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When you think of a hypnotist, what you do imagine? <br>A tranced out, archaic shaman chanting behind a veil of smoke? A mysterious man with a long cloak and a strange array of vintage pocket watches? A proper, middle-aged woman sitting across from you in a therapist office? <br>… How about yourself? <br>These are all valid images of a hypnotist. However, by tapping into the power of self hypnosis, you can become the most ideal and self-healing hypnotist of them all.
Leveraging Self Hypnosis To Surface The Best YouPossible When you think of a hypnotist, what you doimagine? A tranced out, archaic shaman chanting behind a veil of smoke? A mysterious man with a long cloak and a strange array of vintage pocket watches? A proper, middle-aged woman sitting across from you in a therapistoffice? … How aboutyourself? These are all valid images of a hypnotist. However, by tapping into the power of self hypnosis, you can become the most ideal and self-healing hypnotist of themall. After all, no one knows you like youdo.
With self hypnosis, you can become the master gardener — planting seeds of personal transformation into your subconscious mind and watching (in awe) as you blossom into the most vibrant version of yourselfpossible. Oh, and you can do this all on your own terms: whenever, wherever, and however you desire. No therapy appointments, no service bills, no external influence — just you and your ever- expanding creativefreedom. But first, let’s get a tad technical about what exactly hypnosis is and how it works. Finally, we’ll discuss how you can tap into the hypnotic magicyourself. How Does Modern Science DefineHypnosis? Hypnosis is by no means a recentinvention. In fact, hypnosis has been around for at least 4,000years.
Hypnosis was commonly used by shamans and sages of antiquity to cure ailments of all kind. They believed that the hypnotic state allowed them to come in contact with gods and goddesses to receive healingwisdom. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks even built “sleep temples” where they would induce hypnotic states in patients to cure illness. In fact, we have even derived the word “hypnosis” from the Greek god, Hypnos (God ofSleep). For a more colorful journey through the world’s of hypnosis, read How To Define Hypnosis? Traversing The Worlds OfHypnotherapy. While the ancients viewed hypnosis as a way of communing with the divine, modern science views hypnosis as a way of communing with our subconscious mind. Yet, the results of both hypnotic communions are exactly the same — deeply transformative andhealing. Quite the brilliant display of our inner divinity, eh? So, how do modern day scientists definehypnosis? While psychologists can measure the effectiveness of hypnosis by noting changes in the mind and behavior, neuroscientists can only measure physically observable changes in the brain. Luckily, brain imaging technology makes these physical observations possible. Our brains are made up of a complex and interconnected network of neurons that transmit information via electrical pulses. This rhythmic pulsing creates a brainwave frequencythat can be measured using an EEG (electroencephalogram)monitor.
The highest brainwave frequencies (gamma and beta) exist in highly active and alert conscious states, while the lowest brainwave frequencies (delta) are found in the unconscious states of deepsleep. However, it is within the frequencies between waking and sleeping (alpha and theta) that hypnotic magic happens. Within these midrange brainwave states, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind seemingly vibrate asone. Alpha and theta brainwaves are responsible for many non-waking states of consciousness; most notably, hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a trance-like state of heightened concentration. And EEG readings have shown that we can actually fall into a state of hypnosis several times throughout each day — not just right before sleeping andwaking. You know that feeling of being so into a book or movie that the rest of the world seems to disappear and you lose track of time? This is a state of hypnosis. Surely, you are familiar with this flow-type state in one way or another. Hypnotherapy, then, is the controlled induction of this hypnotic state for therapeutic purposes. As hypnosis is a state of extreme suggestibility, the subconscious mind can be altered using intentional“suggestions.” For a more detailed scientific explanation of how hypnosis works, check out How Does Hypnosis Work? A ScientificUnderstanding. Self Hypnosis: Surfacing The BestYouPossible Marisa Peer at A-Fest CostaRica One of the biggest heroes in hypnotherapy today is a phenomenal woman by the name of MarisaPeer.
She is a hypnotherapy hero for two hugereasons: She walks the walk. Using the power of her mind, Marisa has healed herself both of infertility and ofcancer. She talks the talk. She has taught people all around the world (from A-list celebrities and professional athletes, to parents, students, and children alike) how they can use the power of their minds to transform their realities, as well. Marisa Peer has, time and time again, made the seemingly impossible, inspiringlypossible. Her victories have made her one of the most sought after hypnotherapists on the globe, and have had her recognized as the #1 Therapist by Tatler magazine. She is also the author of Mindvalley’s life-changing Uncompromised Lifeprogram. One of Marisa’s biggest lessons to the world is that of the power of the mind — that our minds create our reality, and that we have the power to shape our realities based on what we choose to feed ourminds. Here’s the thing, though — throughout our lives, our minds have been fed lies. And they have believed thoselies. Those lies have developed into the fears and limiting beliefs we experience every day. These cause our minds to say and believe things like “I am not beautiful enough,” “I am not smart enough,” I am not healthy enough,” and “I am not confidentenough.” Ultimately, these fears and limiting beliefs all boil down to one, all-encompassing lie, “I am notenough.” However, Marisa reminds us that we weren’t born with these fears and limiting beliefs. Newborn babies don’t go around thinking, “Oh, I suck at talking,” or “Oh man, I’m so bad at walking.” This is liberating. Just as our minds have subconsciously been fed self-limiting beliefs over time, we can consciously ditch those beliefs and feed our minds new, self-servingones. You have so much power to keep yourself well, to heal your body. You have so much power that to live a full, happy life. You have so much power to attract love, to haveloving
relationships, to be successful. Don’t give your power away. How you’re going to feel in life is really all up toyou. — MarisaPeer This is where hypnotherapy comesin. Via hypnotherapy, you can access your subconscious mind and begin re-wiring these old beliefs and thoughtpatterns. You can re-wire “I’m not enough” to “I am enough; I’m so enough of enough of enough that I can accomplish anything I set my mindto.” Hypnosis is like tilling to your “MindGarden.” In hypnosis, you can visit your subconscious Mind Garden and pull the weeds (remove negative beliefs), plant new seeds (create new, positive beliefs), and even water the seeds that are serving you (re-affirm positivebeliefs). And with self hypnosis, you can tend to your Mind Garden whenever —and however— you’d like; no appointmentnecessary. Then, anytime false and limiting beliefs begin poking their head, you can return your Mind Garden and turn that sh*t intocompost. Here’s how. How To Hypnotize Yourself (Like A Mentalist)
While there are many techniques to self-induce hypnosis, we are particularly fond of the 6- stepPIRATEtechnique— • Privacy, Intention, Relaxation, Actualization, Transformation,Exit. • For a juicier, more in-depth guide on how to hypnotize yourself (like a pirate), read our wholesome tutorial, How To Hypnotize YourselfIn 6 SimpleSteps. • Arrrrre youready? • Ahoy, matey! Let’s divein. • Privacy • First and foremost, make yourself as mentally and physically comfortable aspossible. • Find a place that is quiet, peaceful, and comfortable • Prepare a comfortable seat or lay on a bed (if you can resist fallingasleep) • Clear your schedule of obligations and silence yourphone
Write down anything that is pressing on your mind (let the paper take care ofit) • Intention • Why are you going intohypnosis? • What weeds are you pulling? What are you planting? What are you watering? Whatever it is, define your intention clearly. • If you aren’t quite sure what to work on, you can take this 45-second quizby Marisa Peer to help diagnose what area of your life could use some tender lovingcare. • It’s important to keep your intention direct (“I am…”), powerful, and radiating with positiveemotion. • Since your mind thinks in images and feelings, not in words, it’s important that your intention is positively emotionallyinspiring. • Here are some examples of positiveaffirmations: • “I am unconditionallyconfident.” • “I am the creator of my reality and I choose lovealways.” • “I am enough; I’m so enough of enough of enough that I can accomplish anything I set my mindto.” • Relaxation • Intention set? Now, you are ready to begin self hypnosis. Draw your focus to yourbreath. • Allow your breath to consume your awareness. Relax into it’s rhythmic pattern, feel the movement of your abdomen filling and emptying, and notice any tingling sensations you may befeeling.
With every breath, allow your body to become morerelaxed. As you breathe mindfully, roll your eyes upward as if you are looking at your third eye. Then, relax your eyelids ever so slightly. If you feel your eyelids fluttering, you are doing it right. This upward eye position induces the hypnoticstate. Actualization Feeling super relaxed? Good. Now, it’s time to go evendeeper… Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking down a staircase, counting down each step from 1 to10. With every step, double yourrelaxation. By the time you reach step #10, you should be in an extremely calm, relaxed state ofmind. Transformation If you’re full body is relaxed and calm, your awareness is entirely internal, and your imagination feels center-stage, congratulations! You’ve entered a state ofhypnosis. Now, for the transformativepart. Visualization is the crux of transformation inself-hypnosis. Your brain likes and responds to images that make a picture. — MarisaPeer Start by simply visualizing yourself in a bright light. Then, recalling your intention, imagine yourself having already manifestedit. “I am unconditionallyconfident.”
Visualize being unconditionally confident. Immerseyourself. • Whatdoesunconditionalconfidencefeellike?Whatdoesunconditional confidence look like? How does being unconditionally confident radiate ontoothers? • Imagineyourselfwiththebeautiful,vibrant,radiatingcharacteristicsofbeing unconditionally confident. Let this feeling expand, be in this feeling for as long as youdesire. • The more you reinforce a self-image, the faster it will manifest in yourreality. • This is you, in your Mind Garden, planting, watering, and nurturing the seeds that will flourish into your best possibleself. • Exit • Once you feel wholesome in your gardening, it’s time to exit self-hypnosis. You can exit in severalways. • Set an alarm. If you choose to set an alarm to pull you out of hypnosis, it’s important to set your alarm tone to something soothing so that you aren’tstartled. • Choosing when to exit. If you like the idea of choosing when to end your hypnosis, you can easily do that, too. You can do this by using a pre-set wake up phrase such as “I am now entering waking consciousness” or by slowly counting backward from 10 (walking back up thestairs). • Falling into sleep. This can be a good way to directly enter the dream-state and further explore the depths of your subconscious mind. However, falling asleep can interfere with how well you consciously remember the details of yourhypnosis. • Take It A Step Further With AutohypnosisTechniques
Are you wanting to take self-hypnosis a stepfurther? Beautiful. After you have mastered self-hypnosis, you can build upon and deepen your experience by incorporating some autohypnosis techniques, such as anchoringand auto-suggestion. For an overview of the 3 most popular self hypnosis techniques, check out 3 Autohypnosis Techniques To Become Your BestSelf. These are techniques you can use while in the hypnotic state (generally within the “transformation” step) to enrich your experience and make your personal transformation that much moreeffective. While in self hypnosis, these additional techniques work as fertilizer for your Mind Garden. And who doesn’t want the best, most beautiful gardenpossible?