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WP1 & M1 Action Points Review

WP1 & M1 Action Points Review. Yannis Mitsos Greek Research & Technology Network sanchez at grnet.gr http://www.grnet.gr. Presentation Structure. Towards the signing of contract WP1 activities WP1 milestones WP1 deliverables WP1 actions Report on financial issues

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WP1 & M1 Action Points Review

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  1. WP1 & M1 Action Points Review Yannis Mitsos Greek Research & Technology Network sanchez at grnet.gr http://www.grnet.gr The SEEREN2 initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP6 Research Infrastructures contract no. 026748

  2. Presentation Structure • Towards the signing of contract • WP1 activities • WP1 milestones • WP1 deliverables • WP1 actions • Report on financial issues • Review on Action Points raised on M1 • .. WP1 short-term milestones

  3. Progress towards the contract signing • WP1 activities • WP1 milestones • WP1 deliverables • WP1 actions • Report on financial issues • Review on Action Points raised on M1 • .. WP1 short-term milestones

  4. … some historical dates • October 1st, 2005: SEEREN2 commencement date • October 13-14, 2005: SEEREN2 kick-off meeting • December, 2005: The signed CPF forms are submitted to the EC • December 21st, 2005: Submitted by FAX the signed page of the contract by GRNET (coordinator) • December 21st, 2005: Contract signed by the Commission • December 21st, 2005: SEEREN2 advance payment procedures initiated • December 30th, 2005: 1.276.700,00€ are transferred to the coordinator’s bank account • January 3rd, 2006: Reception of the approvedAnnex I • January 6th, 2006: The original signed contract by the EC & GRNET is received … Until today the signed contract (by all partners) has not been submitted to the EC

  5. Progress towards the contract signing • WP1 activities • WP1 milestones • WP1 deliverables • WP1 actions • Report on financial issues • Review on Action Points raised on M1 • .. WP1 short-term milestones

  6. WP1 Activities - Leaders • A1.1 Organize meetings • GRNET/Dimitra Kotsokali • A1.2 Establish and maintain project management information system • GRNET/Yannis Mitsos • A1.3 Establish and maintain contractual relationships • GRNET/Jorge-A. Sanchez-P. • A1.4Draft acceptable use policy • BIHARNET/Elmedin Topcic? • A1.5 Prepare 3-monthly reports • GRNET/Yannis Mitsos • A1.6 Prepare periodic and final reports • GRNET/Jorge-A. Sanchez-P. • A1.7 Prepare costs statements and transfer advance/interim payments • GRNET/Anna Loukakou • A1.8 Assess the project deliverables and conformance to requirements • ASA/INIMA/Neki Frasheri?

  7. Progress towards the contract signing • WP1 activities • WP1 milestones • WP1 deliverables • WP1 actions • Report on financial issues • Review on Action Points raised on M1 • .. WP1 short-term milestones

  8. WP1 milestones Kick-off meeting Project management information system Connectivity and equipment contracts signed Successful completion of first period project review Successful completion of second period project review Successful completion of project !

  9. Progress towards the contract signing • WP1 activities • WP1 milestones • WP1 deliverables • WP1 actions • Report on financial issues • Review on Action Points raised on M1 • .. WP1 short-term milestones

  10. WP1 Deliverables - Editors D01a – SEEREN2 project handbookGRNET/Yannis Mitsos Report/Confidential M0 D08 – SEEREN2 acceptable use policy BIHARNET/Elmedin Topcic Report/Public M1 D11a – Periodic report GRNET/Yannis Mitsos Report/Restricted M12 D01b – SEEREN2 project handbookGRNET/Yannis Mitsos Report/Confidential M23 D11b – Periodic report GRNET/Yannis Mitsos Report/Restricted M24 D18 – Final report GRNET/Jorge Sanchez Report/Restricted M30

  11. Progress towards the contract signing • WP1 activities • WP1 milestones • WP1 deliverables • WP1 actions • Report on financial issues • Review on Action Points raised on M1 • .. WP1 short-term milestones

  12. WP1 Actions • Confirm Activity Leaders (for this and all other WPs) • Confirm Deliverable Editors (for this WP and all other WPs) • Establish PSC and other Leaders (while discussing the Notebook) • Agree on Yearly Meetings Plan (while discussing the AOB) • 1. PSC-01 (Kick-off), Athens, • 2. PSC-02, Bucharest, • 3. PSC-03, Kopaonik ??? • Agree on Reporting Scheme • Agree on Payment Scheme • Integrate Third Parties • Consortium Agreement with the project partnership • MoU between Contractor and Third-Party pre-existing the SEEREN2 contract • Services Contract between Contractor and Third-Party • Describe Measure of Success Rules (by QAM Neki Frasheri) • Banking Information including IBAN (to transfer the advance payments) • Update the effort distribution with current picture (after discussing all WPs) • All contractors study the financial guidelines and reporting guidelines (find an auditor, agree on the cost for the audit, specially the newcomers) • Hint: Agree on ONE auditor per Contractor AND its Third-Parties -> can save costs • Collect signatures and distribute Contract • Collect signatures and distribute CA.

  13. Progress towards the contract signing • WP1 activities • WP1 milestones • WP1 deliverables • WP1 actions • Report on financial issues • Review on Action Points raised on M1 • .. WP1 short-term milestones

  14. Financial issues • Advance payment: 1.276.700,00€ corresponds to the first reporting period (12 Months) + half of the second (6 Months) • GRNET distributed money for the 1Q + 2Q according to estimated performance during 1Q • The coordinator may pay directly the third-parties : • If the third parties' contractor is not “AC” • GRNET -> INIMA -> Third parties • GRNET -> B&H third parties (BIHARNET = “FCF”) • Specifically for UnTz & UoS GRNET -> BIHARNET • Condition: 70% of the amount should be used for the first 12 months (893.690€) DANTE: 9.945,00€ TERENA: 9.074,40 € NIIFI: 7.808,40€ RoEduNet: 7.713,60€ ISTF: 9.830,40€ AMREJ: 19.453,40€ MREN: 8.175,60€ MARNET: 11.083,20€ INIMA: 7.697,60 €* BIHARNET: 2.159,80€ UnTz: 2.159,80€ UoBL: 2.866,80€ UoS: 2.064,80 €

  15. Progress towards the contract signing • WP1 activities • WP1 milestones • WP1 deliverables • WP1 actions • Report on financial issues • Review on Action Points raised on M1 • .. WP1 short-term milestones

  16. At a glance … • During the kick-off meeting: • 48 Action Points raised • 28 Closed in time • 20 Still open • An excel spreadsheet is created and maintained in a regular basis (“live” document); • The file is available in the SEEREN2 portal; • Updated once every week;

  17. Major WP1 action points

  18. Major WP2 action points

  19. Major WP3 action points

  20. Major WP4 action points

  21. Major WP5 action points

  22. Major WP6 action points

  23. Progress towards the contract signing • WP1 activities • WP1 milestones • WP1 deliverables • WP1 actions • Report on financial issues • Review on Action Points raised on M1 • .. WP1 short-term milestones

  24. WP1 short-term milestones • 1stQ Financial report • SEEREN2 template is ready • Similar to SEE-GRID. Enhanced with some script automations • Submit the signed contract back to the EC • Agree on the consortium agreement and sign • Prepare next plenary/technical meeting (Kopaonik, March 3-5) • Prepare Deliverable D08 “SEEREN2 acceptable use policy” • Editor: Vukovic/Topcic (BIHARNET), Planned delivery: 1/1/2006 (delayed) • Prepare 1st 3M report • Supervise and assess the progress of work performed in WP2-6 by the QAM (Neki Frasheri)

  25. WP1 & M1 Action Points Review Yannis Mitsos Greek Research & Technology Network ymitsos at grnet.gr http://www.grnet.gr The SEEREN2 initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP6 Research Infrastructures contract no. 026748

  26. WP1 Activities breakdown 1/8 • A1.1: Organization of kick-off meeting, regular management and technical meetings, review preparation meetings, project reviews/audits, conference calls, training events, etc. The coordination meetings will be organised so as to foster constructive working by project participants, review work-packages and agree deliverables.

  27. WP1 Activities breakdown 2/8 • A1.2: Preparation and maintenance of the project handbook/notebook, demarcation and update of the project definition that includes the "project concept", the "description of work", the "project objectives" and the "project results", proposals for contract amendments.

  28. WP1 Activities breakdown 3/8 • A1.3: Preparation of any subcontracts for the deployment and operation of SEEREN2, preparation and signing of NDAs and agreements, preparation of any necessary contract amendments whenever relevant.

  29. WP1 Activities breakdown 4/8 • A1.4: An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) document will be drafted and agreed upon for use of any infrastructure that will be provided through this project. The SEEREN2 AUP will be based on similar AUPs used in Europe including the SEEREN AUP.

  30. WP1 Activities breakdown 5/8 • A1.5: Preparation of quarterly interim activity reports with status of project major achievements, workpackage progress (including any deviations and corrective actions taken), use and dissemination of project results, monitoring of milestones, ongoing tasks and resource consumption.

  31. WP1 Activities breakdown 6/8 • A1.6: Preparation of periodic and final reports (activity report, management report, report on the distribution of the Community’s contribution, science and society reporting questionnaire, report on workforce statistics, plan for using and disseminating the knowledge) with status of project major achievements, workpackage progress (including any deviations and corrective actions taken), use and dissemination of project results, monitoring of milestones, ongoing tasks and resource consumption, payments executed to contractors, etc.

  32. WP1 Activities breakdown 7/8 • A1.7: Preparation of interim costs statements and transfer advance and interim payments.

  33. WP1 Activities breakdown 8/8 • A1.8: Assessment and evaluation of the work of the project, implement and perform the appropriate quality control on project deliverables. The project results will be continually measured against the objectives it has set and the work it has committed to perform.

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