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Why Discuss Modernization Blueprint?. Already has, or will likely have, an impact on you and your operations.Excellent model of how:The CFO Council, DoC ASM/CFO Offices, and CIO worked together to address a major, complex Department-wide problem.Been underway for two years ? you're due for a br
1. Modernization Blueprint for Commerce Administrative Programs Presented by W. Todd Grams
August 18, 2009
2. Why Discuss Modernization Blueprint? Already has, or will likely have, an impact on you and your operations.
Excellent model of how:
The CFO Council, DoC ASM/CFO Offices, and CIO worked together to address a major, complex Department-wide problem.
Been underway for two years – you’re due for a briefing.
3. Start with a Sound Perspective…
The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.
-John Foster Dulles
4. Defining the problem (June 2007) Proponents Push to Modernize
Modernization’s being driven by internal and external forces:
External (OMB)
Internal DoC (Deputy Secretary, ASM/CFO)
Internal Agency (Agency Heads, Business Heads)
Customers Demand Improved Functionality
Customers represent all Administrative Business Domains, for example:
Human Resources
Property Management
Proponents and Customers have individually and independently driven demand for numerous projects, within similar timeframes
5. Administrative Systems Projects Had Proliferated In the Absence of a Modernization Blueprint 5
6. Without a Modernization Blueprint We Manage Many “Projects” Outside the Context of a Structured “Program” 6
7. Projects Without a Program… 7
8. A Modernization Program Provides Needed Structure 8
9. Decisions in June 2007 Approved Modernization Blueprint concept.
Do not focus on Macro Level at this time (too many projects underway and more urgent need for modernization structure and discipline).
First focus on Mid and Micro Levels to establish needed Business and Technical “Program” including: resource commitments, governance, standard plans, and standard processes, as well as strengthening “Project” components for Business Domains and Service Domains.
Conceptually the plan was to start immediately on the Mid and Micro levels; reality altered that concept…
10. Where We Really WereFirst, Let’s Turn on the Lights! From a corporate IT administrative systems management perspective we were operating in the dark.
We didn’t have an inventory of how many projects we had, how much they would cost, and what were their schedules!!!
Focused solely on the short-term need to determine the size the portfolio of projects for modernization of DoC administrative systems and prioritize those projects.
Immediate efforts did not address the modernization issues concerning the establishment of a robust program management and governance (e.g., utilization of enterprise architecture and enterprise life cycle)
11. Modernization BlueprintThe Hole Was Deeper Than We First Thought 11
12. Initial Modernization Blueprint Development Phase 1: Defining the Current Inventory
Phase 2: Developing and Consolidating Schedules and Costs
Phase 3: Prioritizing Projects 12
13. Phase 1: Defining the Current Inventory Basic steps of developing an inventory:
Establish criteria for what’s included and what’s not included in the inventory (what’s underway and what’s planned)
Using criteria, compile a master list of all projects
Clearly define/articulate each project’s objectives and goals (Why do this project? Who benefits? What are the benefits?) 13
14. Phase 2: Developing and Consolidating Schedules and Costs For each project in the inventory, develop or collect:
Schedules (based on best information available today)
Costs (from business cases and best information today, preferably ranges of best to worst case, use ROMs* if necessary). Must include “corporate” costs (what DoC and agencies pay collectively) and “agency” costs (what agencies pay individually)
Merge schedule and costs together to determine the high-level “financial” impact in each fiscal year
15. Phase 3: Prioritizing Projects Work with various office and groups to develop a prioritization of projects based upon information collected – ultimate goal to rank projects as High, Medium, and Low Priorities.
Initial prioritization requested from CFO/ASA Directors and appropriate Assistant Secretary Councils for prioritization within Business Domains:
CFO Council
CHCO Council
Acquisitions Council
Grants Council
Consolidated all prioritizations at CFO Council through interactive discussions with CFO/ASA Directors.
16. Learning While Doing While implementing the first three phases, we recognized that an ad hoc, part-time approach to modernization was not desirable, efficient, or sustainable.
Three key questions:
How do we sustain and maintain our work on project inventory, cost estimates, and prioritization in FY 2009 and beyond?
How do we make the process more effective and efficient (the current effort took over a year)?
How do we progress to “get on the pyramid” (the next level in the Modernization Blueprint plan – i.e., Program Management)? 16
17. Keys to Long-Term Success Develop plan for sustaining effort
Established Program Office
CFO Council committed to funding
Hire management of Program Office
Develop and implement initial tools suchas the Modernization Blueprint portal
18. Much Accomplished and Even More to Do 18
19. Modernization Blueprint Accomplishments and Plans Presented by Lisa Casias
August 18, 2009
20. CFO/ASA Modernization Program Accomplishments in FY2009
Prioritization of FY2009 initiatives
Status of Key Projects
Plans for FY2010
Prioritization of FY2010 initiatives
Focus on high business value initiatives
Program Plan 20
21. 21 August 18, 2009
22. 22 August 18, 2009
23. Status of key projects- High Priority 23 See Excel spreadsheet for detailed information on each inititiative.See Excel spreadsheet for detailed information on each inititiative.
24. Status of key projects- Medium Priority 24
25. FY2009 Projects- Low Priority 25
26. Plans for FY2010 Initiative prioritization and sequencing
Requested updates from offices
Prioritized the 27 CBS initiatives identified as FY2010 candidates
Developing a sequencing plan for FY2010 – FY2012 based on prioritization
CFO/ASA Modernization Program
Continue development of program to…
Close performance gaps and improve the overall performance of CFO/ASA
Support establishment of priorities across the Department
Provide framework to support solution delivery
Achieve strategic objectives and enhance alignment with OMB’s Line of Businesses and eGov initiatives
Update the process to…
Benefit from lessons learned
Include planned initiatives in prioritization assessment and sequencing plans
Incorporate results of Business Analysis 26
27. FY2010-FY2012 Proposed Projects 27 Payment for Performance System (PPS)
Current system is running on out-dated supported software. Planning to either upgrade or select new system once current PPS is migrated to DoT ESC in March 2010
Upgrade CSTARS contract writing and management system
eTravel Implementation and Interface
Implementation of EDS FedTraveler in phased approach
CBS NextGen Operating System and Platform
Implementation and migration to Solaris platform environment