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高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林. Understanding masses of charm-strange states in Regge phenomenology. De-Min Li Department of Physics, Zhengzhou University lidm@zzu.edu.cn Oct. 29, 2006. 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林. Outline. Introduction.
高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Understanding masses of charm-strange states in Regge phenomenology De-Min Li Department of Physics, Zhengzhou University lidm@zzu.edu.cn Oct. 29, 2006
高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Outline • Introduction • Regge Phenomenology • D and Ds Spectra • Discussion • Summary
Experimental information Ds0(2317), D0(2290)/D0(2308), DsJ(2632), DsJ(2860), DsJ(2690)/DsJ(2715) • Theoretical predictions Quark model:Ds0 mass, 2.48, 2.487GeV • Important to exhaust possible conventional description before restoring to exotic models hep-ph/0605019, hep-ph/0608011, hep-ph/0608139 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Introduction • Masses of these charm strange states can be reproduced well in Regge phenomenology
Regge phenomenology 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Quasi-linear Regge trajectory Detailed:De-Min Li et al.,Eur. Phys. J. C 37, 323 (2004)
Regge phenomenology 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Slope of Regge trajectory JP of DsJ(2860):0+,1-, 2+, 3- JP of DsJ(2690)/DsJ(2715): 1- Assumption 1 argued by Phys. Rev. D61,054013 (2000) Slopes of parity partners’ trajectories coincide 0+,1-, 2+, 3- are the 13S1-like trajectories
Regge phenomenology Slopes used in this work (parameters-1) Taken from De-Min Li,Eur. Phys. J. C 37, 323 (2004) 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Assumption 2 argued by Phys. Rev. D62,051502 (2000)
Regge phenomenology is flavor-independent 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 P. C. Collins, An introduction to Regge theory and high energy physics, 1977
Regge phenomenology 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Anisovich, Phys. Rev. D 62, 051502 (2000)
Regge phenomenology is flavor-dependent Phenomenological analysis indicates Filipponi,Phys. Rev. D58,016003(1998), Phys. Rev. Lett.80,1838 (1998) 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 (1)Depends on mi, mj (2)Through the combination (mi+mj) (3) ~1.3-1.6 (for n=2)
Regge phenomenology 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 We propose Masses of constituent quarks (in GeV) which are typical values used in phenomenology quark models
Regge phenomenology 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Input Additivity of intercepts
Regge phenomenology parameters-2( GeV-1) It is found that 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Agree well with the quantitative result~ 1.3—1.6
Regge phenomenology 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Comparison with exp. and other theoretical results
Regge phenomenology 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林
D and Ds spectra 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Choice of the scalar I=1, I=1/2 light mesons Recent Lattice QCD stimulations Lightest I=1, a0: 1.04(7) GeV, RBC, Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 119,822 (2003) 1.0(2) GeV, UKQCD,Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) 119,266 (2003) 1.01(4) GeV UKQCD, Phys. Rev. D74,014508 (2006) 1.4 ~ 1.6 GeV, RD70,094503(2004),PRD73,094505(2006) hep-lat/0607110,
D and Ds spectra 1318MeV Considering that The spin-orbit force makes lighter a0 respect to a2,the same behavior is evident in charmonium and bottomonium Naïve Quark model prediction 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Here we take Mass of I=1, a0 (1.04+1.0+1.01)/3=1.02 GeV
D and Ds spectra 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Lattice studies suggest [PRD.74,014508(2006) ] Mass of I=1/2, K0 would be 100-130 heavier than a0 mass, which is not easily related to any current experimental candidate, while is consistent with the result from K matrix analysis ( Phys. Lett. B413,317 (1997) ) I=1/2, K0, mass: 1090(40) MeV Here we take mass of I=1/2, K0 1.09 GeV
D and Ds spectra Hep-ph/0610327 2.31(3) 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林
Discussion DsJ(2856) 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 DsJ(2860) Mass: 2856.6(1.5)(5.0) MeV Width:48(7)(10) MeV Observed only in D0K+, D+Ks0 Possible JP: 0+,1-,2+,3-,… 3P0 model (hep-ph/0609031) 1-(13D1) width: 132>>48 0+(23P0) width: 54 ~ 48 3-(13D3) width: 37 ~ 48
Discussion B-S Eq. 23S1 cs\bar :2658(15)MeV =2.2(2) >> 0.14(0.06) (PLB623,218 (2005)) 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 DsJ(2632) Mass:2632(1.7) Only observed by SELEX, Searches by FOCUS, BaBar, CLEO have on evidence May be an experimental artifact
Discussion DsJ(2690), BaBar, hep-ex/0607082 Mass 2688(4)(2), Width: 112(7)(36) DsJ(2715), Belle, JP=1-, hep-ex/0608031 Mass 2715(11)(14), Width: 115(7)(36) ~100MeV lighter than predictions 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 DsJ(2690)/DsJ(2715) 3P0 model (Close, hep-ph/0608139) 1-(23S1(2688)) width:103 ~115 3P0 model (Zhu,hep-ph/0609013) 1-(13D1(2715)) width: 73 ~ 115
Summary 高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 • Predictions by Regge phenomenology agree remarkably well with the experiments for charmonium spectrum • Masses predicted by Regge phenomenology are in good agreement with those by some modified quark model for the charmed mesons • It is not necessary to introduce more exotic models for understanding the masses of the recent observed charmed states
高能物理学会第七届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 2006.10.28-11.1 桂林 Thanks