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The Extremely Red Galaxies in CLASH Fields. The Extremely Red Objects in the CLASH Fields. Xinwen Shu (CEA, Saclay and USTC). CLASH 2013 Team meeting – September 16-18 2013, London, UK. Mapping the visible Universe. dust-corrected SFR.
The Extremely Red Galaxies in CLASH Fields The Extremely Red Objects in the CLASH Fields Xinwen Shu (CEA, Saclay and USTC) CLASH 2013 Team meeting – September 16-18 2013, London, UK
Mapping the visible Universe dust-corrected SFR 1. Determine the CSFRD with different SFR estimators up to z=11 2. Measure contributions by different galaxy populations to the global CSFRD at different redshifts 3. Link galaxy populations and dark matter halos at different cosmic epochs 4. Build up an empirical picture for galaxy formation and evolution 5. Understand physical mechanisms driving galaxy evolution UV luminosity density Bouwens et al 2012 starlight dust re-radiation Reddy et al. 2011
Steidel+03, Franx+02, Daddi+04 Color selection of high-z galaxies: At z > 3, the 4000Å break is shifted to wavelengths λ > 1.6 μm, implying that the potentially oldest and/or most dusty galaxies at those redshifts could be missed even by deep near-IR surveys. Mobasher et al. 2005
Dusty galaxies with an evolved stellar population at z>4 NIR dropout? H-[3.6]>4 Completing the census of star formation and the assembling history of stellar mass densities SMG 850‐5 by Wang et al. (2009) More sources of this kind displaying extremely red color H-[3.6]>4?
Four H-[3.6]>4 galaxies in GOODS/ERS (50 arcmin^2, Huang et al. 2011): Possibilities: 1.Very dusty SED at z~1-2 2.Old stellar population at z>4.5, the iceberg of a larger population of z > 3 galaxies?
Why CLASH data? • Deep WFC3 H-band images (27.5, 5σ) over 25 clusters, covering nearly 120 square arcmin • Deep IRAC ([3.6]+[4.5]um) imaging (5σ depth >24 mag) • Multi-wavelength HST+Spitzer observations allow for constrains on the SED • Cluster lensing helps to probe the intrinsically faint candidates • Wealth of existing and ongoing follow-up observations in other bands
[4.5um]<24.4, 4sigma H160w>27.5, 5sigma Totally 13 candidates with H-[4.5]>4 over 23 CLASH clusters, including 8 detected in H-band, and 5 not (~110 arcmin^2) CLASH data 7/8 H-band detected sources with photometric redshift between z~3.7-5.1
z = 3.77 AV = 1.5 age = 1.58 Gyr t = 0.25 Gyr M* = 1.0x1011 Msun Av-redshift contour plane
z = 4.82 AV = 1.1 age = 1.0 Gyr t = 0.25 Gyr M* = 8.9x1011 Msun Or z = 1.11 AV = 7.8 age = 25 Myr t = 0.1 Gyr M* = 6.3x109 Msun, IRAC F160w
1 Can Herschel be helpful to constrain the SED?
F606 F814 F160 F125 [3.6] um [4.5] um Candels /UDS 8um 24um 160um 250um 500um 100um 350um Comparison with Candels/UDS : Herschel puts constraint on the nature of extremely H-[4.5]>4 sources in the Candels/UDS field (in progress) Evidence for the presence of dusty and old stellar population
H-dropouts in the cluster MACS 0429: Overdensity or lensed multiple images? Candels/UDS: 25/180 arcmin^2 GOODS/ERS: 4/50 arcmin^2 M0429: 4 /4.8 arcmin^2
z=4, confirmed from CO
Summary and future work Summary: • We identified 13 extremely red H-[4.5]>4 galaxies in the CLASH fields (over 23 clusters) • For 8 sources, SED fitting to the HST+IRAC photometry indicates that 5 of them are likely massive galaxies at z~4 (logM*~11.01-11.98), though very dusty low-z solutions cannot be ruled out. • None of sources is detected with Herschel (but the data are shallow) • One cluster (M0429) shows an overdensity of H-dropouts or lensed multiple images, but improved estimation on redshift is required, e.g., CO lines? Future work: • Inspect whether the H-dropouts are lensed by clusters if they are at z~4. • Compare the physical properties of the H-dropouts (z, mass, morphology, size, color, environment, etc) to that in other fields, e.g, CANDLES/UDS. • Need to look at the 24um emission to check the possibility of obscured AGNs (from Leonidas’ mosaic?). 4. Sub-millimeter follow-up with ALMA?, redshift and dust continuum