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DOMESTIC SERVICES. Insurance. CSSA Liability Policy : Who is covered: It is hereby understood and agreed that “Who Is An Insured”, is extended to include the following:
Insurance • CSSA Liability Policy: Who is covered:It is hereby understood and agreed that “Who Is An Insured”, is extended to include the following: • all divisions, Provincial Ski Sport Organizations (PSO'S), disciplines, member associations, member clubs, directors, employees, members and volunteers of the Named Insured, while involved in any activity, as promoted, encouraged, organized, governed, regulated, sanctioned and/or approved by the Named Insured., • the Named Insured’s members as above and their volunteers, but only for acts within the scope of their activities as a member of the Named Insured; • municipalities, government departments, sponsors, organizers, producers and ski hill operations in whose name the Named Insured has agreed to provide insurance, or who are operating (or involved in) the Named Insured’s Sanctioned events, for their vicarious liability arising out of any activity, as promoted, encouraged, organized, governed, regulated, sanctioned and/or approved by the Named Insured.
CSSA Liability Policy: What is covered: • Without reporting: • all dryland training conducted within the province in accordance with ACA acceptable dryland training activities (List obtainable from Manager-Domestic Services) • all training and racing activities listed on the PSO calendars • all training outside the Province relating to a sanctioned races on the PSO calendar
CSSA Liability Policy: What is covered: • With Reporting: • all dryland training conducted outside the province in accordance with ACA acceptable dryland training activities (List obtainable from Manager-Domestic Services) • training outside the province not related to a sanctioned race • local, entry level and club races • promotional events • social events • fundraising events
Liability Deductible It should be reinforced to all clubs under our CGL policy; if a claim is filed the $2500 deductible will be the responsibility of the club involved. The deductible applies to investigation, insurance adjusting and legal costs incurred by the insurance company. This must be paid within 30 days of receipt of the request from the insurance company representatives. The deductible is the responsibility of the club employing or responsible for the person or person's against whom the claim was directed. Certificates of Insurance Certificates of Insurance can be obtained from ACA at a $30 administration fee charged to the club or division hosting the event. If one is required for your event/race please fill out Certificate request form (obtainable from Erin Armstrong) completely and submit to Manager-Domestic Services-Erin Armstrong via fax (403-777-3213) or email (earmstrong@canski.org). Please allow one to two weeks’ turn around time for these certificates. Certificates will be sent via fax so please provide an accurate return fax number
FIS Athlete Accident InsurancePlease ensure at time, or shortly after time of accident the following procedure is followed. It is the responsibility of the athlete or parent/guardian/coach to ensure this process is followed. 1) In case of a medical emergency call: In Ontario-1.800.387.0759 or .8695 In Canada-1.800.268.9009 International-1.800.523.6586 or 1.800.2482.3355 (yes all 12 numbers) 2) Please provide the following information: a) Your name, the access # (01-AC-9080), the ID# (427C), and the Policy # (9224802) b) The name of the claimant and your relationship with the claimant c) The location, the telephone #, the condition of the claimant and the nature of the emergency d) Name, location and telephone # of hospital e) Name, location and telephone # of treating doctor 3) Following the initial phone call the insurer will provide a claims form. These forms may also be downloaded form the website: www.citadel.ca, On line forms PDF section, item number 1 (Proof of loss-Accident Medical-Sports Insurance) or for Accidental Dental claims, item number 4. 4) Original signatures are required on the forms and they must be sent back to the attention of Lola Okatore (original copies only): The Citadel 1075 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5S 2W5
Directors and Officers Insurance Alpine Canada Alpin offers a D&O policy to all of it’s clubs. ACA strongly recommends all of its clubs purchase this coverage through us if they do not already have a policy in place. Please note there will be no administration mark ups to the premiums by ACA or PSO’s. Insurance Committee Progress Next meeting Agenda items
FIS RegistrationsAll athletes who are FIS eligible need to do the following to register for FIS: • Be a current paid up member in good standing of ACA. • Complete the FIS declaration and send $305 payment to Manager – Domestic Services if postmarked before August 1st2004. • Complete the FIS declaration and send $395 payment to Manager – Domestic Services if postmarked after August 1st 2004. All registrations/payments must be received at least 14 days prior to each FIS list close date to ensure registration on the next list and to avoid additional fee for immediate points declaration. • Complete FIS declaration and send $495 payment to Manager-Domestic Services if postmarked after August 1st 2004 for immediate points confirmation prior to next FIS list. • It is the responsibility of the athlete to ensure their name appears on the FIS site with active status prior to their first FIS race. Athlete must contact their PSO who will in turn contact ACA’s Manager-Domestic Services, please allow a one week period to have status properly activated. Appropriate late fees will be assessed.
RACE ENTRIES • FIS Entries • Only athletes with valid FIS License numbers may be entered into FIS Races. No entry will be accepted from an athlete without a valid license number. It is the responsibility of the PSO and the athletes to ensure their FIS numbers are valid prior to their first start. • ACA registers athletes for all races outside of Canada, as well as Canadian Nor Ams and World Cup races, PSO’s/clubs register athletes for all other FIS races in Canada. • Permission for all those who wish to race outside of Canada must be obtained from PSO and then ACA National Program Director. • All FIS entries must come through the PSO to ACA • Entries must be submitted 2 weeks prior • Cancellations must be done 5 days prior to race, or monetary sanction imposed. • The monetary sanction will be equal to the entry fees for the races originally entered but no show for. • Race entries will be done based on calculated quota, additional spots are based on FIS points. (CAST has priority)
National Points Database • Division • Club • Last Name • First Name • Card # • Gender • DOB • Address • City • Province • Postal Code
Individual Membership Categories • Entry Level-Skier 10 years and younger • K1 National Cards-Skier aged 11-12 years prior to Dec 31st • K2 National Cards-Skier aged 13-14 years prior to Dec 31 • J1 National Cards-Skier aged 15-16 years prior to Dec 31st • J2 National Cards-Skier aged 17-19 years prior to Dec 31st • Masters Competitor-skier aged 19 and older participating in National Masters points series, National Masters Championships, and/or International FIS Masters races. Any Masters racer wishing to participate in more than one weekend of activities must purchase a Masters Competitor Card • FIS-Skier aged 15 years and up participating in any FIS race (regional, national, or international). • Masters regional-skier 19 years and older participating in one weekend (2 days) of events in their province of residence. • Officials-All ROC members • Coaches-CSCF certified or not • General Alpine member-volunteers that serve official’s roles, I.e. parents, family members, course crew, board members…. • Volunteers- 1 time volunteers not involved in actual race events, if they commit to more than 2 days of events they are to be classified as a General member.
Membership cont.. • ALL categories must be reported as appropriate gender • ALL categories must choose preferred National language and this preference must be reported • PSO’s will be billed 60% of entire membership fees based on previous year, this amount will be due on January 31st. Remaining balances, after reconciliation will be due on April 15th.
Nation wide member database • Board directive to establish a nation wide database. • Require PSO feedback
FIS Calendar Fees Entry League (ENL) $250 FIS Single Race $400 FIS event $550 Nor Am $0 (ACA pays)
CLUB Membership • What is a club?A club is a legally registered not-for profit organization with elected board by club members, with it's objective to be providing snowsports activities as established by any one or more of the CSSA disciplines. All members to be members of a CSSA affiliated discipline such as ACA • Club affiliation or sanction fee payable to ACA is $100. Clubs will be billed through their respective PSO’s. Invoices for each club will be drawn up by ACA based on club lists provided by PSO’s by November 1st. ACA will send all corresponding invoices through the PSO’s.
HomologationsThe homologation procedure involves a multi-step process. 1) The Applicant • Complete and submit a request for homologation inspection • Assemble specific documentation that that is to be provided to the designated inspector prior to the onsite visit. (ICR Art. 650.4.1 to 650.4.6) • Payment of the homologation fee to ACA or Province. Payment of inspectors expenses to the inspector. 2) Alpine Canada Alpin • Appoint an inspector. (For new Downhills, the inspector must not be from Canada. ICR Art. 650.5) • Schedule an appropriate date for the inspection. This should be arranged to include representatives from the applicant club and/or the ski area.
Homologations cont… 3) The Inspector • Performs an on-site inspection with representatives from the applicant club and/or ski area. • Prepares the homologation report in multiple copies and submits to the Chairman, Sub-Committee for Alpine Courses. 4) Chairman, Sub-Committee for Alpine Courses • Reviews the documentation and specifications • Checks that all appropriate fees have been paid • Endorses the homologation Certificate and forwards copies to the national federation., I (one) copy is filed with the FIS office, the other copies are to be kept by ACA, the inspector, the province and the club/ski area
Important Domestic Dates • January 31st Payment of 60% of membership fees due (based on numbers from previous year) • March 1st PSO race calendars to ACA for review • April 1st PSO membership numbers to ACA • April 15th Final PSO race calendars to ACA, remaining 40% of membership fees due. • June 30th FIS calendar fees due • August 1st FIS registrations due • September 29th Liability policy renewal • October 15th List of athletes racing for US Universities submitted to ACA • November 1st PSO club lists to ACA, Directors and Officers policy renewal, FIS athlete accident policy renewal • November 30th Club calendars to ACA • December 1st National Points database registrations to ACA