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jeder = each/every und alle = all. Important!. “jeder” has different endings, which are determined by: CASE (nominative, accusative, dative) GENDER (der, die, das) “alle” is used only with plurals . Nominative Case. The subject of the sentence.
Important! • “jeder” has different endings, which are determined by: • CASE (nominative, accusative, dative) • GENDER (der, die, das) • “alle” is used only with plurals
Nominative Case • The subject of the sentence. • Ask: Who or what? to find the subject of the sentence. • Exp: My brother is visiting our grandparents. • Exp: I go to school. • Exp: My dog and I like to play.
Nominative CaseWhat is the subject of the sentence? • Ich ernähre mich gesund. • Der Hund mag den Ball. • Die Kinder wollen Schokolade. • Obst und Gemüse schmecken toll. • Der Junge kauft das Buch.
“Jeder” in the Nominative CaseWhat is the subject of the sentence? • Each book is great. • Every girl is smart. • Every mother loves her child. • Every dog likes to play. • Each of you will get an A.
Übung - Nominative • _____ Bananen sind gesund. Alle • _____ Mann kauft Blumen. Jeder • _____ Junge spielt Fussball. Jeder • _____ Kinder mögen ihre Eltern. Alle • _____ Buch ist teuer. Jedes • _____ Oper ist toll. Jede
Accusative Case • The direct object of the sentence. • Direct object = recipient of the action/verb • Exp: The girl wants to buy the sweater. • Exp: The children need tennis shoes. • Exp: I eat vegetables.
Accusative CaseWhat is the direct object of the sentence? • Ich brauche eine Hose. • Der Hund mag den Ball. • Die Kinder wollen Schokolade. • Er kauft ein neues Auto. • Der Junge kauft das Buch.
“Jeder” in the Accusative CaseWhat is the direct object of the sentence? • He buys all cookies. • Helga picks each flower. • The mother loves each child. • They play every song.
“Jeder” in the Accusative Case Definite time expressions are ALWAYS in the accusative case. every morning = jeden Morgen every day = jeden Tag each weekend = jedes Wochenende each year = jedes Jahr every Friday = jeden Freitag
Übung - Accusative • Ich spiele Fussball _____ Morgen. jeden • Ich mag _____ Lied. jedes • Der Vater kauft _____ Bücher. alle • Sie hat _____ Tag eine Prüfung. jeden • Die Mutter isst _____ Orange. jede • Ich finde _____ Filme spitze. alle
Dative Case • The indirect object of the sentence. • Ask: To whom, to what? or For whom, for what? To find the indirect object of the sentence. • The IO usually comes before the DO. • Exp: Julie gives Martin a glass of juice. • Exp: Pass your father the bread. • Exp: I sent him the bill.
Dative CaseWhat is the indirect object of the sentence? • Ich kaufe meiner Mutter Blumen. • Martin gibt der Frau Pralinen. • Helga schenkt Uwe eine Cd. • Er kauft den Eltern ein neues Haus • Sie geben dem Mädchen ein altes Auto.
“Jeder” in the Dative CaseWhat is the indirect object of the sentence? • He buys all children cookies. • The teacher gives each student an A. • She gives each women 100 Euro. • They buy all the sausages.
Übung - Dative • Ich bin in _____ Mannschaft in der Schule. jeder • Ich gebe _____ Kind ein Buch. jedem • Die Familie kauft _____ Kindern neue Hosen. allen • Sie schenkt _____ Mann ein Auto. jedem • Hugo gefällt _____ Mädchen in der Stadt. jedem/allen • Wir fliegen mit _____ Schülern nach Hamburg. allen
Summary • Nominative case = subject of the sentence • Ask: Who or what? • Accusative case = direct object of the sentence • Recipient of the action/verb • Definite time expressions are ALWAYS in the accusative case. • Dative case = indirect object of the sentence • Ask:or To whom, to what? For whom, for what? • IO usually comes before the DO in a sentence
Steps • Is it masculine (der), feminine (die), neuter (das), or plural (die)? • Is it nominative, accusative, or dative? • Pick the correct form of “jeder” or “alle” from the table. Wir kaufen _____ Hemd. jedes
Übung - Mixed • ________ Hund mag Knochen. Jeder • Ich gebe _____ Jungen einen Kuβ. jedem • Wir waschen _____ Auto _____ Morgen. jedes jeden • ________ Haus ist teuer. Jedes • ________ Kinder halten sich fit. Alle • Wir schlafen _____ Tag bis 7 Uhr. jeden • Ihr kauft _____ Pullover. jeden