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“Relevance of market information to farmer entrepreneurship”

“Relevance of market information to farmer entrepreneurship”. 1 st Market Information Symposium 1 and 2 June 2010 Kampala Welcome!. Agri-ProFocus. Agri cultural producer organisations in developing countries are key to economic development and poverty reduction.

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“Relevance of market information to farmer entrepreneurship”

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  1. “Relevance of market information to farmer entrepreneurship” 1st Market Information Symposium 1 and 2 June 2010 Kampala Welcome!

  2. Agri-ProFocus Agricultural producer organisations in developing countries are key to economic development and poverty reduction. Promoting farmer entrepreneurship through cooperation, exchange and learning is the goal of our partnership. Focus is on seven African countries and four themes: value chains, financial services, sustainable food production and gender

  3. Dutch members Agri-ProFocus active in Uganda

  4. Country Focus Uganda: the Why Strategic objectives: Coordinating and harmonising existing efforts; Linking country programmes with learning and innovation. Identification and formulation of new joint activities; Preconditions: Work from & within existing efforts combine networks No new funding

  5. Agri-ProFocus Uganda: who are we?

  6. What is APF Uganda concentrating on?

  7. 1st MIS symposium Spin off from APF network organized by the MI working group under leadership FIT Uganda. Objectives of this MIS symposium: • Offer a platform for discussion and dialogue for different stakeholders involved. • Understand the key issues regarding market information; its implications for rural entrepreneurship and other players in value chains • Identify the current status; what is services are offered and demanded for and were to improve

  8. PROGRAMME Day 1 • Opening by Hon. X (MP) • Morning: Relevance of MI to Farmer Enterprise growth and financial inclusiveness • Afternoon: Mitigating the Challenges and Constraints in Agricultural Market Information Service Provision • Evening: APF coordination meeting Day 2 • Morning: Developing end-user education and awareness strategies • Group work: analysing specific topics • Afternoon: group presentations and open debate • Way forward and Closing remarks

  9. Symposium Organisation • Tea/coffee in Chopsticks hallway • Lunch in Downstairs Restaurant • Logistical Issues – please see Leona Barusya and her team • Reporters: take notes and will interview some participants • Networking: use breaks & information market • Moderators from different APF network organisations • Efficient time management for presenters • Clear questions and comments from audience

  10. FOCUS OUR ATTENTION Relevance of MI to Farmer Enterprise growth and financial inclusiveness • Why is market information relevant to farmer entrepreneurship? • Whose problem is it? Whose responsibility is it?

  11. FOCUS OUR ATTENTION Relevance of MI to Financial Inclusiveness • What is the key purpose of market information for agricultural financing? • Where are MI and agricultural financing well connected, and where disconnected?

  12. Afternoon Parallel Sessions After lunch: break up in 2 groups • Hall 1 (Sunflower) • Communication Technologies (Grameen fdn) • Field based agric marketing services (Agrinet) • Weather information (Met Dept) • Hall 2 (Chopsticks) • Rural communication development fund (UCC) • Agricultural input and materials information (IFDC) • Rural information services case study (RICN-NET) Chose between the 2 sets (no movements between halls)

  13. FOCUS OUR ATTENTION Mitigating challenges in Agricultural Market Information Service Provision • What connection exist between the different challenges and constraints in agricultural market information services provision? • Do you see any opportunity for harmonization of MI?

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