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Digitale strategier i det urbane rum

Digitale strategier i det urbane rum. Den post-arkitektoniske by: Digitalt medierede urbane rum ’Hverdagslivet’ – genkomst i tilbageblik: Situationisterne, Lefebvre, de Certeau Digitale designstrategier i det urbane rum: Tejp, Urban Tapestries, Familiar Strangers, Citywide Performance & Mogi.

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Digitale strategier i det urbane rum

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  1. Digitale strategier i det urbane rum

  2. Den post-arkitektoniske by: Digitalt medierede urbane rum ’Hverdagslivet’ – genkomst i tilbageblik: Situationisterne, Lefebvre, de Certeau Digitale designstrategier i det urbane rum: Tejp, Urban Tapestries, Familiar Strangers, Citywide Performance & Mogi

  3. “Today I believe, that a city is the territory that can give roots and be in relation with the other, to host and be hosted at the same time‘. Cities on the move, always mobile, always in danger, but always capable of taking care of themselves.”(Massimo Cacciari i Hans-Ulbrich Obrist: ‘Cities on the move’)

  4. “Buildings and transportation systems are planned, but changes that grow from the use of communication devices emerge." Unlike the centrally designed urban changes ushered in by skyscrapers and subways, the social trends that appear spontaneously when a million people use their mobile phones, PDAs, and wireless laptops are less predictable and happen more quickly. For this reason, Townsend thinks cities could begin to change "far faster than the ability to understand them from a centralized perspective."(Howard Rheingold i omtale af Anthony Townsend)

  5. “Everyday life is the measure of all things: of the fulfillment or rather the nonfulfillment of human relations; of the use of lived time; of artistic experimentation; of revolutionary politics."(Guy Debord i Ken Knabb: “Situationist International Anthology”)

  6. “Everyday life is the supreme court where wisdom knowledge and power are brought to judgement.”(Henri Lefebvre: “Critique of everyday life”) ”Everyday life, in a sense residual, defined by ’what is left over’ after all distinct, superior, specialized, structured activites have been singled out by analysis, must be defined as a totality […] Everyday life is profoundly related to all achivities, and encompasses them with all their differences and their conflicts; it is their meeting place, their bond, their common ground. And it is in everyday life that the sum total of relations which make the human – and every human being – a whole takes its shape and its form. In it are totality of the real, albeit in a certain manner which is always partial and incomplete: friendship, comradeship, love, the need to communicate, play, etc.” (Lefebvre: “Critique of everyday life” 1991; i Gardiner: 2000)

  7. “As unrecognized producers, poets of their own acts, silent discovers of their own paths in the jungle of functionalist rationality.” (Michel de Certeau: “Practice of Everyday Life”)

  8. “an array of speakers are hidden in public places. the speakers loudly broadcasts interference glitches caused when passersby receive incoming messages and phone calls. the prototype draws attention to the amount of personal communication taking place in a given space” Tejp Glitch (Gaye, Jacobs): • Audiotags (Gaye, Jacobs): • “audio tags are left at hidden places in public spaces. personal messages that have been previously recorded are whispered to by-passers as they lean towards it.”

  9. Sonic City • Sonic City (Gaye, Mazé, Holmquist): • “enables users to create electronic music in real-time by walking through and interacting with the urban environment.”

  10. Proboscis • Urban Tapestries (Proboscis): • “The Urban Tapestries software platform allows people to author their own virtual annotations of the city, enabling a community’s collective memory to grow organically, allowing ordinary citizens to embed social knowledge in the new wireless landscape of the city.” “Urban Tapestries seeks to create new ways of appreciating and interacting with the fabric of the city. It can both excavate and enrich the layers of experience that weave together in our everyday lives.”

  11. Familiar Strangers • Familiar Strangers Project (Paulos, Goodman): • “While today’s mobile communication tools readily connect us to friends and known acquaintances, we lack mobile devices to explore and play with our subtle, yet important, connections to strangers and the unknown – especially the Familiar Strangers whom we regularly see. Will these systems provide a new lens to visualize and navigate our urban spaces? How will these systems provide an interface to strangers and unknown urban settings? What will such devices look like? How will we interact with them? What will they reveal about ourselves and strangers? “

  12. Citywide Performance • Citywide Performance (Equator & Blast Theory): • “The Citywide performance project is exploring new kinds of artistic performance that take place on the streets of a city and on-line. These performances take the form of games in which street-players and on-line players compete and collaborate and try to establish an understanding of one another's environment and experience. The aim is to mix digital content with live action to create a compelling experience for both kinds of players.”

  13. Mogi http://www.mogimogi.com • Mogi (Newt Games): • “Mogi is a collecting game - "item hunt". The game provides a data-layer over the city of Tokyo. As you move through the city, if you check a map on your mobile phone screen, you'll see nearby items you can pick up and nearby players you can meet or trade with.”

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