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Winter Palace. Revolution. What makes a revolution?. Revolution Quiz: Write the questions and your answer on a piece of paper. List 3 conditions that must exist in society in order for revolution to occur. List 6 attributes of a revolution. Write your definition of revolution.
Revolution What makes a revolution?
Revolution Quiz:Write the questions and your answer on a piece of paper. • List 3 conditions that must exist in society in order for revolution to occur. • List 6 attributes of a revolution. • Write your definition of revolution.
Conditions that must exist in society for a revolution: • Out of touch leadership • Large gap between the rich and the poor • Societal transition, ex.- agrarian to industrial
Attributes of Revolution: • Charismatic leader • Violence • Popular support of the masses • Intellectually led • Propaganda • Complete overthrow of the existing system: political, social and economic and replacing it with something entirely new.
What makes an Autocracy? • Dictatorship by one individual that has control over all the land and resources. • Family lineage-power is passed down through the family lines. • Ethnic background-royals all have the same ethnicity and contribute to your sense of Russian Nationalism • Orthodoxy-Russian Orthodox Church gives divine right to rule and helps keep power for Czar
Alexander now became the 17th Romanov tsar. He immediately cancelled his father's plans to introduce a representative assembly and announced he had no intention of limiting his autocratic power. During his reign Alexander followed a repressive policy against those seeking political reform and persecuted other Jews and others who were not members of the Russian Orthodox Church. Alexander also pursued a policy of Russification of national minorities. This included imposing the Russian language and Russian schools on the German, Polish and Finnish peoples living in the Russian Empire. Despite several assassination attempts Alexander died a natural death on 20th October, 1894. He was succeeded by his son Nicholas II who attempted to continue his father's policy of suppressing those advocating political reform Alexander III
Pogroms 19th Century engraving of a Jewish Pogrom
"Remember the Starving!"War, economic chaos, and a disastrous drought combined in 1921 to produce a catastrophic famine affecting millions of peasants and city dwellers.”
Rasputin Won favor with the Tsaritsa Alexandra by the belief that he could heal there son Alexei from hemophilia. Was able to gain a cabinet position and place his own supporters in positions of power of within the Romanov family.
Revolutionary Leaders: Alexander Kerensky: Leader of the first Duma or provisional government after the Czar abdicates his throne. • Downfall of Duma was Kerensky’s decision to keep fighting WWI
Vladimir Lenin: Recognized leader of the Bolshevik party. First leader of communist party in Russia and is recognized as “father” of communism in Russia and many other places in the world. •”Peace, land, and bread”! • Took all farm lands and redistributed them to small farmers • Removed Russia from WWI • Implemented the New Economic Plan Revolutionary Leaders:
Revolutionary Leaders: Leon Trotsky: One of the Bolsheviks main leaders, known for his intelligence and abilities to develop revolutionary strategies
Priest of Bloody Sunday “We workers, our children, our wives and our old, helpless parents have come, Lord, to seek truth and protection from you. We are impoverished and oppressed, unbearable work is imposed on us, we are despised and not recognized as human beings. We are treated as slaves, who must bear their fate and be silent. We have suffered terrible things, but we are pressed ever deeper into the abyss of poverty, ignorance and lack of rights” George Gapon
Demands from Gapon • (1) An 8-hour day and freedom to organize trade unions. • (2) Improved working conditions, free medical aid, higher wages for women workers. • (3) Elections to be held for a constituent assembly by universal, equal and secret suffrage. • (4) Freedom of speech, press, association and religion. • (5) An end to the war with Japan.
Communism • Pure economic theory • Violent class struggle between working class and those that own the means of production (gap between rich and poor). • No private property • Workers own the means of production • Dictatorship of the proletariats • Work according to ability • Pay according to need • No government system as the state will slowly wither away • Formation of classless society Karl Marx
Totalitarianism • One dictator has TOTAL control over all government and private life. • Dynamic Leader • Glorifies the government • Organized Violence • Technology is important to industrialize • Individuals led by force and fear
Cont. • Command Economy- government makes all economic decisions • Collective farms- government seizure of farms were used to boost production of agriculture • CONTROL MECHANISMS • Police terror was used to keep people from threatening government power. TheGreat Purge was an ex.
Cont • Indoctrination and propaganda • Censorship • Religious Persecution • Education Indoctrination