tuck jump E - Panel One/both legs at horizontal _ 0.10 One/both legs below horizontal _ 0.30 Straddle Pike jump with/without turn D − Panel > 135° hip angle – No, or other DV E - Panel Leg at horizontal – 0.10 Leg below horizontal – 0.30

  25. Section 9: Element Recognition

  26. 9.4.1 UB Cast to Handstand • D- Panel Within 10° of vertical = DV >10° = No DV • E- Panel >10° – 30° No deduction >30° – 45° – 0.10 > 45° – 0.30

  27. Swing elements with turns 9.4.2 • That: • do not reach the handstand • do not pass through vertical • continue movement after turn in opposite direction D Panel: > 10 °Credit 1 DV lower than element to hdstd E Panel: >10°-30° – 0.10 >30°-45° – 0.30 > 45° – 0.50 Swing with ½ turn (180˚) All body parts must reach horizontal to receive DV, otherwise No DV (empty swing)

  28. D- Panel If handstand completed (support) Within10° = DV >10° = 1 DV lower E- Panel >10°-30° -0.10 >30°-45° -0.30 > 45° -0.50 Circle elements without turns & flight elements from HB to handstand on LB 9.4.3

  29. For5.501 Adler D Panel: If completedwithin 30° of vertical – credit DV > 30° - Credit one DV Lower • For5.501 Adler and 3.404 Pak Salto E Panel: >10° – 30° No deduction >30° – 45° – 0.10 > 45° – 0.30

  30. Circle Elements without a Turn • All circle elements should be completed within 10° either side of handstand. • Should elements fail to pass through the vertical line / fail to achieve 10° either side of handstand then devalue one DV and deduct for the angle at which the element is completed.

  31. HB to LB Flight Elements Must achieve Handstand within 10° if not, lower 1 DV and apply the following deductions.

  32. If gymnast fails to achieve support • and falls • Then award no DV , CV or CR • If gymnast fails to achieve handstand but completes ½ turn into a glide • Then award one DV lower

  33. Circle Element & Casts with turn completed to HSTD 9.4.4 (Lateturn) • D- Panel • If hstd completed within10° either side and turn occurs= DV • E- Panel >10°-30° – 0.10 >30°-45° – 0.30 > 45° – 0.50

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