Though research engagement is a common practice at Zayed University- a federal institute in the United Arab Emirates, there has been a recent push towards more research commitment at the undergraduate level. With five varying colleges and over fifteen various programs to choose from, there is much room for research engagement at the undergraduate level. Accordingly, Zayed University's Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (ZU-URSP) was formed with the sole purpose of assisting in this goal. Zayed University Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (ZU-URSP) Executive Overview Rationale: The training of UAE citizens to conduct quality research studies and to pursue doctoral education leading to careers in higher education are among the highest priorities of the UAE. Inspired by Zayed University’s “Destined to Lead” plan to establish an undergraduate research initiative, this project is designed to provide the formal framework to build student research capacity, to promote high quality student research and scholarly culture, and to prepare students for graduate school and careers in research. Objectives: The objective of this program is to support Zayed University’s Destined to Lead Project to meet the UAEgoal of building local research capacity. Introduction Zayed University Research Commitment Sample class projects that introduce students to research Core EDC 202 Human Development undergraduate class in the College of Education: Request to interview two elders in middle/late adulthood (50’sand 60’s) with whom you can ask questions about their life. You should let them know that their identity will be kept confidentialand that this is only for a class assignment. Ask them to share a story from their past that taught them an important lesson in life. It could be story that was told to them. It could be a story that really happened to them or something they simply heard about. Be good listeners and ask open-ended questionsto help prompt their memory (if needed). Ask them what they think about the rapid changes that have happened in the UAE during the past 40 years, and how this has changed their lifestyle? Ask them to speak about the positive and negative impacts on their lifestyle. Ask them to offer advice/wisdom to a young person, such as yourself, about how to manage the challenges of daily life and the future. Then write up a 2-page (minimal) report. Make sure to include your reaction and response to what the elders shared in this report. In other words, what did you learn from this interview? SAMPLE STUDENT WORK Zayed University is committed to developing the research capacity of our undergraduate students to meet one of the highlights of the UAE Government Strategy 2009, which aims for the, “successful graduation of qualified nationals who are able to effectively compete for opportunities within the UAE job market (see www.zu.ac.ae) There are several other opportunities for students to be engaged in undergraduate research. Class projects provide excellent opportunities for first-hand experiences with basic research methods for collecting such as interviewing, surveying and observation. Zayed University, College of Education The United Arab Emirates Dr. JaseMoussa-Inaty Using Mentored Research and Class Projects to Build Undergraduate Research Skills In class observation and investigations Seminar presentation rubric Slideshows above courtesy of Dr. Maher Khelifa, Birgitta Feldges, and Dr. Chet Jablonski What are some possible changes to your class assignments? Contact Information: Office of Research Dr. Michael Allen (michael.allen@zu.ac.ae) and Birgitta Anna Feldges (birgitta.feldges@zu.ac.ae)